Posts Tagged ‘Louie Puroll’

Why Does Left Demand Arizona Suffer Out-Of-Control Chaos?

June 13, 2010

Why is the left so totally depraved?

Continued drug violence has Pinal sheriff renewing call for help

Sergio Avila
CASA GRANDE, Ariz. (KGUN9-TV) – Two men are found in a remote part of pinal county shot to death. The Pinal County Sheriff believes the men were shot by fellow smugglers. Paul Babeu tells KGUN9 News this is just another example of drug violence spilling deep into Arizona.

It was just five weeks ago that deputy Louie Puroll was shot in a drug corridor in west Pinal County. On Sunday, more violence in the same area. Around 7:30 p.m. that night man calls 911 speaking Spanish. He says, “somebody shot me. While we were running.”

Sheriff Paul Babeu believes the caller was smuggling drugs with the second victim.

“A competing cartel or other people stole their product from them and also killed them,” Babeu said.

An autopsy on the bodies found marks on one of the men’s shoulders consistent with carrying a large pack. Babeu tells us it could have been from carrying a drug load. Investigators are also looking into whether or not these men were involved in the shooting of deputy Purrol. That’s because they asked dispatchers to send someone to the spot where purrol was shot.

“So they’re familiar with the area. It’s just not people watching it on TV. The desert looks similar in all kinds of remote areas in Arizona. He actually knew where the deputy was shot,” Babeu said.

The sheriff admits the cartels are operating in his county and without the federal government’s help they can’t get control. KGUN 9 News asked Babeu flat out if cartels control parts of Arizona.

“Absolutely, they have in terms of the remote areas in the drug corridors in the desert here in west Pinal County. Our government has even erected signs warning citizens to beware this is a known drug corridor,” Babeu said.

When the 911 call came in deputies immediately started a search but found the two bodies shot to death after four hours of looking. In lieu of this violence Babeu is asking president Barack Obama to send 3000 National Guard troops to the border to help stop it.

“We can’t patrol not only these remote areas, we have a hard enough time just responding to our emergencies,”

Deputies found an automatic rifle near one of the men who was killed. The pair has yet to be identified but Babeu believes one of the men has been caught illegally in the United States at least seven times.

There is all kinds of evidence that thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants are – yes – ILLEGALLY streaming into our country every single day.  Often they are carrying bags of drugs to feed to our children and perpetuate even more society upheaval and decay.  The site has so many videos of illegals marching into our country it will make your soul scream for relief.

Why does the left want this?  Why do they actually even DEMAND it?

The left’s reaction to the entirely reasonable Arizona immigration law demonstrates that they do not want ANY control over our border at all.  Even the most reasonable policies and plans imaginable to control our border are fought bitterly by the left.  And it is utterly despicable.

The simple fact of the matter is that the federal law is FAR “harsher” or “more racist” than the Arizona law (see also here for a more detailed analysis).  The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously (that means even Ruth Bader Ginsburg voted for it!) in the 2005 Mueller v. Mena case that the federal authorities have the right to demand citizenship status at any time for any reason without the need to demonstrate reasonable suspicion [Muehler v. Mena, 544 U.S. 93 (2005) (“the officers did not need reasonable suspicion to ask Mena for her . . . immigration status.”)].  The Arizona law is actually FAR more restrictive than the current federal law that the Obama White House WILL NOT ENFORCE.  And the Arizona law is completely constitutional for that reason.  The left has demonized, demagogued, and most certainly flat-out lied about the Arizona law.

The left is going insane over the Arizona law because the federal authorities have never bothered to enforce the laws that are already on the books.  And the left is afraid that the state of Arizona might actually enforce the law it just passed, even though it is dramatically watered down in comparison to the federal law.

Because they don’t want ANY restrictions against criminal illegal aliens bringing gangs, drugs, and crime into our country whatsoever (see also here and here and here and here and here for documentation of what is clearly a massive crisis).  Yet when the left is in power, one can be assured that they will do everything they can to prevent any improvement in our ability deal with this crisis.

And yes, they will flat out lie and falsely demonize their opponents at will.

The left attacks conservatives on some bizarre moral grounds that somehow doing anything whatsoever to restrict the massive flow of illegal immigrants is somehow inhumane.  My question for them is why they think drug addiction, gang violence is humane, and a tsunami of illegal and uneducated immigrants swamping our already overwhelmed social support services is humane.

You want my answer to this question?  Why do the left demand NOTHING WHATSOEVER be done to stop the flow of illegal immigration which is increasingly destabilizing our country?  It’s another component of their Cloward and Piven strategy (see also here): progressives hate God, hate America, and want to implode it from within so that they can install a Marxist-based system in place of the one our founding fathers established for us.