Posts Tagged ‘no man will be able to buy or sell’

A Recent Update On The Soon-To-Be-In-Your-Neighborhood Mark Of The Beast (Revelation 13:16-17 Is Coming)

August 22, 2014

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. — Revelation 13:16-17

News flash:

Venezuela proposes fingerprinting grocery shoppers

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelans could soon have to scan their fingerprints to buy bread.

President Nicolas Maduro says a mandatory fingerprinting system is being implemented at grocery stores to combat food shortages by keeping people from buying too much of a single item. He calls it an “anti-fraud system” like the fingerprint scan the country uses for voting.

In announcing the plan late Wednesday, Maduro did not say when the system would take effect, but other administration officials suggested it could be in place by December or January.

The move was met with skepticism. Critics said the new system is tantamount to rationing and constitutes a breach of privacy. Others simply wondered if anything short of a systemic overhaul of the economy could help the socialist South American country’s chronically bare shelves.

Venezuela has been grappling with shortages of basic goods like cooking oil and flour for more than a year. In the spring, the administration tried out a similar system in government-run supermarkets on a voluntary basis.

Rigid currency controls and a shortage of U.S. dollars have made it increasingly difficult for Venezuelans to find imported products. Price controls don’t help either, with producers complaining that some goods are priced too low to make a profit and justify production.

The administration blames the shortages both on companies speculating with an eye toward future profits and on black market vendors who buy groceries at subsidized prices and illegally resell them for several times the amount.

In his announcement, Maduro floated the possibility of easing some of the country’s price controls, though he did not provide specifics. Defenders of the controls say that by keeping prices for basic goods artificially low, Venezuela helps the nation’s poor lead more dignified lives.

Last week, Venezuela began closing its border with Colombia at night in an effort to cut down on smuggling, which Maduro has said diverts nearly half of Venezuela’s food.

As of January, more than a quarter of basic staples were out of stock in Venezuelan stores, according to the central bank’s scarcity index.


Hannah Dreier on Twitter:

As always, it starts with the leftists.  Those who worship human Government and the State in place of God are the source of evil that pushes mankind closer and closer and closer toward the ultimate big government and the ultimate political messiah that they keep preferring over God and His Kingdom.

And so we have here “the fruits of liberalism,” the chronic food shortages provided by socialism.

Socialism is a completely failed worldview – just like all the OTHER leftist “-isms” such as postmodernism, existentialism, communism, fascism, feminism, Marxism, etc. ad nauseam.  It makes people turn to the Government – to arrogant bureaucrats who stand in the place of God as your Savior – for provision rather than working themselves like decent people.  It discourages hard work because it kills any way for one to be allowed to profit from working harder.

And thus food shortages.  Which then – with socialism having failed – requires more socialism to solve the problem.  So we move from socialism creating food shortages to socialism being further  used to ration the remaining food.

Evil man will NEVER turn to God.  If Government doesn’t work, obviously the only solution is still MORE Government.  Always.  Never God.  Never His ways.  Never.

And being evil, thus the stratagem to bring us closer and closer and closer to the Mark of the Beast.  Because the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast is ultimately what the left yearns for in this world.

The Mark of the Beast is a global economic and political system that will have profoundly spiritual implications.  In choosing it, people will be officially and permanently rejecting God and confirming that they are Government’s citizens rather than God’s people.  And they will be damned to hell forever and ever the moment they take it on their right hand or on their forehead.

What is fascinating is that the RFD chips that already are ready for implementation RIGHT NOW are going to go in the forehead (just look over the scanner) or the hand (just pass your hand through the scanner).

Coin and paper money is already largely gone with the overwhelming majority of transactions being digital.

With such money gone, and digital money all that remains to buy and sell, it ought to be obvious to anyone who isn’t a fool that all that remains is for a political system to seize control of it to exploit it to their ends.

With the mark, everything you do will be automatically tracked and monitored by the Government.  Without the mark, no one will be able to buy or sell ANYTHING.  You will be shut out of the economy.  You won’t even be able to barter.  Because if those who have taken the mark buy more food to trade you for some good you have, the Government will automatically know that someone has purchased more food than their “quota” and investigators will come to demand an official account.

We can see it happening and we can know that it’s coming.

God’s people have known about this for 2,000 years.  But the secular humanists, the liberals, the socialists, the Islamic fascists – all who worship a Government State in place of the God of the Bible and His Word – will never see it.  And so they will fall right into the most wicked scheme in the world even though that wicked scheme has been described for millennia.

It’s really quite amazing when you think about the blindness, the stupidity and the evil of wicked man.