Posts Tagged ‘Obama donor’

Decent People MUST Demand A Special Prosecutor Over IRS Scandal: ‘Not Even A Smidgeon of Corruption’ Obama Says Of Supposedly Active Investigation

February 5, 2014

What do we as a people do when the president refuses to put an independent prosecutor in charge of an investigation into the worst kind of democracy-poisoning corruption in his own administration???

It is a fact that 292 conservative groups were targeted by the IRS (whose union gives 97% of political contributions to Democrats versus 2% to Republicans, for what it’s worth) versus only SIX liberal groups.  And only ONE of those six liberal groups was denied the approval that ALL the conservative groups were denied.

It is a fact that the criterion for the targeting was “anti-Obama rhetoric.”  That is simply chilling to anyone who ISN’T hoping Big Brother and then the beast of Revelation will show up to take over the world.

What do we do when we find out that this investigation has without any question been slow-walked, with the director of the FBI forced to acknowledge that he had no idea who was running the incredibly important IRS investigation, or how many agents were working on it as far back as June of last year.  We found at that time that few if any of the conservatives who had been politically targeted by the IRS had been interviewed to obtain their stories and their testimony.  We learned that as of late last year, the FBI had STILL had bothered to contact any of the conservative victims of the IRS.  How on earth can you claim that you are investigating a crime if you don’t even bother to get the stories of the victims of the crime???

What do we do as a nation when the president’s handpicked law dog appoints a maxed-out Obama donor to head this investigation???

Two Republican lawmakers and a conservative legal group are questioning the Justice Department’s selection of a Democratic donor to lead the agency’s probe into the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of certain advocacy groups during the 2010 and 2012 election cycles.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) issued a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.  on Wednesday demanding the department remove DOJ trial attorney Barbara Bosserman from the case, saying her involvement is “highly inappropriate and has compromised the administration’s investigation of the IRS.”

Bosserman donated a combined $6,750 to President Obama’s election campaigns and the Democratic National Committee between 2004 and 2012, according to federal campaign finance records.

The American Center for Law and Justice, which represents 41 groups suing the IRS over its controversial screening methods, also criticized the appointment of Bosserman to lead the probe.

“Appointing an avowed political supporter of President Obama to head up the Justice Department probe is not only disturbing but puts politics right in the middle of what is supposed to be an independent investigation to determine who is responsible for the Obama administration’s unlawful targeting of conservative and tea party groups,” ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow said in a statement Thursday.

The Obama DoJ excuse is that they “cannot take political leanings into account when assigning cases and that making legal political contributions does not prevent its attorneys from fulfilling their duties without bias.”  Okay, fine: so appoint an investigator who maxed-out giving political donations to Mitt Romney.  Allow a doctrinaire conservative to conduct the investigation, since it [supposedly] doesn’t matter to the Obama DoJ.  It’s kind of like the wrong price in the store: every single time it happens it seems to favor the store and work against the customer and yet it’s always an accident.

What do we do when the president says that there is “Not even a smidgeon of corruption” in an investigation that is supposed to be open and ongoing???  How can anyone now claim that this investigation has been anything other than politically tainted???  And at the very highest possible level???  And why don’t the American people deserve a special prosecutor to ensure that the tax collection service of this nation is not being used as a political attack dog to benefit a pathologically dishonest and corrupt administration???

It comes down to this: how in the hell does Obama know that the investigation won’t turn up so much as “a smidgeon of corruption”???  Because his maxed-out donor stooge is fixing the investigation for him, that’s why.

This is the most corrupt administration and the most corrupt president in history.  Obama compared himself to Nixon during O’Reilly’s interview.  Good.  Because he makes Nixon look like a choir boy when it comes to political corruption.

Consider how Obama had his gubmint thugs go after one woman who had never had a problem with the government until she made the mistake of refusing to believe that her new president was a total fascist who would reward his friends and punish his enemies:

IRS officials have recently admitted improperly giving special scrutiny to conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status because the agency was “swamped with applications” and looking for “shortcuts”. But in a federal lawsuit filed last week, Engelbrecht claims the IRS’ actions toward her interests actually created a great deal more effort and paperwork for all concerned.

The trouble began shortly after Engelbrecht founded True the Vote, which trains election volunteers and aims to root out voter fraud; and King Street Patriots, a group with ideals similar to the Tea Party. Both sought tax-exempt status from the IRS in July 2010. And both organizations drew the ire of Democrats. Democrats accused True the Vote of intimidating voters in its poll watching efforts, which the group denies. And the Texas Democratic Party successfully sued King Street Patriots, arguing that it’s an unregistered political action committee.

But Engelbrecht’s attorney, Cleta Mitchell, says it’s not just the Democratic Party that went after the conservative causes, but also the federal government. Within months of the groups filing for tax-exempt status, Engelbrecht claims she started getting hit by an onslaught of harassment: six FBI domestic terrorism inquiries, an IRS visit, two IRS business audits, two IRS personal audits, and inspections of her equipment manufacturing company by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Texas environmental quality officials.

“Not a smidgeon of corruption.”  That’s like Obama when he said, “Your taxes won’t go up one dime.”  Because they went up by THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS instead.

It is a fact that 76% of the American people want a special prosecutor to investigate Obama’s IRS scandal.

Obama’s “faux” Fox scandal is an outright lie from a truly evil man.

We now find that the Benghazi scandal that Obama also refuses to acknowledge is anything other than the invention of Fox News is a red hot example of political corruption.  We learn that the CIA station chief – whose assessment is all important – very clearly and very immediately stated that the attack was NOT an “escalation of protest” as Obama had all of his officials claim it was.  Contrary to the Obama cover-up, THERE WAS NO PROTEST.  We now know that within MINUTES of the Benghazi attack, Defense Department officials briefed Obama that the event was a terrorist attack and NOT a demonstration over a video as Obama claimed for weeks afterward.  How on earth is that not a scandal???  We suffered a terrorist attack at the very time that Obama was falsely stating that he had won the war on terror.  We now know that the Deputy Director of the CIA lied – and even lied to the FBI – about having changed the official White House talking points.  And we now know that this very same former Deputy Director just joined a group founded by “Clinton’s principal gatekeeper.”

Obama says there was no scandal in the cover-up of Benghazi.  Just answer the question: who altered the talking points that claimed a Youtube video protest instead of a terrorist attack was responsible for the Benghazi event that resulted in the murder of the first US ambassador to be killed in the line of duty since 1979???  And why is it that what we now know to be a lie so transparently benefitted Obama’s political interest during a campaign when he was trumpeting his victory over terrorism???

We have a very clear pattern of systematic corruption at the highest levels of the Obama administration.  That is simply a categorical fact.

During Watergate, there came a point when Republicans had a choice to make: do the right thing for the nation or circle the wagons politically.  In doing what was right for the nation, they did something that we can now definitely say that the Democrat Party is pathologically incapable of doing.  To be a Democrat at this point means to be a person devoid of any scintilla of virtue, or integrity, or honesty, or honor, or decency of any kind.  And all we need to do is look at the ObamaCare disgrace along with the IRS scandal to learn that there is no possible way that Democrats will do the right thing for the country.

It is long past time to demand that Barack Obama appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal.  If there was in fact “not even a smidgen of corruption,” then why the hell did multiple senior level IRS managers plead the fifth amendment???   What do you say when you plead the Fifth Amendment?  You say, ” “Your honor, I respectfully invoke my rights under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution on the grounds that answering questions may incriminate me.”  These people committed CRIMES and they KNOW they committed crimes.

What is perhaps even more frightening is that Obama is trying to rewrite the law so that the criminal targeting of conservative groups becomes the way it is done moving forward.

If Obama allows an honest investigation into the scandals plaguing his administration, it will lead to his being impeached for committing high crimes and misdemeanors.  And dirty Democrats know it.