Posts Tagged ‘airport’

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, The Grand FOOLS Who Defy Reality, Will NEVER Call Out Our True Enemy By Name

June 29, 2016

It is by now beyond pathological.

You read my blog.  Eight years of stuff.  And a lot of that stuff is on terrorism, calling out Barack Obama and the Democrat Party’s beyond insane, beyond immoral and beyond foolish policies and describing again and again and again the encroaching aftermath of the stupid policies and what they produced.

Obama and Hillary mocked the Republicans for insisting that we use “magic words” like “Islamic terrorism” to describe the thousands of attacks that are taking place all over the world under Obama’s regime.  Obama and Hillary are lecturing us that words don’t matter.  Unless it was words like “war on terror” that THEY changed to “overseas contingency operations” or “terrorism” which THEY changed to “man-caused disasters” or “Allah” which THEY just changed to “God” and of course the words like “jihad” and “sharia” that are part of any legitimate vocabulary except the vocabulary of the Obama regime to comprehend what the hell is going on.  Oh, and let’s not forget Obama’s very favorite magic word to dismissively wave away terrorist attack after terrorist attack on U.S. soil: “workplace violence.”

Obama and Hillary Clinton LOVE magic words.  They just hate REALITY.

I don’t have time now, but I’ll come back later and in place of this paragraph add in some of the things I was saying over the last eight years.

[Update, 7/1/2016: Let me first say WE JUST HAD ANOTHER TERRORIST ATTACK, this time in Bangladesh.  It will be bloody and bad, but no indications of how horrible yet.  But once again, Muslim terrorists screaming “Allahu Akbar!” committed the attack in a restaurant.  Surprise, surprise, ye “this has nothing to do with Islam” demon-possessed-whackjobs.

Second, if you look at my archives, you will first see I’ve got 361 articles that I’ve linked to “terrorism” as a category.  It’s hard to do a thorough search, but look what I was writing about in June of 2009:

Islamist Anti-U.S. Terrorism Rejuvenated Under Obama Weakness

Look what I was saying throughout Obama’s first year in office:

Obama’s Political Correctness The Gateway Drug To Terrorism

The Heinous Failure Of The Obama Administration Against Terrorism

I have been decrying Obama as a voice crying out in the wilderness.  While Obama was presenting himself in Egypt as doing to terrorism what he claimed he would do when he so pompously said:

this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.

And who was right?  WHO THE HELL WAS RIGHT???  [End update.]

Because here we are now: under Obama from 2010 to last year, terrorism has skyrocketed by 800 percent.  And by the time this foul, wicked FOOL leaves office, terrorism will have increased by more than one-thousand, seven-hundred percent.  All you have to do is look at the chart –

Deaths Due To Terrorism

– and do the math.  Because it is at LEAST doubling every single year.  It is becoming EXPONENTIAL.  And so what is thirty thousand deaths a year now will without any question be over sixty thousand next year.  Which would be at least a one-thousand, seven-hundred percent increase.

How in the HELL can an Obama or a Hillary Clinton stand there and tell us with straight faces that they haven’t so wildly and insanely and wickedly failed that it is beyond UNREAL???!!!???  And yet that is exactly what they do.

And because of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party and their wicked hatred of God and of simple reality, we now have more than sixty-five MILLION refugees with nowhere to go because Barack Obama would not allow them to be safe ANYWHERE in their own part of the world.  Do you understand how VILE that is???

What we needed to do was go where these roaches are and fight them.  What we needed to do was create safe regions where refugees could come in their own regions and protect them.  Obama failed to do either.  He failed.  And Hillary Clinton failed right along with him and even now spouts the same failed line Obama continues to spout.

At this point, it is difficult not to believe that Barack Obama had a plan: to 1) passively allow militant Islam to spread and 2) and exploit that crisis to actively spread Islam by creating a refugee crisis that would see hundreds of millions of Muslims come to every other part of the world.  And it is only a matter of time before those Muslim refugees become embittered and become radical and become terroristic.

And that is EXACTLY what has already happened in France, has happened in Belgium, and will surely happen HERE if we elect Hillary Clinton.

At this point in time, women are the driving force behind Hillary, supporting her by 17 points over Trump.  If it were up to men, Trump would win.  If women can be made to understand that a vote for Hillary is a vote for women and for their children to have their heads sawed off by an Allahu Akbar-screaming terrorist, they would “fundamentally transform” their vote.

Trump needs to do what the facts show he can do: make the case that terrorism skyrocketed by going on 2,000 percent under Obama, and it will skyrocket 4,000 percent, 6,000 percent, 10,000 percent under a President Hillary Clinton.  And that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for a terrorist to treat you women the same way you treated your fetuses and viciously murder them without even thinking for a second that they might be innocent human beings because American women’s ideology with the babies in their wombs is no different from Islamic terrorists’ ideology with the people they callously murder.

But we are not allowed to notice that.  And most of all, we are not allowed to see that of the hundreds of terrorist attacks that terrorize our planet, virtually every single one of them with the minutest exceptions are committed by MUSLIMS in the name of ISLAM.

Muslim terrorists are committing violence as a religious act and it takes a truly demonic fool not to understand that they are doing so because they believe they will go to Paradise if they blow themselves up or die killing infidels.  They are NOT secular humanists who think they will take a damn dirt nap and cease to exist.

And again, the depraved, foolish, immoral WICKEDNESS of Barack Obama and of Hillary Clinton are breathtaking.

It is just a weird coincidence that the holiest month of the Islamic religious calendar (Ramadan) is the epicenter of terrorist violence.  BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ISLAM because liberalism is being so open-minded your brains fell out and then you stomped on them because they looked like they might be spreading global warming gases.

Hillary and Obama told us with righteous indignation that the terrorism was because of Gitmo.  Well, dang, the last I checked, Paris and Brussels and the other day Istanbul and today Bangladesh don’t HAVE a Gitmo.  This has been a completely false and frankly demonic narrative pimped by Obama and by Hillary Clinton for the last eight years.

We’re told that terrorism is because of guns, not Islam.  Notice how we’re not talking about guns today because the MUSLIMS used BOMBS.  And when they DO use guns, of course, they get their hands on the guns in the states which have the very toughest gun laws in the damn country, and they attack Obama’s and Clinton’s “gun-free zones” every single damn time to maximize our stupid, pathetic, despicable helplessness.

How can you possibly fight and enemy when you cannot even say who your enemy is?

And we see in their speeches that Obama and Clinton are literally more angry and vengeful at the people who clearly SEE what Islam is doing on a daily damn basis than they are at the vicious Muslim terrorists who are murdering thousands of people in hundreds of attacks.

Are there brave, courageous Muslims who are trying to fight this spirit of Islamist terror?  You BET there are.  Take the President of Egypt, who said:

JERUSALEM—In a speech on New Year’s day, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” in Islam that would displace violent jihad from the center of Muslim discourse.

“Is it possible that 1.6 billion people (Muslims worldwide) should want to kill the rest of the world’s population—that is, 7 billion people—so that they themselves may live?” he asked. “Impossible.”

Speaking to an audience of religious scholars celebrating the birth of Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, he called on the religious establishment to lead the fight for moderation in the Muslim world. “You imams (prayer leaders) are responsible before Allah. The entire world—I say it again, the entire world—is waiting for your next move because this umma (a word that can refer either to the Egyptian nation or the entire Muslim world) is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”

He was speaking in Al-Azhar University in Cairo, widely regarded as the leading world center for Islamic learning.

“The corpus of texts and ideas that we have made sacred over the years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. You cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset. You must step outside yourselves and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.” […]

Although the Muslim Brotherhood and its Hamas supporters have been Sisi’s principal targets since assuming power, his talk made it clear that his concern over radical Islam extends to the entire Muslim world, particularly adherents of the Islamic State, and the non-Muslim world beyond.

“We have to think hard about what we are facing,” he said. “It’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing, and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible.”

The Egyptian president was an incredibly brave man who was calling out HIS ENTIRE RELIGION.  He was saying, “This isn’t just something we should ignore the way Obama and Hillary tell us that none of this violence has anything whatsoever to do with our ‘great’ and ‘peaceful’ religion.  Obama and Hillary are liars; religious people claiming our religion are doing these hateful things.  And we have to rise up and stop them or we will end up ultimately joining them in jihad.”

That was an opportunity for the world to rally behind the TRUTH and begin go force Islam to do what will necessarily be a very painful self-examination.

It’s like the alcoholic or the drug addict; there is NO WAY in HELL that these people will EVER be able to overcome their problem until they admit that THEY have the damn problem.  That it’s not the rest of the world that needs to change, as Obama and Hillary keep arguing, but that THEY need to change.  Muslims must look at themselves, at their history, at their Prophet and at their Qur’an and their Ahadith.

But they will never DO that self-examination and we will have a rabidly and radically metastasizing cancer continue to exponentially spread because the very worst kind of fools in the entire history of the human species will not allow that examination to take place.

If you voted for Barack Obama or if you are even considering voting for Hillary Clinton, you are a hater of reality, a hater of truth.  Because it doesn’t matter how many Islamic terror attacks are waged across the globe with the terrorists screaming “Allahu Akbar!” as they slaughter people when the Obamas and the Clintons of the world call it “workplace violence” and say it has nothing to do with Islam even as they ban words like “jihad” and “sharia” from being allowed to be spoken in official government reports.

I picked up the Los Angeles Times print edition and saw the main page headline heralding, “No Case Against Clinton In GOP Report” because the report didn’t single her out.  But if the report HAD singled her out, the LA Times would have spun it as, “Partisan GOP Report Attacks Clinton.”  Because they WILL NOT be fair or objective or honest.  The “spin” always spins in ONLY one direction.  If you look at what that GOP report says, there is NO QUESTION that Hillary Clinton utterly failed to lead before, during and after the attack.  During the attack, there was a meeting at which Hillary Clinton was the most senior official present.  And fully half the meeting was engaged in a stupid video that it is now a known, documented FACT had nothing to whatsoever to do with the attack on the US compound in Benghazi.  And it is also a known, documented FACT that Hillary Clinton KNEW the stupid video had nothing to do with that terrorist attack and yet she directed participated in a lie to deceive the American people about the most sacred duty of our leaders, our national security.  We now know that under Hillary Clinton, the American rescue force that was never even allowed to so much as turn their wheels in the compass direction of Benghazi were ordered to change out of and back into their uniforms FOUR TIMES because all Hillary and Obama cared about were politics and appearance rather than the lives of our heroes:

State Department officials on an emergency conference call during the Benghazi attack brought up concerns about whether Marines that might have been deployed should wear uniforms — something officials previously said could hurt diplomacy in the region, according to House Benghazi investigators.

The final GOP-authored House Benghazi report released Tuesday included new details of a two-hour video teleconference call the night of the attack, a session led by White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough. Clinton and top Defense officials were also on the call, which was supposed to center on how to get Americans out of harm’s way.

But a substantial part of the discussion, GOP investigators said, centered on how and why the attack happened rather than narrowly examining potential rescue plans. Half of the action items people wrote down in the meeting didn’t have to do with evacuation; many of them were about an anti-Islam video, which the administration would incorrectly blame for the violence.

And that ought to make you understand why fully eight hours after the attack began, nothing had been done and “not a single wheel of a single U.S. (military) asset had turned toward Libya.”  Because all Hillary Clinton really cared about was how to deflect responsibility and couldn’t make up her mind what outfit the rapid deployment force troops who should have already been there six hours earlier should wear.

Hillary Clinton was THE senior official in the room during that meeting that went on as the attack took place.  And you can plainly see right now why after thirteen damn hours not one thing was done to help our Americans who were desperately fighting for their lives.  Because all Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House cared about was political appearances and coming up with some kind of cover story to deceive the American people out of realizing that terrorists had just waged a successful attack against the United States flag on United States sovereign soil against American personnel.  And it was in Obama’s and Hillary’s cynical, despicable political interests to manufacture a completely unrelated video as the cause of a “spontaneous uprising” rather than a premeditated terrorist attack that we had been warned about but due to incompetence and disinterest had done NOTHING to prevent or react to.

We know that Hillary Clinton lied; and then LIED about lying.  We know she lied to the mothers and the fathers of dead heroes literally over their bodies in flag-draped coffinsIt wasn’t one family’s relatives; it wasn’t two; THREE families’ testify that Hillary Clinton directly lied to them while at the same time she was telling the truth that it WAS a terrorist attack and NOT the video or any spontaneous uprising to her own daughter and to foreign governments.

There had been ALL KINDS of warnings BEFORE the terrorist attack on the American Benghazi compound that Hillary Clinton and Obama ignoredDURING the attack, you have to be a demon-possessed fool not to understand how both Obama and Hillary not only failed but were guilty of treason.  And after the attack, that treason in the form of lie after lie to the American people over the sacred issue of their national security continued.

It simply stuns me that Democrats are people not capable of caring about actual reality.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are people who manufacture false reality when we desperately need to see and to know the TRUTH.  Our lives literally depend on it.

We have to clearly see the enemy for what it is, what is motivating and inspiring the enemy, or we can’t even begin to fight.

And these utter, pathologically demon-possessed FOOLS like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry can come out and say that Muslims terrorists are only successfully inflicting so many vicious attacks that are killing so many of us all over the world because LIBERALISM IS WINNING.

And if Obama and Hillary Clinton did so damn well, why have murderous terrorist attacks exploded under their watch???  Why was the very first terrorist caliphate in human history created under THEIR watch???  Why are there more refugees fleeing those terror attacks than there have EVER been in the entire history of the planet???

Let me assure you of something: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are every bit as evil and as demon-possessed as the Islamic State butchers; they merely have a different role to play in Satan’s team as they enable evil and prevent anything from being done to stop it as it rises and spreads out of control.  There satanic people who murder and butcher, and there are satanic people who defend those murderers and allow them to continue murdering.  And both are an equal part of the devil.


Hey, Obama! Leave My Junk Alone!

November 23, 2010

Update, 11/23/10: A CNN report (click here for the video) effectively blows to smithereens the Obama administration deceit that the “enhanced” security measures do any good at all.

But that aint stopping Obama from moving “fool speed ahead”:

[End update]

In the age of Obama, The TSA is making sure to put the T and A in “TSA.”

I see a new verse to the Pink Floyd song, “Another Brick in the Wall.”

We don’t need no porno-scanners
We don’t need no weird gropings
No sex offenses in our airports
Obama leave those kids alone
Hey! Obama! Leave my junk alone!
All in all it’s NOT another brick in the wall.
All in all you’re NOT another brick in the wall

Who would have thought the American rallying cry would be, “Don’t touch my junk!”??? And yet it’s the “Don’t Tread On Me!” cry for a new generation.

Has Obama gone after children?  Big time.

TSA strip searches young boy (Youtube):

We need a new book for children in our public schools now to go along with all the ones about having two daddies:

But don’t feel left out.  Because Obama doesn’t just want to do an “aggressive pat-down” of your little boys and girls.  He’s an equal opportunity junk fondler:

Here’s a junk-fondling story for you junk-fondling story lovers:

Please Remove Your Prosthetic Breast: The TSA Horror Story to Trump Them All
By: Steven James Snyder

There’s been plenty of discussion about the Transportation Security Administration’s new and aggressive pat-down techniques, as well as debates about children being frisked. But here’s the TSA horror story that will leave you heartbroken and outraged: The flight attendant (and cancer survivor) who was forced to remove her prosthetic breast. Yes, really. (via WBTV)

Her name is Cathy Bossy, a 32-year industry veteran, and in a remarkable interview with WBTV she recalls a screening episode that played out some three months back. (Pat-Downs 101: Find out what’s in store for you)

Working as a flight attendant, Bossy tells WBTV that she was subjected in North Carolina to one of the first rounds of inspections via full body-scanners; a procedure that concerned this breast cancer survivor from the start, due to the radiation involved.

But it was when she was selected for a more thorough pat-down that she says an uncomfortable situation crossed the line.

Bossy told WBTV that her screener zeroed in quickly on her right breast – a prosthetic breast she was fitted with after cancer surgery – and demanded to know why the breast felt unusual. When informed that it was a prosthesis, the inspector allegedly instructed Bossy to both show, and then remove, the artificial extension.

Hey! Obama! Leave her junk alone!  And I mean her prosthetic junk, too.

What in the world is wrong with you people???

If someone did that to my mother, there would be some payback.

And by titling the article, “The TSA Horror Story to Trump Them All,” it was practically a dare for the TSA to provide an even better horror story – which they were easily able to provide:

TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine
‘I was absolutely humiliated,’ said bladder cancer survivor
By Harriet Baskas

A retired special education teacher on his way to a wedding in Orlando, Fla., said he was left humiliated, crying and covered with his own urine after an enhanced pat-down by TSA officers recently at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

“I was absolutely humiliated, I couldn’t even speak,” said Thomas D. “Tom” Sawyer, 61, of Lansing, Mich.

Sawyer is a bladder cancer survivor who now wears a urostomy bag, which collects his urine from a stoma, or opening in his abdomen.  “I have to wear special clothes and in order to mount the bag I have to seal a wafer to my stomach and then attach the bag. If the seal is broken, urine can leak all over my body and clothes.”

On Nov. 7, Sawyer said he went through the security scanner at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. “Evidently the scanner picked up on my urostomy bag, because I was chosen for a pat-down procedure.”

Due to his medical condition, Sawyer asked to be screened in private. “One officer looked at another, rolled his eyes and said that they really didn’t have any place to take me,” said Sawyer. “After I said again that I’d like privacy, they took me to an office.”

Sawyer wears pants two sizes too large in order to accommodate the medical equipment he wears. He’d taken off his belt to go through the scanner and once in the office with security personnel, his pants fell down around his ankles. “I had to ask twice if it was OK to pull up my shorts,” said Sawyer, “And every time I tried to tell them about my medical condition, they said they didn’t need to know about that.”

Do this kind of stuff with the wrong guy’s dad, and you’re going to see a whole new kind of “domestic terrorist.”

Now, if this man voted for Obama, they should strip him naked in public and double check all his cavities using a dirty toilet plunger.  And let him cry a river.  Because if you voted for a fascist, you should get your fascism right up your wazoo.  But if not, this crap is just depraved.

Do we need this for our national security?

Do you know how many terrorists the TSA have busted?  Try ZERO.  And that’s ZERO-POINT-ZERO-ZERO for you math whizzes.

What do the experts of the world’s most successful nation dealing with terrorism have to say about the Tits and Ass Agency’s methods?

Full-body scanners are waste of money, Israeli expert says
By Sarah Schmidt, Canwest News Service April 23, 2010

Leading Israeli airport security expert says the Canadian government has wasted millions of dollars to install “useless” imaging machines at airports across the country.

“I don’t know why everybody is running to buy these expensive and useless machines. I can overcome the body scanners with enough explosives to bring down a Boeing 747,” Rafi Sela told parliamentarians probing the state of aviation safety in Canada.

“That’s why we haven’t put them in our airport,” Sela said, referring to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport, which has some of the toughest security in the world.

Sela, former chief security officer of the Israel Airport Authority and a 30-year veteran in airport security and defence technology, helped design the security at Ben Gurion.

“Expensive and useless.”  That’s the entire Obama presidency summed up in three words.

The fact of the matter is that you can bring down a 747 with just a few grams of PETN, if you know where to sit on an aircraft (and the terrorists know where to sit).  You can insert the device in your anal cavity, and there is no way the machines will pick it up.  As for the enhanced patdowns (or whatever you want to call the gropings), try to feel something that could be the size of a grain of rice wearing latex gloves.

PETN has a relative effectiveness factor of 1.66 per 1.773 grams which produces a detonation velocity of 8400 meters per second. 0.6 kilograms of PETN is equal to the destructive power of 1 kilogram of TNT… [A] single gram of it would have been enough to rip apart the section of the plane in which he was located in mere tenths of a second were it exposed to its autoignition temperature

Soon a terrorist will bring down a plane with an explosive that he had up his anal cavity.  And the day after that the Tits and Ass Agency will be requiring everyone flying to submit to bending over, dropping their drawers or hiking their skirts, and submitting to an anal probing.

Because anal probings are the inherent nature of liberalism, anyway.

Think about it.  The obvious solution all along has been profiling.  Because, as Ann Coulter basically puts it, the only advantage we have over the terrorists is that they really do all look alike.

“Fortunately, that’s the one advantage we have in this war. In a lucky stroke, all the terrorists are swarthy, foreign-born, Muslim males.”

Israelis have said they don’t “profile by race.”  And I’m thinking, “Yeah, right.  And my turds don’t stink, either.”  But the one thing everyone knows for a fact is that they profile the hell out of people who travel on their airline.

Which is to say, no matter how you slice it, we don’t need Obama’s porno-cancer scanner machines, or his hired federal gropers to have security.

Common sense is like rocket science to moral idiots.  And Barry Hussein, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano and everyone else he’s brought on board is a genuine moral idiot.

Liberals self-righteously tell us that profiling Muslims by race would be un-American.  Because “American” to them means that we must instead treat EVERYONE like a terrorist.  A flight attendant with a prosthetic breast is as much a security threat as a 23 year-old Muslim male just arriving from Yemen.  To single anyone out for scrutiny would make sense, and we won’t have that as long as Barry Hussein is our emperor.  Because in Obama’s liberal America we stand like sheep in front of porno-scanners that take naked pictures of us, and then we stand like sheep while we’re groped by professional government gropers.

They don’t want to violate anybody’s rights.  Far better to violate EVERYBODY’S rights instead.

Remember the ecstatic Newsweek headline, “We Are All Socialists Now”???  Socialism invariably ends up treating the people like the enemy.  Think Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, with their Berlin Wall and all the machine gun emplacements to gun down anyone trying to get out.

If you don’t think it’s bad enough now as it is, the Tits and Ass Agency wants to unionize, which would make them even more intrusive and impervious than they already are.

“You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war” — Winston Churchill, commenting on Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time” signing of the Munich Agreement with Hitler

Obama Wreckovery Act And Stimulus ‘Employment’: The Pathetic Reality

June 17, 2009

I downloaded the Obama administration’s “Recovery Report: 100 Days, 100 Projects.” It was an utterly laughable experience.

I copied the “100 projects” into a Word file and then conducted a search with the word “employees.” Here were the results of EVERY single occurrence:

9) A company in Maine “that had been struggling to pay its 19 employees” now being “back to work” thanks to a $2 million stimulus handout.

14) A New York construction company was able to rehire laid-off seasonal employees. Slate Hill had previously laid off 40 seasonal employees, possibly at the END OF THE SEASON. There is no mention of how many seasonal employees (meaning these are not full time jobs) were rehired, but the cost was over $7 million of your dollars in stimulus contract money.

15) The president of New Hampshire paving company Continental Paving ESTIMATES he would have had to lay off 75 employees if it weren’t for the Recovery Act (I “estimate” he may be a liberal). In any event, however many of those 75 jobs were actually “saved” come at the cost of $10 million in stimulus money.

29) EnergX, a Department of Energy contractor, has 87 new employees on the job. We’re told that that these jobs “are supported by Recovery Act funding” – whatever that means. No mention of how much government money they are getting.

51) An auto-repair business owner received $463,500 in stimulus funds which we’re told are “strengthening his short-term cash flow and putting him and his 10 employees in position to increase sales as the economy turns around.” Note that no mention is made of any new employees hired.

58) A start-up tire-recycling plant owner had borrowing fees of $45,750 for a $1.715 million equipment loan paid by stimulus funds. The owner “hopes to have 34 employees onboard by New Year’s Day next year.” Clearly, IF the owner is able to hire 34 employees, it will NOT be due to the pissant borrowing fees for the near $2 million in private bank loans.

75) Four hundred employees hired using Recovery Act funding reported for work at the Hanford Site in southeastern Washington State. Now we’re getting somewhere! 400 plus a few employees from the other 74 programs, at a cost of ONLY $3.27 TRILLION!!! We’re not told how much these employees cost taxpayers, but we ARE told that most of the employees will be UNION.

83) A company selling and installing energy-saving window films for commercial buildings, saved $6,970 in fees on its SBA 504 loan when it bought a new space five times larger than its previous home. We’re told “the savings will help owners John and Kimberly Henderson add three employees to their staff of 12.” If you know any business owner who has ever hired full-time employees, ask him or her how much $7 grand in saved fee-money would go toward such a hiring decision. And THINK ABOUT IT: $3.27 TRILLION DOLLARS, AND OBAMA IS POINTING AT “HELPING” HIRE 3 EMPLOYEES IN ITS LIST OF HIS TOP 100 ACHIEVEMENTS!!!

And that’s IT. That’s ALL THE JOBS THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SEEMS TO BE ABLE TO ACCOUNT FOR. And most of the list of EIGHT businesses really aren’t able to hire employees based on anything Obama did with his – did I mention? – $3.27 TRILLION in porkulus.

Think about it: this is Obama’s own “Look what we’ve accomplished!” list. This is all the man has to show for the largest spending bill in the history of human civilization! How would Mister Rogers put it: “Can you say, “pathetic”? I think you can!”

I wrote an article earlier this month titled, “Obama And Unemployment: Just So You Know How Pathetically Incompetent Dear Leader Is.” You might say it’s a harshly-worded title – until you see just what a ZERO Obama (who interestingly enough is often ALSO called “Zero“) has produced with more money than any government has ever spent in the entire history of the planet. That article mentions facts such as how Republicans were shut out of the bill; how no one in Congress was even allowed to read it before it was rushed through; how Republicans PREDICTED it would be a gigantic boondoggle; how Obama time after time boasted that he’d “saved” jobs only to see those very jobs go down the drain; how Obama created a marketing term called “saved jobs” to “create” 150,000 phantom jobs out of thin air that he could take credit for; how the stimulus money isn’t even going to the poorest counties that need help most; and how the Obama administration promised that unemployment – which is now at 9.4%would NOT go above 8% if his stimulus bill was passed. And on, and on. Hence the disparaging title describing a failed president and a failed economic policy.

Obama is now claiming that his administration will “create or save” 600,000 MORE phantom jobs. Just realize that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics is already on record claiming it has no way to verify Obama’s job numbers. Because they are a fantasy (Michelle Malkin calls it “The biggest most magical makework program ever“). The mainstream media – which adores their new “Dear Leader” – would never haved allowed President Bush to make claims about “saved” jobs. The whole thing is like building a house of cards in the wind.

All that as an introduction to this:

Stimulus program fraught with waste, report says

A Republican senator’s office says stimulus funds are going toward dubious projects, such as a $3.4-million tunnel for turtles. Obama aides say the report is flawed.

By Peter Nicholas, June 15, 2009

Reporting from Washington — A report due to be released today by a Republican senator contends the Obama administration’s stimulus program is fraught with waste and incompetence — evidenced by a turtle crossing in northern Florida that will cost more than $3 million and a snafu in which thousands of Social Security checks went out to people who had died.

Modeled after a release from the White House describing 100 stimulus projects that were in the works, the report put out by Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma looks at the same number of projects but reaches starkly different conclusions. The title is “A Second Opinion on the Stimulus.”

“Will these projects make real improvements in the lives of taxpayers and communities or are they simply pet projects of politicians and lobbyists that never got off the ground because they are a low priority?” the report says.

Coburn’s staff spent about a month interviewing federal officials, reviewing data and compiling news clippings in a continuing examination of the $787-billion stimulus package.

Millions of dollars are going toward bicycle lockers, bike paths, walking trails and a skate park, Coburn said. One town in North Carolina is using stimulus funds to hire an administrator whose job will be to procure more stimulus funds, according to the report. […]

A theme of Coburn’s work is that money is going toward dubious projects that will leave little imprint. One project mentioned is the $3.4-million construction of a 13-foot tunnel near Tallahassee, Fla., that will allow turtles and other wildlife to safely cross U.S. Highway 27.

The report said the area “has the highest road-kill mortality rate for turtles in the world.” But it also suggests other uses for the money, and mentions Florida State University’s plans to lay off 200 faculty and staff members in hopes of saving millions of dollars.

Officials at the Florida Department of Transportation defended the project as one that not only would save turtles but also protect motorists. “A lot of these turtles are quite large. They get hit by a car, and they turn into flying objects,” said Josh Boan, the department’s natural resources manager.

Construction on the tunnel is to begin in September. State officials could not estimate how many jobs would be created.

Raising questions about the government’s ability to manage the stimulus money, Coburn’s report also focuses on more than 8,000 Social Security checks that have been mailed to people who are dead.

A spokesman for the Social Security system said the checks were mailed based on erroneous records. In most cases, the Postal Service returns the checks directly to the government.

One $250 check went to the home of Antonietta Santopadre, a 74-year-old retired hairdresser living in New York. The check was made out to her father, who died 35 years ago. In an interview Monday, Santopadre said: “I was infuriated. Where’s our money going? Our country is in such trouble right now.”

The Coburn report entitled “A Second Opinion on the Stimulus” is now available. Some of the section titles:

– “Free” Stimulus Money Results in Higher Utility Costs for Residents of Perkins, Oklahoma.

– FutureGen: The Stimulus Earmark that Wasn’t, Becomes the Costliest Pork Project in History.

– Little-Used “Shovel-Ready” Bridges in Rural Wisconsin Given Priority Over Widely Used Structurally Deficient Bridges.

– $800,000 for little-used Johnstown, Pennsylvania airport to repave a back-up runway; the “Airport for Nobody” Has Already Received Tens of Millions in Taxpayer dollars [note: that’s in pork-king and king-scumbag Jack Murtha’s district].

– $3.4 Million for Wildlife “Eco-Passage” in Florida; Project Still May Take Years to Finish [note: that’s the one about the turtles while 200 nearby employees are being laid off].

– Nevada Non-Profit Gets Weatherization Contract After Being Fired For Same Work.

– Non-Existent Oklahoma Lake in Line for Over $1 Million To Construct a New Guardrail.

– Taxpayers Taken for a Ride: Nearly $10 Million to be Spent to Renovate a Century Old Train Station that Hasn’t Been Used in 30 Years.

– Ten Thousand Dead People Get Stimulus Checks, Social Security Administration Blames a Tough Deadline.

-Town of Union, New York, Encouraged to Spend Money It Did Not Request For a Homelessness Problem It Does Not Have.

Mind you, this is just the porkulus bill. There was also the 9,287 pork-project-laden $410 billion Omnibus spending bill and the soon-to-come $1.5 trillion socialized health care bill (which will easily be triple that, given the longstanding tradition of massive underestimation of the actual cost of government programs).

And as we speak, Obama is showing how much he wants to save taxpayer money by illegally firing an Inspector General (in flagrant violation of a law he personally co-sponsored as a Senator) in order to protect one of his friends who abused Americorps funds.

One quote in particular that set me off:

In the course of his investigation, Walpin found [Sacramento Mayor and personal friend of Barack Obama Kevin] Johnson and St. HOPE had failed to use the federal money they received for the purposes specified in the grant and had also used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, “driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands.”

I don’t know ’bout you, but I’m hoping to get me a job shinin’ Massah Bureaucrat’s shoes some day.

There are a whole lot of questions about whether Obama is creating any jobs with his massive government spending, but there is no question at all that the trillions of dollars being spent are all-too-real. And there is no question that the anvil will fall on the US economy due to the near doubling of the national debt as Obama adds a projected $9.3 trillion to the $11.7 trillion hole we’re already in. Obama is borrowing 50 cents on the dollar as he explodes the federal deficit by spending four times more than Bush spent in 2008 and in the process “adding more to the debt than all presidents — from George Washington to George Bush — combined.” And most terrifying of all, Obama’s spending will cause debt to double from 41% of GDP in 2008 to a crushing 82% of GDP in 2019.

What will be the result of all this insane spending, and not very far off? A quote from a CNS News story should awaken anyone who thinks the future will be rosy:

By 2019, the CBO said, a whopping 82 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) will go to pay down the national debt. This means that in future years, the government could owe its creditors more than the goods and services that the entire economy can produce.

All that staggering hyperinflation-creating debt, and about the only jobs that are being created by it are washing cars and running errands for politically-connected Democrats.