Posts Tagged ‘dropped’

ObamaCare Forcing Boeing, 3M, And Other Corporations To Increase Cost For Employees

October 19, 2010

“We can insure 30 million more people.  And it won’t cost a dime.”

To put it in a single word: dumbasses.

Boeing To Raise Employee Costs Thanks To Obamacare
By Carole on Oct 18, 2010

Aircraft manufacturer Boeing Comany is the latest mega employer claiming the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) is part of why its employees will have to pay more for their medical benefits next year. In a letter mailed to employees late last week, Boeing said deductibles and copayments are going up significantly for some 90,000 non-union workers due in part to the effects of the new law. (source)Continued…

President Obama and his fellow Democrats who pushed the unpopular legislation through Congress have stated repeatedly that the law would bring down individuals’ costs for health insurance. Meanwhile the debate over the obscenely expensive bill raged on with Republican lawmakers and the majority of the American people speaking out against the far-reaching government power grab disguised as reform. Announcements like Boeing’s are proving the opposition right.

Boeing joins other companies like 3M which earlier this month announced it will stop offering its health insurance plan to their 23,000 retirees in response to Obamacare’s passage. (source)

While Boeing cited two additional reasons for the cost shift including untamed health care inflation and lifestyle issues such as being overweight, company spokeswoman Karen Forte said the company is concerned that its relatively generous plan will get hit with a new tax under the law in 2018.

Democrats are moral idiots who think, “Someone else will be paying for it, so it must be the right thing to do.”

Well, the boomerang strikes back.

The additional cost of ObamaCare above and beyond what Democrats said it would cost, and which somehow just never got factored in, will be about $6.25 TRILLION.

For the record, $6.25 trillion amounts to a very large poison pill to have to swallow.

Businesses, and even the basically communist labor unions that worked so hard to get ObamaCare passed, are pleading to be exempted from the law by the hundreds.

Health insurers are dropping coverage for children ahead of the new rules.

Health insurers are dropping coverage for senior citizens ahead of the new rules.

There are lies.  There are damn lies.  And there is the ObamaCare sales pitch.

ObamaCare will be providing funding for 12,500 new IRS agents to serve as attack dogs for those who don’t purchase insurance under the government-imposed individual mandates.

Businesses are raising the costs employees will have to pay, or else they are simply dropping coverage altogether.  And those businesses and most every single other business are holding back on hiring because of ObamaCare, massive and unnecessary regulations, taxes, and basically Barack Obama and the Democrat Party in general.

This whole ObamaCare thing is just working out great.

Democrats are refusing to talk about the massive boondoggle they cursed America with.  Don’t you forget that curse when you vote in two weeks.