Posts Tagged ‘neocolonialist’

Hillary Clinton Dabbled Into Witchcraft, And Barack Obama And Chris Coons Dived Into Marxism

September 21, 2010

Christine O’Donnell has a new “scandal”; according to a never-aired Bill Maher program, she “dabbled into witchcraft.”

The revelation is certain to upset some on the religious right who make up a good part of the Tea Party’s support and who helped to propel O’Donnell to prominence last week with her shock defeat of the Republican leadership’s favoured candidate to contest the Senate seat in Delaware.

In the video, O’Donnell says: “I dabbled into witchcraft. I never joined a coven … I hung around people who were doing these things. I’m not making this stuff up.

“One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn’t know it. I mean, there’s a little blood there and stuff like that … We went to a movie and then had a little midnight picnic on a satanic altar.”

O’Donnell declined to appear on Fox News, which is regarded as more than sympathetic to the Tea Party, after the video of her appearing on the Politically Incorrect show in 1999 was released by its host, Bill Maher, who now has a semi-satirical chat show on HBO.

He said he has more such embarrassing material and that he is going to show a fresh revelation every week until O’Donnell agrees to appear on his show.

“I’m just saying, Christine, it’s like a hostage crisis – every week you don’t show up, I’m going to throw another body out,” he said.

O’Donnell had already drawn widespread scorn for earlier comments in which she condemns masturbation.

So Bill Maher is even MORE loathsome than I thought he was?  Hard to believe, but it’s true.

Meanwhile, the left used to endlessly harp on “The Salem Witch Trials” to pontificate upon the horrors of the intolerant Christian religion.  And now they’re out leading the charge to burn Christine O’Donnell.  File that under the “strange but true” file.

And how about if we make masturbation legal so it’s, you know, like chewing gum.  That way liberals can do it in public, since it’s such a wonderful thing to them.

On second that, I take it back; a whole lot of them would very probably do it in public.  Which would at least create jobs for the barf bag industry.

In any event, it seems to be the witchcraft thing that has Democrats aghast.

It wasn’t such a problem when Obama’s current Secretary of State and former Democrat front-runner for president was “dabbling” in the most hard-core form of witchcraft of all – necromancy.

Once it was “outed,” First Lady Hillary Clinton called it “imaginary conversations.”  But she was on the record acknowledging communicating with the dead.

There are some juicy points about that:

When she was first lady, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., worked with spiritual adviser Jean Houston to access an “Eleanor Roosevelt-like consciousness” from within her own psyche. Clinton wrote in a column that Roosevelt “usually responds by telling me to buck up, or at least to grow skin as thick as a rhinoceros.”

[And I thought HRC already had skin as thick as a rhinoceros…]


Though she has dismissed it as an intellectual exercise, Hillary can expect to again be derided for what journalist Bob Woodward first reported as a “seance” with Eleanor Roosevelt. At the prompting of New Age guru Jean Houston, Hillary engaged in fantasy chats with Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi, two of the First Lady’s heroes.

And what does the Bible say about Hillary’s “intellectual exercise” i.e. “seance” i.e. necromancy?

“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God.” — Leviticus 19:31

“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.” — Leviticus 20:27

But let us not take up stones for the woman who is currently serving in the 2nd most important office in the government, who practiced necromancy in the White House as a fully adult (though not particularly grown-up) woman; let’s use them on little Christine O’Donnell who “dabbled in witchcraft” as a giggly high school girl instead.

Then again, which is the greater sin to you right now: someone who “dabbled in witchcraft” in high school, or someone who dived into Marxism in college?

In Obama’s own words:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully.  The more politically active black students.  The foreign students.  The Chicanos.  The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.  We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.  At night,in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy.  When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling constraints.  We weren’t indifferent or careless or insecure.  We were alienated.”

By the way, just to follow up, here’s the skinny on Obama’s hero Franz Fanon:

His work remains influential in the fields of post-colonial studies and critical theory. Fanon is known as a Marxist[1] thinker on the issue of decolonization and the psychopathology of colonization.[2] His works have incited and inspired anti-colonial liberation movements for more than four decades.[3]

This in terms gets us into the question of how Obama thinks.  And, in his own words, Obama received Dreams From His Father, a Marxist anticolonialist:

Anticolonialism is the doctrine that rich countries of the West got rich by invading, occupying and looting poor countries of Asia, Africa and South America. As one of Obama’s acknowledged intellectual influences, Frantz Fanon, wrote in The Wretched of the Earth, “The well-being and progress of Europe have been built up with the sweat and the dead bodies of Negroes, Arabs, Indians and the yellow races.”

Which is a pretty damn scary philosophy to have in the White House, brooms and cackles aside.  It is a terrifying thing to have a guy in the White House who believes we should “resist and overthrow the oppressors.”  Especially given the fact that the United States of America is foremost on the list of “the oppressors.”

Dr. John C. Drew had occasion to spend some time with Obama at Occidental College.  As he described Obama:

He was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view, which anticipated that there would be a revolution of the working class, led by revolutionaries, who would overthrow the capitalist system and institute a new socialist government that would redistribute the wealth,” says Drew, who says he himself was then a Marxist.

“The idea was basically that wealthy people were exploiting others,” Drew says. “That this was the secret of their wealth, that they weren’t paying others enough for their work, and they were using and taking advantage of other people. He was convinced that a revolution would take place, and it would be a good thing.”

Drew concluded that Obama thought of himself as “part of an intelligent, radical vanguard that was leading the way towards this revolution and towards this new society.”

And he still does see himself that way.  He certainly still sees himself as redistributing (i.e. “spreading”) the wealth.

Leviticus DEFINITELY would have commanded Marxists to be stoned to death.  I’m just sure of it.

It’s not just the Marxist-in-Chief who was/is/will be a Marxist; so also is Christine O’Donnell’s Democrat opponent, Chris Coons:

An article Democrat Chris Coons wrote for his college newspaper may not go over so well in corporation-friendly Delaware, where he already faces an uphill battle for Vice President Joe Biden’s old Senate seat.

The title? “Chris Coons: The Making of a Bearded Marxist.”

“My friends now joke that something about Kenya, maybe the strange diet, or the tropical sun, changed my personality; Africa to them seems a catalytic converter that takes in clean-shaven, clear-thinking Americans and sends back bearded Marxists,” Coons wrote, noting that at one time he had been a “proud founding member of the Amherst College Republicans.” […]

Hoffman said the trip to Kenya helped lead to Coons’s decision to become a Democrat.

Which is, of course, basically the same thing as a Marxist these days.

I’ll tell you what: dabbling in economic destruction is going to hurt a whole bunch more people than Christine O’Donnell’s giggly schoolgirl past.

In what may be even worse than being a Marxist, Chris Coons also happens to be Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s “pet”:

“I’m going to be very honest with you — Chris Coons, everybody knows him in the Democratic caucus. He’s my pet. He’s my favorite candidate,” Reid said.

Which is to say, Coons has a very pure Marxist “petigree.”

And being Harry Reid’s Marxist “pet” is a far more serious thing in September 2010 than being a giggly little high school witch back in 1997.

If Chris Coons is elected as U.S. Senator, he will continue to faithfully serve as Harry Reid’s “pet” and vote for his fellow Marxist neocolonialist pal Barack Hussein.

Hopefully, the residents of Delaware will be of the mind to usher in Christine O’Donnell to come in with her broom and help sweep the Marxists who have been destroying our economy the past two years (really since 2006, when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid first ruined the Congress, truth be told).

If we’re fortunate, the Democrats will be so dead in Congress that Hillary Clinton will actually start channeling them.