Posts Tagged ‘teachers’ union’

Yes, Being A Democrat Pretty Much Means Being A Vicious Union Fascist Bully By Proxy

September 12, 2012

We’re hearing about just how vile the teachers union is in Chicago.  But it isn’t just there that unions and in particular teachers unions are evil; it is pretty much anywhere you can shake a stick.

Check out the action in Colorado.

Quote: “‘Our teachers spend lots of time on stopping bullying in schools,’ Stagr wrote. ‘Well, this group could have taught a class in HOW TO BULLY.'”

Quote: “One of the speakers escorted from the meeting reflected on the difficulty of finding a resolution going forward. ‘The tragedy is that most of the protesters never heard the board speak that night,” Hein said. “If we can’t have a dialogue, I’m not sure how we improve things for students.'”

Conclusion: They ARE bullies.  And what we are seeing all over the damn country is that they couldn’t care LESS about improving things for the students.

DeGROW: CO security officials protect parents from union protesters
By Watchdog Staff  /   September 11, 2012
By Ben DeGrow | Special to Colorado Watchdog

Last Wednesday’s Adams 12 School Board meeting packed the house with union protesters, while security officers escorted three residents from the boardroom to their vehicles to ensure their protection.

The offense? Two of the residents openly and respectfully took exception with the District Twelve Educators Association’s loudly projected point of view concerning the board’s proposal to balance the budget. Teacher pension contributions are being increased to align with other employee groups, resulting in a net pay reduction of 1.5 percent.

Adams 12 is Colorado’s fifth largest school district, with nearly 43,000 students enrolled last year. DTEA is one of the larger affiliates of the Colorado Education Association, which reports having lost roughly 8 percent of its membership in the past two years.

Nearly 400 teachers — including many from six other area school districts — showed up at Wednesday’s board meeting to protest the suburban Denver board’s decision. The school board made the move when adopting the new budget June 20. On Aug. 24, DTEA distributed a flier through its building representatives alerting members of the decision.

Several pro-union speakers provided public comments to applause from the crowd, claiming the board had violated the collective-bargaining agreement.

But two other attendees rose to offer a different view.

District taxpayer Joseph Hein, who has attended numerous board meetings this year, mentioned the extra burdens parents have taken from recent cuts made to transportation and middle school sports. He then gently urged the District 12 teachers in attendance to listen carefully to the board’s response. “You guys are part of the solution, as well,” he said, while union members waved signs from the crowd.

Sara Colburn, mother of three Adams 12 students, also pleaded with those in attendance. “You need to realize that you are not the only people hurting right now. I guarantee you that families have made many more sacrifices than you have,” she said, prompting most of the union members in the crowd to file out of the boardroom — some booing, many clapping rhythmically — as she concluded her remarks.

“We sat there and we listened to what they had to say,” Colburn later explained. “As soon as they heard something they didn’t like or didn’t agree with, I guess they felt like they didn’t owe me the same courtesy.”

Afterward, the school district’s head of security approached the speakers out of concern for their safety. “(He) told me he thought it probably would be a good idea if he took us to our cars,” said Colburn. “He said all those people that had cleared out were outside the front doors waiting for us.”

The security officer escorted Colburn and her husband through a separate exit to the back of the building, where he then drove them to their vehicle in the main parking lot. Plain-clothes security officers walked Hein to his car, out of the same concern.

“I was taken aback by the intensity of the protest,” Hein later said. “It was a bit disturbing to be escorted out of the building for my protection.”

Another Adams 12 parent, Patty Stagr, sent a note to the superintendent and school board after the meeting indicating she opted not to speak on behalf of taxpayers because she felt “intimidated by the aggressive nature of” union protesters making displays of “disrespect.” She refused to answer one teacher’s inquiry into where her children attend school.

“Our teachers spend lots of time on stopping bullying in schools,” Stagr wrote. “Well, this group could have taught a class in HOW TO BULLY.”

These accounts, many of which are directly supported by video evidence, contradict the report of one DTEA official quoted by local news reporter Darin Moriki:

“There was no anger or hostility among those people who came tonight,” said Missy Salter, a District 12 Educators’ Association executive board member and Shadow Ridge Middle School sixth-grade mathematics teacher.

Very few of the union protesters remained to hear the board’s response. Director Norm Jennings explained how state law required the adoption of a budget before June 30. He argued that the board’s actions did not violate the union contract, and that cutting teacher compensation was a difficult but necessary decision.

“We are not going to create further budget problems that impact our kids even further later on by taking the easy road now,” Jennings said.

Having reached an impasse in collective-bargaining negotiations, Adams 12 and DTEA await the report of a fact finder due out later this fall.

One of the speakers escorted from the meeting reflected on the difficulty of finding a resolution going forward. “The tragedy is that most of the protesters never heard the board speak that night,” Hein said. “If we can’t have a dialogue, I’m not sure how we improve things for students.”

It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about the fascist Occupy Movement, the fascist unions, or the fascist Obama.  And of course the fascist Obama protects the fascist unions and the fascist Occupy Movement even as they break the law.  They’re thugs who will not and cannot listen to any competing idea.  And rank and file Democrats are part of the vicious machine.

Democrats keep idiotically voting for these fascist fools.  Which is why we’re on the verge of total, catastrophic collapse.

Can Someone Explain Why The Government Should Be The Unions’ Bag Man And Forcibly-Collect Union Dues???

March 26, 2011

This is really quite amazing; not that the Republicans are ending the practice in Florida, but rather that it was ever done anywhere in the first place:

House approves bill banning automatic deduction for union dues
By Kathleen Haughney, Tallahassee Bureau
2:00 p.m. EDT, March 25, 2011

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida House delivered a major blow to public employee unions Friday, approving a bill that would ban automatic dues deduction from a government paycheck and require members to sign off on the use of their dues for political purposes.

Democrats and Republicans fought over the legislation for just under two hours. Democrats and labor unions have accused conservatives of “union-busting” and said the bill was more about political payback than public policy. Unions have typically been big backers of Democratic candidates.

Rep. Chris Dorworth, R-Lake Mary, the House sponsor of the legislation, said this was simply the state’s movement to get out of the dues deduction business and let the unions take care of it.

“It’s a bill that empowers membership of labor unions,” Dorworth said.

The measure, HB 1021, passed by a 73-40 vote, with three Republican lawmakers siding with the Democrats.

Florida is a “right to work” state, which means a worker is not forced to join a union. But many public employees do so, and state employers typically withhold union dues from workers’ paychecks. A portion of those dues is set aside by their unions for education, community action — and political contributions.

Democrats argued that Republicans are simply trying to take out their political opponents.

“It’s about silencing the opposition. That’s not democratic,” said Rep. Richard Steinberg, D-Miami Beach.

During the last general election cycle, the statewide teachers’ union gave more than $3.4 million in campaign contributions, mostly to Democrats. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees doled out nearly $1.4 million, much of it directly to the state Democratic Party.  And the AFL-CIO and other labor groups gave hundreds of thousands of dollars more.

For the past few weeks, labor groups have been actively campaigning against the bill and testifying against it in legislative committee meetings, but the Republican majority was largely united in pushing the bill through the House.

“This bill aims to do nothing more than silencing dissent,” said Florida Education Association President Andy Ford. “The lawmakers who voted for this bill have signaled their desire to use the power of government to single out and attack the hardworking men and women who serve Florida in public employment.”

The Senate version of the bill, sponsored by Sen. John Thrasher, R-St. Augustine, has one more committee stop before it makes it to the floor.

Republicans have denied Democrats’ accusations that the bill is a political attack, saying the legislation was designed to get government out of the political process since it would no longer be collecting dues for organizations that sometimes do political work. And people who decide they don’t want their dues used for political purposes can say no, Republican lawmakers argued.

“If you want your money –your money– you get to keep it,” said Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, R-Miami.

What am I supposed to say, unions?  “Sorry.  Don’t got it right now.”  Or maybe, “The check’s in the mail.”

I absolutely love the way liberals turn reality on its head and then spit on it after urinating on it and defecating on it.  By voting to give workers a chance to decide for themselves whether or not to fund the unions – instead of this bizarre practice where the government forcibly seizes their money and gives it to people who are ostensibly bargaining against the government that pays the bills – Republicans are “silencing dissent” and “undemocratic.”

It is “undemocratic” to believe that a worker shouldn’t be forced by the government to give his or her wages to a union that fundamentally opposes that workers core interests and beliefs.

On a liberal-fascist view, “democracy” means refusing to allow the people to vote.  “Democracy” means the government seizing the people’s money and giving it to ideological organizations.

Apparently, given that it is “silencing dissent” to end this practice, Republicans should pass another bill requiring the government to deduct from union workers’ paychecks moneys payable to the Grand Old Party.

We’ve reached the point where arguing about democracy with a “Democrat” is rather like arguing nuclear physics with a cockroach.