Posts Tagged ‘class 4 felony’

Barack Hussein Obama, Our Class 4 Felon-In-Chief (Outrage On The Border With THOUSANDS Of Children Being Dumped On Street By Feds)

June 11, 2014

I have pointed this out many times: Barack Obama is a fire hose of pure demonic evil.  There is literally NO WAY to keep up with all the sheer outrages to reason, to justice, to morality as this demon-possessed president pours evil out of his White House like a giant tsunami that washes over what has now become “God damn America.”

Consider that as I write this, the VA scandal consumes more and more Veterans facilities like a raging fire, proving that socialized medicine is inherently inferior to privatized health care and that Obama and the Democrat Party were genuinely evil to impose an even more socialist system onto our health grid than we already unfortunately had.  As I write this, the second largest city in Iraq (Mosul) just fell to the Taliban.  The black flag of al Qaeda now flies over Iraq – exactly as conservatives declared would happen as a result of our fool-in-chief cutting and running from a nation AFTER the war was won without bothering to keep troops there to maintain what 4,500 soldiers died to secure.  As the left-leaning Daily Beast points out:

Friday’s anniversary of Saddam Hussein’s arrest sees the country struggling with a resurgent al Qaeda and a death rate double that of a decade ago.
Ten years after the capture of Saddam Hussein, Iraq is at risk of becoming a failed state again as al-Qaeda reclaims vast swathes of the country. […]

Al Qaeda now controls more territory and more people than they EVER have in their history as a testament to the complete failure and disgrace of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

Well, things have changed.

In what can be described a truly ironic event and a major failure for America’s stated mission (because one can’t help but wonder at all the support various Al Qaeda cells have received from the US and/or CIA) of eradicating the Al Qaeda scourge from the face of the earth, we learn today that al Qaeda appears to control more territory in the Arab world than it has done at any time in its history. According to a CNN report “from around Aleppo in western Syria to small areas of Falluja in central Iraq, al Qaeda now controls territory that stretches more than 400 miles across the heart of the Middle East, according to English and Arab language news accounts as well as accounts on jihadist websites.”

This splinter group from al Qaeda – ISIS – which by all accounts is even MORE deadly and radical than their “daddy” has seized THREE MAJOR CITIES.  They have done what al Qaeda only dreamed of: create a caliphate out of which to launch global jihad.  What has happened in Iraq – which conservatives repeatedly PREDICTED WOULD HAPPEN if Obama did what he did by withdrawing – is not only the nightmare scenario, but is actually even WORSE than anyone predicted.  It is STUNNING how quickly Obama failed America and failed the free world in Iraq.

Back in 2008, McCain warned that Obama was a politician who would “legislate failure” in Iraq.  He declared, “Both candidates in this election pledge to end this war and bring our troops home. The great difference — the great difference — is that I intend to win it first.”  Now we are beginning to experience what will happen with Obama’s approach.  Barack Obama made a decision to pull back and withdraw from the Middle East and claim victory as he did so.  He created a massive vacuum.  That vacuum has now been filled by the terrorist ideology that anyone with common sense knew would fill it.

Of course, the article I link to above discusses Obama’s pathetic weakness to Putin’s Georgia invasion.  And we know that Sarah Palin predicted that Putin would go after Ukraine next as a result.  Which of course he did the moment after the Olympic games held in Russia ended when he realized what a weak, cowardly, craven, incompetent, political, cynical, gutless weasel Obama is.

Many of the terrorists streaming into Iraq came from Syria.  Obama’s failure there – and his weakness and refusal to do ANYTHING while civilians have been slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands after Obama’s “red line warning” fiasco – is manifest.  Again, conservatives BEGGED Obama to aid the pro-democracy rebels when he had a chance to do so.  He refused, and in doing so he FAILED.  Without the support they needed, the terrorists wings that DID get support quickly overran the pro-democracy forces.  And now we’ve got a metastasizing cancer of gargantuan proportions.

As a result of Obama’s radicaly failed policies, terrorism has increased – and get this – NINEFOLD according to a major study by the Rand Corp. basically under Obama’s watch.

This is what happens when you boast of “ending wars” rather than winning them.

Consider that the IRS scandal continues to prove that Obama is worse than Nixon (who merely TALKED about using the IRS as a political weapon to punish his enemies): the IRS – that specifically targeted “anti-Obama rhetoric” and harassed and terrorized Americans for trying to exercise their Supreme-Court-verdict rights – criminally sent 1.1 million records to the IRS and tried to bait the FBI into prosecuting as a crime opposing Obama.

We may now know why the FBI had predetermined that there wouldn’t be any charges filed in the IRS scandal. It turns out that the nation’s leading law enforcement agency may have been involved in the targeting of conservative groups.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) have uncovered new information indicating that the IRS sent 21 disks containing some 1.1 million confidential documents of tax-exempt groups to the FBI in October 2010, just weeks before the mid-term election:

Issa, who heads the oversight committee and Jordan, who chairs a subcommittee, said in a statement on Monday they sent a new letter to the IRS, demanding more information about the data sent to the FBI.

“At the very least, this information suggests that the IRS considered the political speech activities of nonprofits to be worthy of investigation by federal law-enforcement officials,” the letter states.

According to Issa and Jordan, the IRS apparently realizes it should not have sent the information to the FBI.

“After the Justice Department turned over the database to the Oversight Committee this month in response to a subpoena, the Justice Department says it was informed by IRS officials that it contains legally protected taxpayer information that should not have ever been sent to the FBI and it now plans to return the full database to the IRS,” a statement from the oversight committee said.

According to material obtained by the committee, the IRS sent the FBI “21 disks constituting a 1.1 million page database of information from 501(c)(4) tax exempt organizations, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

Issa and Jordan’s letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen can be read here (PDF). It includes emails between disgraced IRS official Lois Lerner and Richard Pilger, director of the Justice Department’s Election Crimes Division. Pilger’s name came up in the Lerner emails released in April by Judicial Watch.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) grilled FBI Director James Comey last month over the agency’s foot-dragging on the IRS scandal. The Texas conservative was unable to get answers on the most basic questions, including how many targeted organizations the FBI had interviewed or whether the agency had interviewed any White House employees.

The FBI’s involvement in the scandal further underscores the need for an independent investigation, something that Republicans have wanted since news of the targeting of conservative groups came to light. There’s no other way the IRS, Justice Department, and the FBI are going to get answers for those whom the federal government tried to silence.

We now know that Barack Obama BROKE THE LAW when he refused to notify Congress of the release of what his own military officials claimed were the equivalent of “five four-star generals.”  We know that Obama’s intelligence officials, his Pentagon officials, the intelligence committee members of his very own party, were opposed to this release of five terrorist generals AND INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMINALS for a documented deserter.

Obama has told what is documented to be one lie after another: first he said that he had to do the trade without notifying Congress because Bergdahl was sick to the point of death – which turned out to be obviously untrue when he showed up physically healthy at the swap site.  Then the claim was that they couldn’t notify Congress out of concern for Diane Feinsten blabbing – but Obama told some ninety members of his own White House and it was this White House rather than Diane Feinstein which had just destroyed the cover of the top CIA man in Afghanistan.  And of course we had the same Susan Rice who had lied so demonically at the outset of the Benghazi fiasco who Obama trotted out to declare that a DESERTER “served with honor and distinction” and was “captured on the battlefield” when in fact he had removed his uniform and sought out the enemy.

All that is going on as we speak, and so many more vile, evil things that I can’t even so much as shake a stick at them.  Barack Obama is and has been a fire hose of satanic evil.

And if those outrages aren’t enough, now we’ve got thousands of illegal immigrant children pouring across the border because they know that if they can get here, Obama will pursue his “catch-and-release” program and they will ultimately become US citizens and get all the welfare, et al of every other lazy degenerate Democrat voter.

What Barack Obama is doing is felony child abuse:

Maricopa county attorney: Feds dumping illegal minors is ‘child abuse’
June 09, 2014 1:56 pm  •  By Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services

PHOENIX — Saying illegal immigrant children being bused to Arizona may be being placed in danger, Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery warned federal officials today they may be violating state child abuse laws.

In a letter to a top immigration official, Montgomery said he fears that unaccompanied minors are being left at bus stations “without food, water or shelter, or means to acquire same.” And he cited an Arizona law which prohibits someone who has care or custody of a child from permitting them to be injured or placed in a dangerous situation.

He said that, given the 100-plus degree temperatures, “any federal official who directly engages in such conduct or who authorizes such conduct may be guilty of a Class 4 felony.” And if that is classified as a dangerous offense, the presumptive prison term is 6 years behind bars.

Montgomery’s complaint comes as top officials in the Obama administration admitted earlier today they’re not meeting a requirement in federal law to process unaccompanied minors within 72 hours and turn them over to federal health officials.

The officials, speaking with reporters on background, said they had prepared for an increase in illegal immigrants from violence-prone Central American countries. But they said the flood of illegal immigrants, mainly coming through the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, was larger than anticipated.

What that means is that children are remaining longer in what essentially is a refurbished warehouse with no indoor plumbing.

One administration official said efforts are underway to provide hot meals and shower facilities, “all kinds of thing to make their life there as comfortable as possible — but with the ultimate goal of trying to move the children as quickly as possible.”

That, however, creates another problem: Administration officials admit that the three facilities being prepared for the children to go at military bases in Texas, California and Oklahoma can house perhaps a maximum of 3,000. But hundreds have been arriving daily at Nogales for processing.

Administration officials said the Department of Health and Human Services, which is accepting legal responsibility for these unaccompanied minors, has access to thousands of other beds at existing facilities. But they said that clearly is not a good long-term answer.

What is, they said, is trying to find adult relatives for these children — even those in this country illegally and awaiting their own deportation proceedings — or at least foster care families.

What Obama did is a growing disaster of epic proportions“Obama’s kids” are sleeping on plastic bags and being denied basic needs like showers.  All because Obama cynically believes that if he can capture the illegal immigrant vote – and don’t you DARE tell me Democrats don’t want these illegal immigrants voting or they wouldn’t be going frothing-at-the-mouth rabid psycho every time somebody suggested reasonable voter IDs – he can steal America from Americans the way Adolf Hitler stole Germany from Germans.  It is fascism, and it is merely a different face of Nazism.

And this is at the very same time the most vicious kind of political payback from the president who said, “punish your enemies and reward your friends”:

Are Illegal Immigrants Being Dumped in Arizona as Payback?
Katie Pavlich | Jun 04, 2014

Payback. That’s the word being used to describe recent busload transfers of illegal immigrants, mostly children, caught in Texas and dumped at bus stops in hot, Arizona cities. In case you missed it last week, here’s a refresher about what’s going on. First, the crisis happening at the Texas border:

Children traveling without their families, including an “overwhelming” number younger than 12, are flooding across the southwestern border in the latest test of the Obama administration’s immigration policy.

Homeland Security Officials predict that 60,000 minors will cross the border this year and that the number will double next year, accounting for an astonishing percentage of people trying to jump the border — braving the tremendous perils of crossing Mexico and trying to evade border authorities, hoping to eventually connect with family in the U.S.


Instead of using resources to send the children home, I.C.E. and Border Patrol agents were instructed by officials in Washington to transport illegals from Texas to Arizona. When illegals are dropped off, they are given a court date and ICE simply hopes they show up for the hearing.

Hundreds of undocumented immigrants detained as far away as Texas are being released under supervision in Tucson. But getting to their next destination leaves them on their own.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, has said that it does not want to put children in detention centers and it does not want to split up families. ICE releases those families with the condition that they contact ICE for their next court date once they reach their destination in this country.

Now, the move is being seen as payback for Arizona’s previous attempts to take control of their illegal immigration problem by bucking the feds inaction. Republican Rep. Paul Gosar, who represents Arizona’s 4th district, made an appearance on America’s Newsroom recently to explain.

Bill Hemmer: Why Arizona?

Paul Gosar: Well we are one of the hubs. We’ve been having the argument in regard to upholding the rule of law Bill and this is actually just a way for the administration to poke Arizona in the eye.

Gosar is demanding an investigation from the House Oversight Committee into what he is calling, “illegal alien smuggling by the Obama administration.”

“I support Governor Brewer and Treasurer Ducey’s calls for an investigation by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee into the actions taken by the Obama Administration in the wake of detained illegal immigrants being shipped to Arizona,” Gosar said in a statement. “As a member of that Committee, I plan on taking a lead role in seeking accountability for those individuals responsible for this violation of the Rule of Law, should the Committee favorably respond to my request.”

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is questioning the administration’s decision from a humanitarian angle, pointing out that not only do these children not have parents with them, but that they’re being dropped of in 100 degree temperatures.

“I remind you that the daytime temperatures in Arizona during this time of year are regularly more than 100 degrees. Consequently, this federal operation seems to place expediency over basic humanitarian concerns. The federal government should not shirk its lawful responsibility to care for and properly process these individuals,” Brewer wrote in a letter to President Obama earlier this week.

Two weeks ago newly minted Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson (who was put into the position after bundling money for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign) testified in front of Congress and was asked about how the administration plans to handle this ongoing crisis. Since then, President Obama has called on FEMA to provide housing for children roaming around the streets without parents.

Barack Obama is the Stalinist psychopath who released 68,000 criminal illegal aliens – and by “criminal” I mean to include THOUSANDS OF RAPISTS and MURDERERS – to prey on innocent and thanks-to-Obama-helpless Americans again.  And probably again after that.

Barack Obama – the same “Liar of the Year” who assured Americans over and over and over again (to the tune of at LEAST 37 times) that you could keep your doctor and you could keep your health plan in his socialist-takeover of health care – has lied without shame in EVERY aspect of his dishonest presidency.  And this is as true for illegal immigration as it is for every other issue under the sun.  Because we now know that Barack Obama boasted that he had deported more illegal immigrants than any previous president to falsely claim he was tough on immigration AFTER DISHONESTLY CHANGING THE STATISTICS THAT EVERY OTHER PREVIOUS PRESIDENT HAD USED.

Barack Obama has deliberately and systematically refused to enforce America’s laws – both on our borders and pretty much everywhere else (as just one example, consider that he has disregarded his own ObamaCare law thirty-eight times).  And this fiasco on our border in the inevitable consequence.  Obama as a fascist always wants a crisis to exploit.  And he crafted himself one here.

This lying disgrace is truly evil.  And everyone who supports him is truly evil.

And this nation is probably done now – bankrupt and imploding on virtually every relevant aspect – because of his wicked presidency and the wickedness of the American people who voted for him twice.