Posts Tagged ‘Morsi’

Obama Turns On Israel. The Beast Is Coming And Barack Hussein Obama Has Invited Him And Will Soon Congratulate Him And Shake His Hand.

March 19, 2015

In spite of everything that Barack Obama did to undermine the elections in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu won and won big.

A petty, thin-skinned, vindictive Obama refused to call to congratulate him for his victory.

Do you know who Obama HAS called to congratulate for their victories?

Obama called – BREAKING MORE THAN THREE DECADES OF AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL SILENCE the Ayatollah- and Council of Guardians-approved president of Iran Hassan Rouhani to congratulate him for having been approved by the Ayatollah.

Obama called Mohammed Morsi, the leader of the terrorist group known as the Egyptian Brotherhood who would be overthrown by his own people as a Islamist dictator a year later.  You know, pretty much to congratulate the victory for Islamist terrorism and tyranny that Morsi’s election represented to anyone who loves actual democracy which values human liberty and freedom over sharia law.

Obama called Vladimir Putin, the dictator-thug of Russia, to congratulate the man who would soon be driving his tanks over Ukrainian liberty and murdering political rivals.

Just to name a few dictators he’s called.  And called on the VERY DAY they were elected when it actually mattered.

Harry Truman was THE VERY FIRST leader to recognize the state of Israel.  That recognition and that bond of being first among friends established a precedent that remained until this demonic president of hate came along to pollute the office of the presidency with his betrayal not only of Israel but of American history.

Basically, if you are a leader of a country that the Holy Bible says will one day come to attack Israel in an all-out last-days war of extermination, Obama has probably called to congratulate you.

If you’re the leader of Israel, get ready to be “fundamentally transformed” into a pariah.

I’ll try to be blunt here: Barack Hussein Obama is a wicked, demon-possessed man and the Democrat Party is the party that has brought the red-hot, just and holy and righteous wrath of God upon America.  And if you are a Democrat, you are a walking, talking, breathing middle finger thrust up at Jesus Christ and everything the Word of God stands for.

Oh, God’s Word is crystal clear –

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
    as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
    Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
    before a single day had passed. — Psalm 139:13-16 NLT

– but for you, Democrat, every moment of your existence is just another opportunity to try to kick God off of His throne and replace Him with Obama and your God damned Government.

Sixty million innocent babies are dead having been dissolved without anesthesia by acid or torn apart by forceps and scissors by YOU, Democrat.  Sixty million.  That’s more than ALL the human life both civilian and military on ALL sides caused by the most violent and destructive war in the history of humanity, World War II.  And the blood of those sixty million innocent souls screams out at YOU from the ground, Democrat.

But the cup of the wrath of a just and holy God that is soon going to fill to overbrimming has not yet quite reached its full measure (see Genesis 15:13 for my language here), Democrat.

As vile as abortion is, there is actually one sin that is so vile and so ungodly and so depraved and so contrary to the image of God and such an example of everything that can be perverted in human nature that it stands even over abortion as the sin that guarantees the full wrath of God.  And that sin is the sin of homosexuality.

Which YOU as a Democrat have now imposed on America.

Read God’s justly-imposed death sentence on your for yourself, Democrat:

18 But God shows His anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves. 19 For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. 20 From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see His invisible qualities — His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. 21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship Him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became utter fools instead. 23 And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people, or birds and animals and snakes. 24 So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved. 28 When they refused to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents. 31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are heartless and unforgiving.  — Romans 1:18-31 NLT

They were ignorant liars who pissed in the eye of God.  And Barack Hussein Obama became their messiah.

And now, under your vile messiah who will one day shake the hand of Antichrist and congratulate him on his election victory where he would NEVER do such a thing for the leader of Israel, you have just grabbed the third rail of God’s wrath, Democrat.

You have just abandoned the state of Israel.  And yes you WILL burn in hell for what YOU have done through your narcissistic self-worshiping little pharaoh-god-king.  Don’t think for one second that YOU won’t be held accountable for how you voted in declaration of what you wanted America to be (a sodomy-worshiping nation of baby murderers who abandoned Israel).

The Los Angeles Times article is just beautiful in its moral stupidity:

U.S. support for Israel at the U.N. is in jeopardy, White House says
By Paul Richter and David Lauter
The Los Angeles Times
March 18, 2015, 10:10 PM|Reporting from Washington

The White House on Wednesday pointedly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s successful reelection campaign and suggested his newly declared opposition to a Palestinian state could jeopardize America’s unwavering support for Israel at the United Nations.

Okay, let’s get this straight: America has “unwavering support for Israel.” But on the other hand, Obama is saying he’s going to revoke the unwavering support. Which means that Obama has officially abandoned “unwavering support” by dumping his ideological conditions for what he wants to falsely label “unwavering.”

Please, PLEASE never allow another Democrat to state his or her “unwavering support for Israel.”  Because that is officially a giant 900-car-train-load of bovine feces from now on.

Point made. Read on to see why the White House is claiming it’s being so pissy and how they intend to turn on Israel at the critical international level:

The blunt comments by Obama administration officials illustrated how the campaign tactics Netanyahu used to win an unexpectedly strong victory in Tuesday’s election have further strained the historic ties between the United States and Israel. After six years of tension, relations between the two governments have frayed to a point not reached in decades.

Netanyahu made opposition to U.S. nuclear negotiations with Iran a centerpiece of his reelection effort. Then, in the closing days of the campaign, he said he would never agree to a sovereign Palestinian state, repudiating the concept of a two-state solution that has been a central element of U.S. policy under Presidents Obama and George W. Bush.

The Israeli leader had said in a major address in 2009 that his “vision of peace” included “two free peoples” living side by side in separate, independent states for Israelis and Palestinians. Many U.S. officials, as well as most Arabs, had questioned his sincerity, but Netanyahu’s public reversal this week nonetheless marked a significant shift that administration officials rebuked Wednesday.

The U.S. would “reevaluate our approach” based on Netanyahu’s “change in his position,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters as the president flew to Cleveland to deliver a speech on economic policy.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki raised the possibility that the reevaluation could include a shift in position at the U.N. She avoided the usual U.S. language about vetoing Security Council resolutions that Israel opposes.

“The prime minister’s recent statements call into question his commitment to a two-state solution,” Psaki told reporters. “We’re not going to prejudge what we would do if there was a U.N. action.”

From this point, the article blathers on and on for three more pages and 841 more words before finally getting to the dilemma faced by Netanyahu and Israeli voters:

Some Netanyahu allies are predicting that the new government and the United States will cooperate to some extent in trying to stabilize the conflict with the Palestinians at a moment when the Palestinian Authority is near collapse.


At this point the entity in charge of the Palestinians is Hamas, a terrorist organization.  Period.

The people in charge are terrorists.  They want to negotiate every Jew murdered or driven into the Red Sea to drown.  And they want to fire about a trillion explosive rockets into Israel until they can accomplish the annihilation of the Jewish people.  Other than that, they don’t want to negotiate.

I want you to please understand the abject hypocrisy, dishonesty and perversion of Barack Hussein Obama.  He is demanding that Netanyahu “negotiate” with people who want every Jewish child screaming in their own blood when this same cockroach has rabidly refused to even ONCE in SIX MISERABLE YEARS to negotiate with Republicans.

How DARE this wicked man make this demand!?!?!?

Further, after Netanyahu appeared to back away from his position that he won’t negotiate with the terrorists who won’t be negotiated with unless it involves Jews being first dumped out of their capital Jerusalem, then dumped out of their nation and then murdered in the Red Sea, the White House pretty much said it’s too late.  The White House blabbermouth said:

“What is apparent is that in the context of the campaign and while he was the sitting prime minister of Israel, he walked back from commitments Israel previously made to a two-state solution,” said at his daily press briefing.

“Words matter, and that is certainly true in this instance,” he added. “The president and the administration take him at his word.”

You know, the same White House Press Secretary who has “clarified” what Obama meant about ten trillion times so far.  As an example, the same damn day that the White House blabbermouth said “words matter” when Netanyahu said them pretty much argued that words DON’T matter when Obama says that people ought to be forced to vote whether they want to or not.

And you know what’s REALLY funny about Obama’s point?  How it twists Democrat “logic” into a pretzel.  Because here Democrats have been arguing all along that poor people can’t even afford to get an ID no matter how free states might make those IDs.  But now Obama is going to fine those same poor people if they don’t vote [for him].  And if they can pay the damn Obama fine they can obviously pay for an ID they frankly need to do damn near everything else in life anyway.  And if that’s not enough, without some kind of ID, HOW IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO ENSURE THAT PEOPLE ARE VOTING AS OBAMA JUST SAID OUGHT TO BE MANDATORY???

So you can understand how the same White House blabbermouth who was just sternly claiming “words matter” when Netanyahu says them would be twisting all over the place to try to tell us that no, words don’t really matter at all when they come out of the mouth of a fool like Obama.  I mean, right?

How about the 22 damn times Obama declared that he did NOT have the authority to issue amnesty by executive order – and would even be an EMPEROR and ANTI-DEMOCRATIC if he did so – before doing the very thing he had said over and over and over again he did not have the authority to do?

So when do “words matter” with this turd Obama who is refusing to listen to Netanyahu clarify his words about a two state solution and siccing the wicked United Nations as his attack dog against Israel and against Jews?

For the record, in the very interview that Netanyahu has gotten so much heat over regarding abandoning the two-state solution he very clearly said he was NOT abandoning what he said in support of the two state solution in 2009.  Rather, he was saying that such a solution is no longer possible when one state rabidly refuses to even recognize that the other state in the two state equation even EXISTS.  But a minimum, if you’re going to allow Obama and his White House spinners to continually re-explain what Obama really meant to say, PLEASE don’t say “words matter” just because a JEW said them.

Not that truth matters to Obama, but still.

Obama is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy in a very, very bad way.

The Word of God declared three thousand years ago:

On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. — Zechariah 12:3 NIV

And that is EXACTLY the moment that Barack Obama is pushing toward, as the United Nations has been proof of the truth of that prophecy for years now and only the United States has stood in the way of the world, the flesh and the devil’s desire to destroy the state of Israel.  Obama has just declared that America has joined the nations that will try to move the immovable rock of Jerusalem.    And America WILL BE INJURED hideously because of this president and because of the Democrats who wickedly voted for him and continue to support him.

The mainstream media propaganda is trying to frame this as “Obama vs. Netanyahu” while insinuating that Obama is the one who is reasonable given that all he wants is to force Israel to negotiate for its life with terrorists who want to wipe it off the map and how can that be wrong?  But unless I misremember what just happened YESTERDAY, it was the Israeli people – and JEWS, for what its worth – who showed up to elect Netanyahu.  Which is to say that this is about Barack Obama vs. the Jews.  And he hates them every bit as much as the devil himself.

That said, this is the Obama who essentially delegitimized the result of his own ass-kicking in the 2014 elections as he declared that lots of people didn’t vote so why the hell should our Constitution matter?  So, you know, it’s not like Obama gives a flying damn about democracy here – so why the hell should he give a damn about democracy in Israel???  He’s a fascist who wants what fascists want, is all.

Barack Obama is – to yet again return to biblical descriptions – just like the Antichrist whose useful idiot he is.  He is determined to burn in hell and he is determined to spread as many lies and as much intrigue and create as much contempt for Israel as he can until the moment when he shakes the Antichrist’s hand and declares that he will be the very first fool to take the Antichrist’s mark:

Obama Is The Devil 666

Barack Obama and the Democrat Party and YES – EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT VOTER WITH OBAMA – has taken part in the demonic trifecta.

The Bible records that the Great Tribulation shall be inaugurated by the state of Israel signing a seven-year peace covenant with the state of Israel.

Because of YOU, Democrat, Israel now faces a world where there is nowhere to turn but to the Antichrist.  Up until NOW, throughout the entire modern history of the state of Israel, the Jewish nation ALWAYS had a strong friend who would support them.  YOU ended that friendship.  And YOU ended any friendship America had with God.  And YOU will pay.

One day Democrats will stand before a glorious King of kings and Lord of lords and say, “But we murdered tens of millions of babies in Your Name.  We exalted homosexuality in your Name.  We purged God from our culture in Your Name and replaced You with a giant Government welfare State in Your Name.  We turned on Israel in Your Name.  We worshiped the Beast Your Word warned us about in Your Name.”  And Jesus will tell them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers!”




Was Muslim Brotherhood Cheated By Democracy? As A California Prop 8 Voter, Join The Club (BTW: I Didn’t Start Rioting)

July 9, 2013

I have a confession to make that always makes me rather ashamed: I subscribe to the LA Times.

The paper is a piece of trash.  They routinely substitute their liberal opinions where the NEWS ought to be.  But BECAUSE it is a complete piece of trash, they have t sell it for virtually nothing.  The last two years, I literally received a larger gift card (this year was for Target stores) than what I paid for the subscription.  And as worthless as the “newspaper” is, there are quite  few valuable coupons.

Anyway, it has been rather interesting to read liberals whining about the Egyptian military and it’s “coup” to remove the Muslim Brotherhood president, Morsi.

I kind of read the Declaration of Independence, you know, the part that says this:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,  — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

And I kind of figure that, yes, you’re damn right they had a right to remove that fascist Islamic terrorist turd, Morsi after he tried to impose sharia law on an Egyptian people who very clearly did not want it.  And thank God for the Egyptian military for helping the Egyptian people alter or abolish their godawful terrorist sharia law Muslim government.

But let’s deal with this line of reasoning that declares that the Muslim Brotherhood put aside its terrorism long enough to become good democrats and won an election among a disorganized and factionalized people.  And that therefore the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi ought to be able to remain in power, you know, because of the popular vote.

I remember thinking that way myself.  After all, I went to the ballot box and I voted for Proposition 8.  And it won with a clear majority of the people.  And so according to “democracy” marriage in California is the union between one man and one woman.

Well, until a homosexual militant judge decided he didn’t like what the people had declared and decided that one man ought to overrule millions of voters.

And then until the Supreme Court – now nothing more than a political body of black robed masters – decided that the California people who had voted for Prop 8 had no legal standing.  Whatsoever.

So don’t tell me that it sucks that democracy gets abrogated.  I know damn well how it feels.  In fact, Proposition 8 was the SECOND attempt by California voters to define marriage as the union between one man and one woman: we’d voted the same damn way for Proposition 22.  It was overturned by the same genre of homosexual militant black robed masters on some incredibly trivial legal grounds, too.

But let me get back to Prop 8 as it relates to Obama.  Obama was elected in November 2008 with 52% of the vote.  He seemed to think it was a mandate.  You know, the way voters like me probably felt that the 61% vote for Prop 22 made that a “mandate.”  But of course it wasn’t, was it?  Obama was re-elected in November 2012 with, again, 52% of the vote.  And this time he declared that it was very clearly a mandate.  But, of course, when Prop 8 passed with 52% of the vote, that most definitely was NOT a mandate at all.

What is “democracy”?  It is whatever liberal fascists say it is, that’s what it is.  You have a right to vote the way the Nazi “Democrat” Party wants you to vote or your vote gets thrown into the toilet bowl and flushed.

So I know damn well what it’s like to live in a third world banana republic where you get to vote as long as you vote for your dictator and his dictator regime.

What’s the difference between the people who voted for Proposition 22 and Proposition 8 and the Muslim Brotherhood?  We don’t resort to rioting in the streets and murdering women and children when we don’t get our way, that’s the difference.

I suppose I should point out another difference between people like me and people like the Muslim Brotherhood – and yes, the “Democrat” Party: it is that as a conservative and a Republican and very much a Christian, I worship GOD rather than the state.  Muslims, on the other hand, worship a political system masquerading as a religion, which seeks to impose a totalitarian sharia state on everyone it possibly can.  And “Democrats” pretty much do the same damn fascist thing.  Modern liberalism is MARXISM.  Marxism is an anti-Christian blasphemy that replaces God with the State.  Their Lord and Savior is the State, not Jesus Christ.  They worship big government and the power of the state rather than the God of the Bible.  And they are utterly wicked as a result.  When you worship God, you demand a limited government to make room for a big God; when you worship the State, you demand a massive government to diminish God and usurp His place as Savior and as Lord.

The difference is the peaceful Tea Party versus the violent, out-of-control fascist liberal mob known as “Occupy.”

That, of course, is the real crux of the issue.  It’s how fascist turds like Morsi and our own fascist turd Obama believe that they can win an election with a bare majority and somehow have a “mandate” to abrogate whatever previous law they didn’t like and install dictatorial bullcrap in its place (like DOMA, like immigration law, like NSA mass eavesdropping, like ObamaCare for that matter).  In that last case, the “law” says that ObamaCare “shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2013.”  As the article I linked to points out, “the law” very much does NOT say that “the Administration can impose the mandate whenever it feels it is politically convenient.”  In this case, Obama damn well knows that ObamaCare is so disastrous and so profoundly unpopular that if it were to be implemented according to what the “law” says it must, it would be an absolute bloodbath for Democrats in November 2014.  And so Obama once again decided to just ignore the damn law – even though it is his very own damn law.

Allow me to quote a prominent Democrat: “This is the law.  How can they change the law?”  Well, they can change the damn law if and only if they are damn fascists – which is exactly what they are.

That’s on top of the law being very clearly written as a “fee” and NOT a tax, which made it blatantly unconstitutional – until the Supreme Court decided to ignore “the law” and turn the “fee” into a “tax.”  Even though that meant ignoring the “law.”

And even though key swing “Justice” Kennedy (yes, there’s those quotes again) observed that ObamaCare “changes the relationship of the Federal Government to the individual in the very fundamental way.”  Because who needs that damn Constitution, anyway?  When it keeps getting in “Democrats'” way?

Obama DID promise to “fundamentally transform America.”  Constitution and all.  So I guess we got what we “voted” for the same way Egypt got what they “voted” for when they elected terrorist turd Morsi.

Just what is “sharia law” anyway?  At its most fundamental level, it is the forced imposition of a worldview upon a culture.  In the case of Obama and his conversion to sodomy from promising the American people that he opposed it when he ran for president in 2008, his version of sharia is homosexual marriage – which had never existed before not only in America but in all of human civilization prior to the year 2001.  Literally, the iPod is older than homosexual marriage!  Liberals try to tell me I’m the one whose all about sharia because I want to preserve the understanding of marriage as it has existed from the time that the very first human being began to walk upright.  They forget the fact that they are the radical ideologues who are out imposing themselves and their warped and depraved worldview onto culture that is already more than warped and depraved enough, thank you very much.

But I’m branded as “intolerant” because I agree with what the “world’s most tolerant man” promised America how he felt about marriage in 2008.

You want another example of the fact that liberals practice their own version of sharia law?  Well, do you know how it is a crime according to sharia law to say something bad about Muhammad?  Try going to any number of liberal-owned countries like the U.K. or Holland and try saying something bad about homosexuality.  People are now being ARRESTED for saying homosexuality is a sin, as the Bible overwhelmingly declares that it is.  A man went to jail for saying a police officer’s HORSE looked gay, for crying out loud.  A student was told by a liberal to remove her cross at a liberal university.  During the presidential campaign, liberal teachers attacked students for wearing Romney t-shirts (but never Obama t-shirts, of course).  And of course liberals love to force us to quit drinking soda or force us to eat the foods they want us to eat.  We just had liberals try to outlaw fires in fire pits on California beaches  because of their global warming crap.  Liberals are now literally trying to outlaw human behavior dating back to freaking CAVE MEN.  Because liberalism equals fascism equals their own weird version of sharia.  And one is as intolerant as the other.

You don’t have ANY examples of conservatives doing crap like this.  Other than the fact that they stood up for the view of marriage that every civilization IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE PLANET HELD.  And of course which Bill Clinton and Barack Obama falsely and dishonestly claimed that THEY supported until they had the chance to impose their fascism on society.

Liberalism is fascism, and fascism imposes itself on society by force of raw government power.

Murdering babies was wrong until it suddenly became “a right.”  Sodomy was wrong until it suddenly became “a right.”  Homosexual marriage was wrong until it suddenly became “a right.”  And murder and rape and child molestation are next on the docket, have no doubt.  Because morality is a constantly evolving thing, a spinning merry-go-round that just like “democracy” means whatever liberals say it means at any given moment.

Maybe decent people should have turned violent and started rioting and murdering people, after all?  Because as our democracy is stolen by liberals one giant chunk at a time, that pretty much seems like our only recourse, doesn’t it?  That was pretty much the condition our founding fathers found themselves in – having to deal with a tyrant king – and that is basically the state of affairs we find ourselves in today in this the age of Pharaoh-god-king Obama and his constant torrent of lies and abuse of his Internal Revenge Service to persecute the people on his enemies list.

In these last days, as “America” is “fundamentally transformed” into “God damn America, we’re going to increasingly begin to race toward Sodom and Gomorrah until we get the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah that we deserve.  And then we’ll worship the beast and take his mark just as Revelation chapter 13 promises that we will.  What will increasingly happen in the last days is that evil will so prevail and so contaminate and encompass everything that there is no “right way” but only various shades of evil.  Violence will become the state of affairs because nothing else will work.  But of course violence only works until the next violent group comes along as violence begets more violence.

I hope you noticed that I kept putting “Democrat” in quotes.  That’s because it is a word that fascist “Democrats” intended to hearken to the term “democracy.”  Only it very clearly doesn’t.  Rather, it is a “homophone” – which refers to a word that sounds the same as another word but means a very different thing.  “Homos” seem to be a recurring theme with the “Democrat” Party.

Egypt’s New President (Congratulated By Obama): ‘The Capital Of The Caliphate Will Be Jerusalem, God Willing’

June 25, 2012

Well, there’s that “The capital of the caliphate will be Jerusalem, God willing” thing and then there’s Mursi’s “Jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal.”  And in honor of Mursi’s “democratic victory,” You get to vote which is worse.

Barack Obama, the president of God damn America, wanted to congratulate the Islamist candidate of the terrorist group called The Muslim Brotherhood for taking over the country yesterday.

It turns out that Mursi, the terrorists, and the Muslim Brotherhood ought to be grateful to Obama.  After all, Obama was instrumental in pushing American- and Israeli-ally Mubarak out to create the vacuum the terrorists could fill.  Like so many other evil things, it took Obama for evil to be able to say, “Yes, we can!”

I’m sure he wanted to congratulate the Brotherhood for it’s many successful acts of rape, too.

Egypt Islamist vows global caliphate in Jerusalem
05/08/2012 01:27
“The capital of the United States of the Arabs will be Jerusalem,” preacher tells thousands at Brotherhood rally.

Safwat Higazi speaking to supporters in Cairo Photo: YouTube

Egypt’s Islamists aim to install a global Islamic caliphate with its capital in Jerusalem, a radical Muslim preacher told thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters in a clip released Monday.

“We can see how the dream of the Islamic caliphate is being realized, God willing, by Dr. Mohamed Mursi,” Safwat Higazi told thousands of Brotherhood supporters at a Cairo soccer stadium as Mursi – the movement’s presidential candidate – and other Brotherhood officials nodded in agreement.

“The capital of the caliphate – the capital of the United States of the Arabs – will be Jerusalem, God willing,” Higazi said. “Our capital shall not be in Cairo, Mecca or Medina,” he said, before leading the crowd in chants of “Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem.”

Higazi is an unaffiliated Islamist who is barred from the United Kingdom for making statements endorsing terror attacks against Israelis. The clip, from Egypt’s Islamist-oriented Al-Nas television station, was aired last week and uploaded to YouTube on Monday by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Members of the crowd carried banners emblazoned with slogans related to next week’s “Nakba Day,” when Palestinians and other Arabs mourn Israel’s creation in 1948.

“Tomorrow, Mursi will liberate Gaza,” an unidentified man cheers in the video before leading the crowd in chants of “Allah Akbar.”

“Banish the sleep from the eyes of all Jews,” the man repeats, accompanied by drumming. “Come on, you lovers of martyrdom, you are all Hamas… Forget about the whole world, forget about conferences. Brandish your weapons, say your prayers and pray to the Lord.”

Returning to the stage, Mursi vowed to pray in Jerusalem. “Yes, Jerusalem is our goal. We shall pray in Jerusalem, or die as martyrs on its threshold.”

Raymond Stock, an American translator and academic who spent two decades in Egypt, said the clip should come as a surprise to no one.

“This is what the Muslim Brotherhood really stands for: the extermination of Israel – and Jews everywhere – as well as the spread and control of radical Islam over the world,” he told The Jerusalem Post.

“How anyone can fail to see this boggles the mind – yet its denial is virtual dogma in the global mainstream media, US government and Western academia today,” said Stock, who has translated a number of books by the Nobel Prize-winning Egyptian novelist Naguib Mahfouz.

The Brotherhood won about half of Egypt’s parliamentary seats, but its main candidate Khairat al-Shater was disqualified last month from running for president and Mursi has struggled to win wide support.

Hard-line Salafi Islamists were parliamentary elections’ biggest surprise, taking around 25% of seats.

Instead, the two front-runners are Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh – a former Brotherhood figure who has won the backing of a broad range of voters from liberals to Salafis – and Amr Moussa, a former foreign minister and Arab League chief.

A presidential election, which starts on May 23-24, will choose a replacement for Hosni Mubarak, who was toppled in February last year.

Poll numbers released Monday by the state-run Al-Ahram Center show Moussa leading the field with 39%, followed by Abol Fotouh with 24%, former Mubarak premier Ahmed Shafiq with 17% and Mursi in fourth with just 7%.

Stock said Amr Moussa has a significant chance of replacing Mubarak.

“Many people want Islamist values but are afraid that Islamist control of the presidency in addition to parliament could be bad for tourism and foreign investment. Others simply like Moussa,” he said. “He is a radical nationalist with a pragmatic streak, and from a Western point of view is the best we can hope for now that Omar Suleiman has been excluded.”

“But we can’t rule out Mohamed Mursi yet – the Brotherhood machine is extremely formidable, and nearly everyone has underestimated them before,” he said, adding that “the Salafis remain wild cards, as ever.”

Obama is a reckless and feckless fool.  He assured us that the Muslim Brotherhood would not dominate the political chaos that he himself fomented and actually even claimed credit for.

And now because of the most pathetic and most evil president in American history, we’ve got a president in Egypt claiming Jerusalem for the Islamic caliphate.  Which is another way of saying because of Obama, we will have Armageddon.

God damn America, indeed, Rev. Wright.  As Obama’s reverend and spiritual mentor for 23 years, you spoke as a prophet in telling us that the days that God would bless America were over.

The beast is coming.

P.S. Glenn Beck got a chance to openly mock the New York Times for its previous utter ridicule of him when he predicted that Egypt would end up in the Muslim Brotherhood’s win column a year and a half ago.  Sean Hannity nailed this one, too.  And conservatives knew this would happen from George Bush’s failed experiement with “democracy” in the Palestinian Authority – you know, the corrupt terrorist cesspool that ended up going to terrorist group Hamas.  We predicted this would happen.  But liberals are immune to history, immune to facts and immune to reality.  For them it was “The Arab Spring is wonderful!  You can smell the freedom in the air!  Praise Obama!  Praise him!  Peace and unicorns float all around us!”  And we were right and now the only thing stopping a total descent into terrorist hell and Armageddon for Egypt is the Western-trained military.