Posts Tagged ‘union thugs’

Leftists And Union Thugs Actually Threaten High School Kids For Daring To Chant (When Clearly ONLY Fascist Leftists Ought To Be Able To Chant)

March 26, 2012

Many of us know about the fascist (I think the modern word for it today is “progressive”) public school teachers bringing their students to the Wisconsin State Capitol Building to protest (even though many of them didn’t have the first clue about why they were really there or what they were supposed to protest):

That’s just vile, of course. 

Mind you, it is simply the continuation of a long line of vile fascist liberals being vile fascist liberal progressives:

What Obama, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, And Freddy Krueger ALL Have In Common: Targeting Children

Public Schools Caught Indoctrinating Children Over And Over Again

Planned Parenthood Trying To Pimp 14-Year Old Kids To Work As Sex Education Workers To Further Their Wicked Agenda

More Hitler Youth-Stuff In Our Public Schools: Students Got Extra Credit For ‘Volunteering’ For Obama’s Campaign

And of course just yesterday we heard about the Virginia public school teacher who forced her class to figure out attack strategies against the GOP presidential candidates and then make a plan to contact the Obama campaign to reveal their attack strategies.  You just can’t make this (fascist) stuff up.

But, as is always with the left, it just keeps getting worse with these vile thugs.

Students from a high school went to the Wisconsin State Capitol Building to see their school’s basketball team that happened to be there for the state championship game.  And when they got there, they were confronted by shouting liberal union thug protestors who were mindlessly chanting the way liberals are so often wont to mindlessly chant.  And being kids, the students chanted back:

Wis. High School Students Drown Out Pro-Union Protesters With Chants of ‘Stand With Walker’
Posted on March 20, 2012 at 8:37am by Jonathon M. Seidl

Usually when the media talks about high school kids at the Wisconsin Capitol it’s been about teachers bringing students to protest Wis. Gov. Scott Walker and his budget cuts. But we have some different news to bring you today: during a visit to the Capitol last Thursday, some Wisconsin high school students decided to fight back against the anti-Walker sentiment they were witnessing during an impromptu visit.

Wisconsin Students from Sheboygan Luther Chant Pro Walker Message at Capitol

Pro-union protesters performing a sing-a-long in the Wis. state Capitol.

In short, students from Sheboygan Lutheran High School decided to stop by the rotunda in Madison while in town for the state high school basketball playoffs. While there, they witnessed protesters signing about unions and solidarity. So they decided to drown them out with pro-walker chants.

Wisconsin Students from Sheboygan Luther Chant Pro Walker Message at Capitol

Students from Sheboygan Lutheran drown out pro-union protesters.

The Wisconsin Citizens Media Co-Op has more:

On Thursday March 15, 2012 the afternoon Solidarity Sing Along was taken over by a large group of supporters from Lutheran High School in Sheboygan.

The students, parents and supporters were all in town to participate in the WIAA Boy’s High School Basketball Tournament and arrived at the Capitol for a celebratory rally and to have their photo taken with their legislators. A small group of singers was located on the ground floor of the rotunda for their weekly Thursday afternoon song circle which was quickly drowned out by the thunderous cheers of the LHS group. Shouts of “LHS” and “Stand with Walker” thundered through the rotunda and was met with wide approval from the LHS supporters. One student entered the circle to mock and taunt the singers with dance moves. The extremely loud and boisterous encounter could be heard in the Assembly chambers, where legislative business was still being conducted. 

The Solidarity Sing Along remained calm and peaceful throughout the ordeal and eventually moved outside to continue singing while the rotunda erupted in approval. Later on, several visitors from the LHS group were given a standing ovation by some legislators in the Assembly when they were introduced by their legislators.

Here’s the video:

William A. Jacobson, associate clinical professor at Cornell Law School, notes that some anti-Walker protesters were angered by the students’ move, calling it “hypocrisy.” Jacobson wasn’t having any of that:

Excuse me, did the students take over the State Capitol and refuse to leave, set up camp, damage walls, threaten legislators, crash through police lines, encourage police insurrection, sit down in hallways blocking access, pound on buses carrying legislators, lock their heads to railing, or do any of the other destructive things the anti-Walker protesters did for weeks on end last year? (added) Oh, and did I forget the death threats?

It‘s worth mentioning that from the video we’re not sure if the students broke out into chanting at the prompting of others or if it was organic. But I will say that I’ve been to the Wisconsin state high school basketball playoffs in Madison, and kids chanting is as common as snow in January.

By the way, just days after the students visited the Capitol, Sheboygan Lutheran won the Div. 5 state basketball championship on a last-second three-point shot by the state’s Mr. Basketball, Sam Dekker:

(H/T: Instapundit)

Well, you need to understand something about the left.  They are simply bad people.  Their favorite rhetorical game is to be vile themselves but to publicly demonize anybody who disagrees with them as somehow being beyond the pale (I’ve written about that pathological tendency).  Because they are the kind of fascists thugs who will act like brown-shirted stormtroopers on the one hand, but denounce anybody and everybody who has the unmitigated gall to exercise their own right to free speech on the other.  You can think of Rush Limbaugh getting the “how DARE you?!?” treatment by the left over his comment about Sandra Fluke being a “slut” when the leftist cockroaches are crawling all over themselves attacking Sarah Palin as a “cunt” and a “dumb twat” and sexually attacking her young daughters while other prominent liberal talking heads demonize Laura Ingraham as a “talk slut.”


The high school students were met with outrage because how dare you chant when liberals are chanting:

Lutheran students surprised at furor over Capitol visit
5:41 PM, Mar. 20, 2012

When about 300 Sheboygan Lutheran High School students and supporters piled into the rotunda of the State Capitol in Madison last Thursday after the boys basketball team clinched a trip to the finals for the Division 5 WIAA state championship, they had some time to spare.

Sharing the rotunda with a small group of pro-union demonstrators singing songs, the Lutheran High group broke into spontaneous cheers “Stand with Walker!” interspersed with cries of “LHS! LHS!” and the Common Doxology.

The resulting furor since the event has surprised school officials and state Sen. Joe Leibham, a Lutheran High alumnus who invited the group to the Capitol for a photo with the team and a celebratory reception.

“Friday morning, we had a couple of nasty phone calls all of a sudden,” said Jim Pingel, Lutheran’s executive director. “People identified themselves as union leaders, protesters. They were passive aggressive, menacing.”

Liberal activists called the school to complain, and conservative talk radio hosts have spent days discussing the students’ actions. Charlie Sykes of WTMJ-AM in Milwaukee wrote in an online blog post that the students “decided to fight back against the anti-Walker sentiment they were witnessing during an impromptu visit.”

In reality, said Lutheran senior Emily Mech, who was in the group that day, the students were there only to greet the team.

“To me, it seems like it’s being blown of out of proportion maybe a little bit,” said Mech, 17, and senior class president. “But people have a right to ask what happened and figure out the situation. It wasn’t meant at all as huge political protest from Lutheran High. It just was cheering after basketball game.”

But as offended and appalled as the left is that somebody would dare to commit the crime of shouting even though they were not liberal fascists who alone in the world ought to have the sole exclusive right to shout, liberals – being utterly vile as I said – took it to a whole new level even as they simultaneously were casting themselves as the victims:

Wisconsin High School Targeted by ‘Union Leaders’ Over Pro-Walker Chant
Posted on March 22, 2012 at 9:00pm by Mytheos Holt

Wisconsin High School students may want to think twice before expressing their political opinions when union members are present. Apparently the school, whose students shouted pro-Walker slogans while visiting the Wisconsin State Capitol and drowned out union protesters, is now receiving threats from the very unions that some of their students shouted down. The Sheboygan Press reports on this rather petty turn:

The resulting furor since the event has surprised school officials and state Sen. Joe Leibham, a Lutheran High alumnus who invited the group to the Capitol for a photo with the team and a celebratory reception.

“Friday morning, we had a couple of nasty phone calls all of a sudden,” said Jim Pingel, Lutheran’s executive director. “People identified themselves as union leaders, protesters. They were passive-aggressive, menacing.”

Liberal activists called the school to complain, and conservative talk radio hosts have spent days discussing the students’ actions. Charlie Sykes of WTMJ-AM in Milwaukee wrote in an online blog post that the students “decided to fight back against the anti-Walker sentiment they were witnessing during an impromptu visit.”

The students are apparently bemused by the whole thing – the school has a variety of political viewpoints represented, and one student even expressed the opinion that the issue might possibly have been blown out of proportion. Some say the original incident was just an episode of school spirit that coincidentally went political. Whatever the reason, let’s hope union members and activists have bigger fish to fry in Wisconsin than high school students.

Only in a world where the Democrat Party exists can you have thugs calling high schools with threats.

Health Care Debate: As Charges of Nazism Abound, Which Side Is Right?

August 9, 2009

Nancy Pelosi upped the ante in the health care debate when she responded to a media question in the following manner:

Interviewer: Do you think there’s legitimate grassroot opposition going on here?

Pelosi: “I think they’re Astroturf… You be the judge. “They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.”

That being in addition to her reference to town hall protesters as “simply un-American.”

Well, first of all, Nancy Pelosi calls health care opponents “Astroturf,” and the propagandist mainstream media have duly found evidence of one or two emails from conservative groups instructing opponents of health care how to have maximum effect.  Overlooked by both Pelosi and her media lackeys is the fact that liberal organizations are literally PAYING people to “defend Obama’s health care.”

The image she tries to project is a bunch of goose-stepping Nazis bringing their beloved swastikas with them like lucky charms.

Conservatives immediately complained: thousands of conservatives have attended town hall meetings around the country, and most of them hadn’t even SEEN a swastika at a town hall, much less carried one themselves.

But even the uber uber uber leftist Media Matters, trying to document that at least SOMEBODY really was carrying a swastika, end up inadvertently demonstrating a very different picture.

So there are your “swastika-toting conservatives.”  A frightening mob of Nazis, they aren’t.

The thing is, what they are clearly saying is that they DON’T want Nazism or Swastikas.  And they’re afraid that we’re seeing something in this health care agenda that smacks of the things they’re afraid of.

So a very, VERY few conservatives have brought signs that express their connection of ObamaCare to incipient Nazism.  Is that so awful?  First let us compare it to how Barack Obama, Dick Durbin, and Democrat protesters have used the word “Nazi.”

Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin compared American soldiers to Nazis:

“If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime—Pol Pot or others—that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.”

Barack Obama compared our entire country to Nazism:

“…just to take a, sort of a realist perspective…there’s a lot of change going on outside of the Court, um, that, that judges essentially have to take judicial notice of. I mean you’ve got World War II, you’ve got uh, uh, uh, the doctrines of Nazism, that, that we are fighting against, that start looking uncomfortably similar to what we have going on, back here at home.”

And of course images linking George W. Bush to Hitler or the devil are a dime a dozen.  Here’s a picture at a liberal protest that manages to do both at once, giving Bush both devil horns and a Hitler mustache:

There’s a rather substantial compilation of Bush-as-Hitler comparisons here.  But given the vast quantity of Bush derangement syndrome, it isn’t – and frankly can’t possibly be – anywhere near complete.

So on one hand you have to simply laugh (as in the kind of intense and sustained laughter that could literally cause you to die) at the sheer galling in-your-face hypocrisy and demagoguery of Nancy Pelosi and the left.  The self-righteous, “How dare you?  How DARE you?” tone doesn’t suit them at all.

But while the above deflates any liberal claim to outrage, it doesn’t justify throwing around Nazi Swastikas or using the word “fascist” at the Democrat’s health care plan.  Do these protesters have any better justification than that?

I believe they do.  And here’s why.

Reason One: Rush Limbaugh added a little gasoline to the fire that Nancy Pelosi started when he pointed out the visual similarity between the ObamaCare symbol and the Swastika.  His point was that if pointing out Swastika symbols was good for the goose, it ought to be good for the gander as well.

Of course, the mainstream media came completely unglued.  Rush Limbaugh played a rather lengthy montage of talking-point media outrage on his August 7 broadcast.

But apart from the obvious surface artistic similarities that people either recognize or refuse to recognize, there is a somewhat deeper and much more profound  issue: Obama is essentially taking the symbol for medicine, and combining it with his own political campaign symbol.  The result is the ostentatious politicizing of health care as ideology. It truly IS ObamaCare as Obama’s own symbol for it reveals!!! We haven’t seen anything like that in this country since the LAST time we embraced significant elements of fascism in our politics over 70 years ago.  And it is dangerous.

And a growing number of people are realizing it.

Reason two: Politically, there are some rather frightening political developments from within the Obama administration.  Former “journalist”-turned Obama hack Linda Douglas reveals both how corrupt journalism has become and how fascistic Obama can truly be in this pitch:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care.  These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation.  Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

When was the last time you were asked to turn in people practicing their free speech rights to the White House?  The White House is asking people to turn in emails, web sites, and even people in “casual conversation.”  Can you imagine if the Bush White House had taken this course to collect information on protesters against the Iraq War?  The New York Times would have run a 300-part series detailing it as rabid fascism.  In this case, the blatant paranoia – and yes, the fascism – is being carried out by Barack Obama.

Reason three: But that’s not the only connection Democrat-activists now have with fascism.  Now there’s also the “new Fascisti” in the form of union thugs who are coming in to intimidate and even beat conservatives at town halls.  In fascist Italy, the Fascisti were the Blackshirted men who broke up opposition rallies with fists and whatever else was needed.  In Hitler’s rise to power, it was the SA Brownshirts.  Now it’s the SEIU Blueshirts.  This certainly isn’t the first time Democrats have relied on union thuggery to accomplish their goals.

After decrying town hall health care protesters as an “angry mob,” Democrats are now bringing in goons to physically intimidate health care protesters.

It was Barack Obama who said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

And this former community organizer who is so outraged that communities have been organizing has brought a gun in the form of union thugs to the “knives” of mostly elderly ObamaCare protesters.

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused elderly health care protesters “of trying to sabotage the democratic process,” by showing up at Democrat politicians town halls and demanding answers and shouting when they don’t get them.  But look at what’s happening:

Over 1,000 St. Louis Tea Party Taxpayers showed up to attend the Russ Carnahan town hall meeting in South St. Louis. They were Locked Out! But… The Carnahah staff was sneaking in SIEU members in the side door marked “handicapped.”

Is shutting out American citizens and barring them from access to their elected leaders not the REAL “sabotage of the democratic process”?  How is stacking the political deck with your own people while deliberately shutting out your political opponents not fascist?  And as we’ll also see, how is bringing in burly union thugs to physically manhandle people for trying to express their political opinions not fascist?

In Tampa, Fla: Kathy Castor’s burly union thugs manhandled a small elderly man (in the green shirt) with stage 4 cancer and shut the doors on protesters’ faces to prevent opposing opinions from being heard.

The above footage is a little confusing.  One of the protesters who was physically manhandled by the four burly thugs shoving them around at the same event tells his story.

Kenneth Gladney, a black conservative, was beaten by four thugs at another event as he offered “Don’t Tread on Me” flags while trying to get into a town hall meeting in Missouri.

Is that the only thing that prompts people to compare ObamaCare to Nazism via their homemade posters of Swastikas with the red line through of “NO!” through them?

Not even close.

Let us explore the real reason that so many people – both Republican and Democrat – are so virulently opposing this health care plan.

Reason four: There’s more than ample evidence that – contrary to Obama’s and the Democrats’ denials – that they very much DO want a government takeover of health care.  And more and more people are realizing that this massive influx of pure socialism is not the American way.

Nearly three out of four (72%) Americans believe ObamaCare will add to the deficit, according to the most recent Quinnipiac University poll.

The current number being thrown around for Obama’s health care is $1.6 trillion over ten years.  But government routinely massively underestimates its costs, as I’ve documented in the past.  The CBO was off by 633% in its estimate of the cost of Medicare; and off by 10,900% in estimating the cost of Medicaid special hospitals.  A reasonable figure – based on an average of past CBO underestimation of government cost to fund government programs – is that ObamaCare will cost about $13 trillion over ten years.

Our debt has exploded under Barack Obama.  As the Wall Street Journal’s Michael Boskin put it:

Mr. Obama’s $3.6 trillion budget blueprint, by his own admission, redefines the role of government in our economy and society. The budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, adding more to the debt than all previous presidents — from George Washington to George W. Bush — combined.

And that explosion is going to have huge consequences down the road.

If we put our health care system under government control, it is absolutely unavoidable that we will have to massively ration our health care resources down the road.  And there’s the rub.

Somebody is going to suffer from neglect down the road, as scarce medical resources are allocated to some rather than others.  And the elderly – who 1) are no longer represented in the work force while 2) consuming the lion’s share of medical resource – are going to start getting the short end of the stick.

The Obama administration may not want to admit it, but they have already embraced the idea of denying medical care to senior citizens, given their president’s choice of czars and top advisers.

Take Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (White House Chief-of-staff Rahm’s brother) – PLEASEDr. Emanuel is the health-policy adviser at Obama’s Office of Management and Budget and is also a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research.

In January of THIS YEAR, Dr. Emanuel – who is a principal architect of the Democrat’s health care plan – wrote:

“When implemented, the Complete Lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated… The Complete Lives system justifies preference to younger people because of priority to the worst-off rather than instrumental value.”

For those of you who don’t know what “attenuated” means, let me save you from heading for your dictionary.  It means, “to make thin; to weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value.”  Basically, in Dr. Emanuel’s usage, it means, “Time to make room for the next generation and shove off, Grandma and Grandpa.”

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel included a chart with his work (available here), which shows how he wants to allocate medical resources:

When you’re very young, or when you start reaching your 50s, you start becoming toast.

Take  Cass Sunstein, Obama’s Regulatory Czar, who wrote in the Columbia Law Review in January 2004:

“I urge that the government should indeed focus on life-years rather than lives. A program that saves young people produces more welfare than one that saves old people.”

Barack Obama’s Regulatory Czar explains:

“If a program would prevent fifty deaths of people who are twenty, should it be treated the same way as a program that would prevent fifty deaths of people who are seventy? Other things being equal, a program that protects young people seems far better than one that protects old people, because it delivers greater benefits.”

Which very much jives with what Obama told a woman concerning her mother:

“At least we can let doctors know — and your mom know — that you know what, maybe this isn’t going to help. Maybe you’re better off, uhh, not having the surgery, but, uhh, taking the painkiller.”

Don’t let the coffin lid hit your face on the way out, Grandma and Grandpa.

Glenn Beck brought out these statements on his August 6 TV program, adding that he wouldn’t let these men bring him a can of Coke, much less give them the power to make health care policy and determine who lives and who dies.

Right now the decision as to how to allocate medical resources is divided up between innumerable people and organizations, both government and private.  But if the “public option” wins the day, it will be centralized by men like Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel and Cass Sunstein.  And as the government takes over health care, and as debt eats up government funding, men and women like Emanuel and Sunstein are going to be choosing death by denial of medical resources to increasingly more and more people.

THAT’S your big Reason.  Rationed care.  Denial of resources to the elderly.  Death by neglect.  THAT’S why health care protesters are screaming and shouting.  THAT’S why people are carrying signs saying NO to the Swastika symbol of Nazi fascism.  And with all due respect, it is a damn good reason to be frightened and pissed off to no end.

Keep your damned fascist paws off my parents’ health care, Obama.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, liberal judicial activist of liberal judicial activists, had this to say about valueless life on the younger side (as opposed to Emanuel’s and Sunstein’s valueless life on the older side):

Ginsburg: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae – in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel wrote in 1996:

“Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed.”

Enter Eugenics right out of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and right out of Adolf Hitler, the architect of Nazism.  Enter the reason why so many Planned Parenthood clinics are STILL primarily located in black neighborhoods all over America – i.e., “growth in populations we don’t want to have too many of.”  Enter the reason Planned Parenthood is STILL comfortable with the idea of selectively aborting black babies.

And lest you forget, the infamous 1930s-era Tuskegee experiment – the racist and eugenics-based study that studied the effects of syphilis on deliberately untreated black men – ran straight through FDR’s New Deal, and through the course of his entire presidency.

Democrats are working to build a state in which it is the state which decides whether or not classes of people have the right to life, or the right to health care resources.  They want to centralize decision-making, and make health care decisions for everyone so they can further control the economy (health care is 1/6th of the economy) and further control individual behavior.

The late (and very, very great) Dr. D. James Kennedy once prophetically said:

“Watch out, Grandpa; because the generation that survived abortion will one day come after you!”

One need only look at Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s chart depicting the odds of receiving medical care versus age to see that the day Dr. Kennedy warned us about is now coming with a vengeance.

So who’s right in throwing out comparisons of Nazism?  If the choice is between Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and the health care plan they’re pushing versus the angry crowds showing up at town hall meetings to oppose the plan, it’s not even close.  First of all, let no one forget that “NAZI” stoof for the “National Socialist German Workers Party.”  It was national socialism, as in the sort of socialism health care protesters are afraid of.  Ronald Brownstein, senior writer at the National Journal, said recently that “The defining gamble of Barack Obama’s presidency is that the public today is willing to accept more government activism…“.   Don’t think for a second that the Nazis did not build a vast government health care system, which they then used to advance their political agenda.  And the German national government medical system under Nazism looked far more like the system that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi want to impose than anything that the people shouting at town halls want to see.