Posts Tagged ‘outrage’

Democrats Want More Than Your Share Of Your Wages. And More. And More.

May 24, 2010

Are we taxed enough as Americans?  Should we be outraged over the level of taxation?  Read this and tell me why you shouldn’t be.  And explain to me why the Democrats are right in confiscating more and more of Americans’ property, and Republicans are wrong in trying to allow citizens to hold on to more of what they earn:

The Government’s Share Of Your Paycheck
Is Bigger Than Your Share

Hard work is good for you.  It is better for the government.

Here is the scenario:  A musical composer applied for a job with a theatrical production company to write the music and lyrics for a new stage production.  The arrangement was, lyrics and music and all artistic rights in return for a compensation package of $100,000. The composer agreed, thinking this would give him an opportunity to purchase that very special collector’s automobile he had been dreaming about for years and is now available for $95,000.

At the end of his contract the production company was happy with the composer’s work and wrote the promised check to the composer’s financial manager.  Upon the manager’s presentation of the composer’s paycheck, the composer became very angry and retorted “They promised me $100,000 and this check is for only $49,560 what happened to the rest of the money.”

The financial manager replied, “The rest of the money went for taxes.  Your government has determined they are entitled to share in the fruits of your labors.  You were paid $100,000 and that placed you in the federal 28% tax bracket so that left you with $72,000.  Then we had to withhold federal self-employment FICA taxes of 12.4% and medicare taxes of 5.8% and those taxes totaled another 18.2% or $18,200 so that left you with $53,800.  And, the State of Arizona’s share of your labors is another 4.24% or $4,240 so that left you with $49,560.  Here’s your check, go spend it wisely.”

Well, there goes my dream of the special collector’s car so I guess I will have to settle for a new Cadillac that I can purchase in these troubled times for $45,000 and I will have nearly $5,000 left over which will be enough for my wife and me to drive from Phoenix to San Diego in our brand-new car and purchase a cruise on the Mexican Riviera. Wine, dine and sunshine.  Life is good.

Off to the Cadillac dealer and after selecting the model and options and negotiating the price to $45,000 the composer said “I’ll take it.  Hooray!”

The dealer handed the bill to the composer for $49,503.  The composer shouted “What?  We agreed on $45,000.  There goes my cruise”  The Cadillac dealer said “Arizona is entitled to share in the fruits of your labors and their share of your purchase is State, County and City sales taxes of 8.3%, or $3,735 and Registration and License fees of $768 for a total Arizona share of $4,503 and the dealer charges $50 as a documentation fee bringing the total purchase price to $49,553.  Here is a check for $7.00 as change for the $49,560 check you gave us.  Go spend it wisely.”

This might be a true story.  Somewhere in this vast country a similar scenario has happened.

Now, let’s look at the big picture.  A man worked and earned $100,000 and governments took $50,440 right off the top leaving the worker with $49,560 to spend.  When he spent it, governments grabbed another $4,503 in additional taxes.  This is a total of $54,947 (or 55%) of this worker’s earnings.  Plus, do not forget, to have $4.500 left over to pay the state governments their share of his purchase, the worker had to earn $9,000 BEFORE income taxes.  Should you wish to purchase a $45,000 automobile, you must earn $100,000 to do so.

Your governments tax you when you earn money and tax you when you spend money.  And, if you do not spend it, they will tax your estate when you die.  When the George Bush tax cuts expire next year and the Death Tax returns to 55%, your government will have taxed the first 50% when you earned it, and then grab the remaining 50% when you die.

And the Obama Democrats want more!

It never occurs to the government to stop spending.

That’s the way I see it.
July 17, 2009

This is the kind of thing that applies in virtually every sphere under the sun.  Take gasoline taxes.  Did you know that the government takes twice the dollars in gasoline sales taxes than the oil companies do in profits?  And do you know who pays that? You better know, you sucker; because it’s YOU.  The oil companies pass on all the taxes imposed by Democrats to you, the quintessential resident sap.  Every single time the government imposes taxes on businesses, those business pass those taxes on to you in the form of higher prices.

Another thing that is interesting emerges from this paragraph on the states with the highest state income taxes.  The author uses Arizona, presumably because he is from that state.  But Arizona has a measly 4.24% tax rate.  If he wanted to really make his case, he would have used a different state with a higher tax rate:

New Jersey residents paid 11.8%, topping the charts.  New Yorkers were close behind, paying 11.7%, and Connecticut was third at 11.1%.  The top 10 were rounded out by Maryland (10.8%), Hawaii (10.6%), California (10.5%), Ohio (10.4%). Vermont (10.3%), Wisconsin (10.2%) and Rhode Island (10.2%).

What is interesting and informative is every single one of those ten states with the highest tax rates – every single one – is a Democrat state that voted for Barack Obama.

How do liberals define stealing?  If the government seizes my property, just because it has the power to do so, how is that not stealing?  How is it not stealing when the welfare-wanting masses vote to seize the assets of people who obtained their wealth through hard work and sound investment while they were sitting on the couch in front of the boob tube and pissing their money away with compulsive buying?

Another thing that should be pointed out is that Americans – even BEFORE the November 2008 election that gave us Barack Obama to go along with overwhelming Democrat majorities in Congress – believe that higher taxes hurt the economy by reducing both revenues and jobs.

It’s simply amazing how false promises and demagogic accusations have managed to sway people to vote against their values – and for people who will undermine those values.

Benjamin Franklin said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”  In voting for Democrat total control, the American people essentially decided to send the United States crashing down.

As much as Democrats shrilly demagogued the Bush spending (which actually WAS outrageous), they are now entirely responsible for spending which utterly dwarfs anything Bush ever dreamed of imposing.

Consider that Obama spent more in just 20 months in office than Bush did in his entire 8 years.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Mr. Obama cannot dismiss critics by pointing to President George W. Bush’s decision to run $2.9 trillion in deficits while fighting two wars and dealing with 9/11 and Katrina. Mr. Obama will surpass Mr. Bush’s eight-year total in his first 20 months and 11 days in office, adding $3.2 trillion to the national debt. If America “cannot and will not sustain” deficits like Mr. Bush’s, as Mr. Obama said during the campaign, how can Mr. Obama sustain the geometrically larger ones he’s flogging?

Incredibly, I routinely continue to hear Democrat politicians blame Bush for his spending – which is tantamount to these Democrats admitting that they are hypocrites, liars, and absolute demagogues.

And where does it end?

With the American experiment in a democratic republic going the way of the Dodo bird.

We voted to destroy ourselves by spending ourselves into bankruptcy and economy collapse.  And Obama has been hard at work bringing that “hope and change” about.  And all it takes to understand WHY this outcome is actually “hope and change” is the realization that a great many liberal “intellectuals” have yearned for the destruction of the United States of America for decades.

There’s little question that the anvil will fall on the US economy due to the near doubling of the national debt as Obama adds a projected $9.3 trillion to the $11.7 trillion hole we’re already in.  Obama is borrowing 50 cents on the dollar as he explodes the federal deficit by spending four times more than Bush spent in 2008 and in the process “adding more to the debt than all presidents — from George Washington to George Bush — combined.” And most terrifying of all, Obama’s spending will cause debt to double from 41% of GDP in 2008 to a crushing 82% of GDP in 2019.

What will be the result of all this insane spending, and not very far off? A quote from a CNS News story should awaken anyone who thinks the future will be rosy:

By 2019, the CBO said, a whopping 82 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) will go to pay down the national debt. This means that in future years, the government could owe its creditors more than the goods and services that the entire economy can produce.

This massive spending under Obama and Democrats merely continues a trend that has been going on for decades: when you look at Congress’ spending when Democrats have been in control versus when Republicans have been in control over the last thirty years, you find that Democrat Congresses have accumulated 2.5 TIMES the debt that Republican Congress’ have.

Which is why Rep. Eric Cantor was right when he said:

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Minority Whip) on ABC’s “This Week”:
“If you look at the kind of deficit that we’ve incurred over the last three years that the Democrats have been in control of Congress, 60% of the overall deficit from the last ten years has occurred in that period. And frankly with the incurrence of the debt, we’ve seen very little result. That’s why we think we ought to choose another way.”

But we didn’t go the Republican way: we went the Democrats’ way.  And it should be rather obvious by now that it was the WRONG WAY.

And so the day is soon coming when Americans will be called upon to support massive tax increases such that the United States has never seen in its entire history, or else go completely broke and go the way of Greece.  But of course it will have been high government taxation and even higher government spending that broke us to begin with.

Liberals are going to continue to steal from the classes that they demonize – as befits the “from-each-according-to-his-ability-to-each-according-to-his-need” communists they quintessentially are – and they will continue to steal from generations yet unborn (at least those whom they haven’t murdered in their abortion mills) until there is nothing left of this nation but a hollowed-out shell.

And don’t think for a second that that isn’t exactly what many liberals – including many Obama friends and members of the Obama administration – want.

It’s coming for you, average American.  Liberals are presently demonizing the rich and demanding that they pay more and more and more.  But there aren’t enough rich people to pay these skyrocketing debts.  And so they’re going to start going after your wealth.  Do you know that even the poorest Americans have far more than most “citizens of the world”? When will you be told to pay YOUR share the way the rich have already been called upon to pay far more than theirs?

That’s right, craven average American liberal.  Pretty soon, the Democrats won’t be taxing the other guy; they’re going to come after YOU.  Not only because Democrats have spent too much to count on the wealthy to pay the load, but because the same argument that justified stealing the wealth of the rich in America is the identical same argument that will justify stealing YOUR wealth from YOU.  Just as the rich have far more than the average American, the average American has FAR more than the average Zimbabwean, who lives on less than $100 a year.  And the day is coming when you’re going to be taxed up the wazoo according to your own morally idiotic argument that you used to seize the wealth of your fellow Americans.

It will mean the destruction of American in every way, shape, and form, but at least I’d be able to see the look on the faces of all the people who thought that it was fair to force the top 50% of taxpayers to pay more than 97% of the taxes so that the other half can get off completely free and live like parasites.

I want to see the look on your faces when “the President of the world” starts going after what you’ve saved for yourselves and your children.  And many of you will have to demonstrate what collocate hypocrites you’ve been all along when you try to protect your assets from a government seizure of wealth that finally went too far for your comfort by going after you.

We don’t have much more time, Americans.  We will either vote these Democrats out, and rid ourselves from the menace of liberalism once for all, or we will economically implode.  And Democrats who will have brought that implosion into being will seek to use that implosion to impose the socialist society they’ve always dreamed of.

How Barack Obama Inspired Me

June 24, 2008

Throughout the Republican nomination process, I – like many conservatives – was down in the dumps. None of our candidates resonated with “the base.” We had fine Christian social conservatives who had embraced big government policies; social libertarians who had embraced fiscal conservatism; and your R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only) candidates who had somehow just discovered their conservatism; and a “maverick” Republican who had stabbed his party in the back in his cooperation with Democrats a few times too often. The closest thing we had to a true conservative was probably Fred Thompson, who simply entered the race too late and proved unwilling to go out on the campaign trail and work for his votes.

I voted for the maverick back-stabbing Republican as the best choice of an uninspiring lot.

Democrats were apparently just thrilled with their two most popular candidates. They had a young, one-term Senator who had no experience whatsoever, and a former first lady whose entire political career had derived from her husband’s.

The media said that the nomination of Hillary Clinton might energize a listless Republican elecorate. That seemed like it might be true. The Clintons had accumulated more baggage than LAX Airport at Christmas time.

Apart from the fact that the young first-term senator from Illinois had nothing in his past to demonstrate that he was ready to be the chief executive and commander-in-chief of the most powerful nation on earth, nothing about Barack Obama energized me one way or the other.

And then I learned about Trinity United Church of Christ and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

I wouldn’t have been more energized if someone had started poking me with a red-hot branding iron and then started chasing me around the room with it.

It didn’t matter to liberals and godless Democrats, of course. A relationship with one’s pastor was no more significant to them than the occassional talks one might have with one’s barber or one’s mail carrier – and who really cared what a barber or a mailman said, anyway?

But it sure did matter to me.

I know that politicians have to be involved with a lot of shady people in order to finance their campaigns, obtain access with the movers and shakers, and smooze their way to power. I knew that politics makes for strange bedfellows. That’s just part of the game. Since I’m not a politician, and since (apart from consistently voting) I’ve never even been very political, I don’t know a whole lot about such relationships, or how they affect the politicians who forge all these political alliances and marriages of convenience.

But I do know about what goes on in a church.

If my pastor had preached a sermon like the many we have heard about, my church would have erupted in moral outrage. Most of the congregation would have simply got up and walked out well before the sermon was even finished. Those who weren’t there that week would have heard all about it “from the grapevine.” A lot of people would have left, and they wouldn’t have come back.

The words, “God damn America” would have met with righteous outrage, not with standing ovations. And the members of my church – including a number of black members – would likewise never have tolerated any of the other hateful, vile lies that came out of Jeremiah Wright’s mouth against white people or against their country.

Barack Obama said he wasn’t there when Rev. Wright preached his most vile sermons (I’ve always wanted to know where Obama actually was the Sunday morning after 9/11, when Wright preached some of his nastiest stuff of all). But he knew all about what was going on in his so-called “church.”

He had to know.

If Wright’s hateful remarks came out-of-the-blue, in contrast to his usual messges, people would have talked about it (“Did you hear what the Reverend said last Sunday?”). You can’t just say something that hateful or that crazy out of the blue without creating a stir. People would have brought it up and wanted to talk about it. And people would have continued to talk about it. I know all kinds of stuff that goes on in my church and in the lives of my fellow members, whether I was there last Sunday or not.

The only way folk wouldn’t bother to talk about one of Rev. Wright’s “fiery sermons” is if he hadn’t said anything out-of-line with his usual fare.

And of course, if Senator Obama had missed a given Sunday, he could always pick up his copy of Trumpet Magazine (which is very specific about the radical hate-mongering going on in the life of the church). You’d think he would have at least picked up the magazine and flipped through it in one of the several issues in which he’d made the cover.

There’s all kinds of radical and hateful garbage in that magazine.

Heck, he could have just walked into the Trinity Church bookstore one day:

Having been a practicing Christian for more than 40 years now, and a practicing Catholic for 26 of those years, I have visited perhaps 100 various Christian bookstores, both Protestant and Catholic. In all of those places, one thing tied together the books for sale: Christianity.

Not so in Obama’s church bookstore.

I spent more than an hour perusing available books, and found as many claiming to represent Muslim thought as those representing Christian thought. Black Muslim thought, to be specific.

And the books claiming to support Christianity were surprisingly of a more political than religious nature. The books by James H. Cone, Wright’s own mentor, were prominent and numerous.

Now that I have read a number of the books that presumably Wright’s congregants (including Barack Obama) have also read, I can only conclude that the thing tying these volumes together is not Christianity, nor any real religion, but the political philosophy of Karl Marx.

One way or another, Barack Obama was a smart enough man to know what was going on in his church after having been part of it for 23 years.

I remember reading about one of the Nazi death camps the American troops liberated in the closing days of WWII. The soldiers were so morally offended by what they saw that they marched the German citizens of the nearby town to the camp at gunpoint and forced them to look at the horror that had been going on all around them.

The German people said, “We didn’t know. We didn’t know.” And the emaciated, dying Jews summoned up what was left of their strength and shouted, “You knew! You knew!”

Barack Obama knew, too.

He stayed in that church because it suited his Chicago-liberal-politics ambition, and because he didn’t find anything offensive about the message that was being preached.

Nothing Jeremiah Wright said ever seemed to bother Barack Obama until it occurred to him that America might not stand up and cheer the hateful and radical lunacy that was going on in that church the way his fellow radicalized members did. That was when he decided he’d better disinvite his longtime spiritual mentor from speaking at his announcement to run for president.

Barack Obama didn’t become offended until it was politically expedient for him to become offended.

But it sure offended me. It offended my moral compass that a man running for the highest office in the world would listen to such despicable sermons and find nothing wrong with them. And it insulted my intelligence that he would so casually dismiss blame from himself with what amounted to his own version of “the Nuremburg defense.”

Now I’m not trying to argue that Barack Obama is any sort of a Nazi. Apart from remembering AND NEVER FORGETTING the horror this ideology caused, we should never cavalierly use such an evil label to attack opponents. What I’m saying is that Obama is trying to duck out of his knoweldge of and responsibility for what went on in his church the same way that the German people tried to duck out of their knoweldge of and responsibility for what happened in their country under Nazism.

Add to that Obama’s long (and getting longer) list of radical and even terrorist associations. Liberals keep saying, “Judge Obama by what he says, not by those around him.” But at what point do his voluntary, long-standing, adult choices actually cast a reflection on him, on his character, and on his actual values? The guy goes to a radical, marxist-oriented, anti-American church for over 20 years. He publically states that the racist, openly American-hating pastor is his spiritual mentor, and he names his book after one of that pastor’s racially hostile sermons (“White greed drives a world in need”).

And one begins to discover that Barack Obama has more radical associations than you could shake a stick at.

The liberal establishment has tried to destroy Republicans for merely going to speak at Bob Jones University; Barack Obama was a committed member of one of the most radical black-separatist churches in the nation for 23 years.

Is Barack Obama not to be held accountable for anything?

When I realized that the same people who blamed President Bush for every crime under heaven had no intention of applying anything resembling the same hyper-critical examination of their own candidate, I realized that somebody had to do something to reveal the truth. Somebody had to get involved to stop these people.

Barack Obama is the reason why I took up blogging. I had to act to do what I could to stop such a man from ever becoming president of my country. If my part is insignificant, if no one reads my work, if I don’t change a single person’s mind, it is not from my lack of trying.

John McCain wouldn’t have inspired me to get involved. I truly don’t even believe Hillary Clinton would have.

McCain is not great enough, and Hillary – bad as she is – is not quite terrible enough.

We have only to look at the radical church environment that Barack Obama embraced, and the radical anti-American friends and associations that keep popping up one after another, to know that this man has no business even serving in American public life, much less ever becoming our President.