Posts Tagged ‘Black Congressional Caucus’

What’s Wrong With ‘White Pride’???

November 18, 2016

What’s wrong with black pride?  Or Latino pride?  Should we demonize people who celebrate these things?  The left and their propaganda allies in the media certainly don’t think so: in fact, they have led the way trying to instill all this “pride” in race, in gender, homosexuality.  You name it, the left wants you to have “pride” about it.

But pride in being white?  In being WHITE???  That is so…. so … so RACIST!!!  You HATER!!!

But wait a minute.  Wait a damn minute!!!  What about black pride and Latino pride???

Oh, that’s different.  You see, those people vote for us.

I came across an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled in the print edition, “‘White Pride’ Awakened” and that title all by itself cuts a decidedly visceral picture.  You know, Hitler, the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, that sort of thing.

And, you know, THAT doesn’t sound good, I mean, right?

And I’ve got my Christian Scriptures which state things like:

“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.'” — Acts 17:24-28

Opening his mouth, Peter said: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him.”  — Acts 10:34-35

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  — Galatians 3:28

Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all.  — Colossians 3:11

But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. — James 2:9

But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.  1 John 2:11

So I see the phrase “white pride” and I get more than a little uncomfortable.  I have a sense that no, I’m not supposed to have “white pride,” pride on account of my race.

I was raised that way.  I was taught that way all my life.  My Christian faith assures me that it is right to think that way.

And yet – in its own twisted, despicable way – that is EXACTLY what the Democrat Party has banked on me thinking and believing and feeling for going on fifty wicked years.

I’m not supposed to go to “white pride.”  It’s wrong.  But THEY are free and even RIGHTEOUS for creating and pursuing and institutionalizing “black pride” and “La Raza” (“the RACE”), and for that matter allow me to include gays and women and every OTHER group that Democrats have assembled into a coalition based upon “Us Vs. Them.”

Why in the hell is their racial pride somehow correct and my racial pride is incorrect?

And it’s in that word “correct.”  As in “politically correct.”

Political correctness is the ability to hold two or more mutually contradictory things in your head at the same time without your head exploding.  So, for example, take the Ku Klux Klan, and take the historic FACT that the Ku Klux Klan was began as the terrorist arm of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and that the Klan was still so deeply embedded into Democratic Party politics that even decades into the 20th century the Democratic National Convention was called “Klanbake.”  And the fact that WHICH PARTY last had a U.S. Senator who had been an “Exalted Cyclops” and a “Grand Kleagle” of the KLan???  And the fact that WHICH party’s candidate kissed and endorsed that high-ranking racist???  And then take into the fact that the Klan is now “right wing” and it is all somehow the party that waged war to defeat both the racist Democrats and their racist Klan that is to blame for the Ku Klux Klan.

Political Correctness is a fairly new term, but it dates back to 1949 when Orwell coined the term “doublethink” for his book about government run-amok titled “1984”:

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

So the same people who say that “white power” is the height of Nazi evil celebrate the “power” of every other race BUT white people.  While arguing that they of course cannot be racist for their racist doctrines that merely turn the race doctrines of the Nazis upside down all in the most cynical ideological way to create a political machine based on a race coalition.

And through the sledgehammer weapon of “political correctness” we who are “them” are not allowed to think of ourselves as “them” even as they themselves create the categories and viciously use them for political and moral attack.

Political correctness is not just an attempt to make people feel better. It’s a vast, coordinated effort on the part of the secular humanist, socialist left to change Western culture as we know it by  using rhetoric to redefine it. Early Marxists in Russia designed this game plan long ago and liberals continue to execute the tactic today: to control the argument by controlling the “acceptable” language. Those with radical agendas understand the game plan and are taking advantage of an oversensitive and frankly overly gullible public.

The central tenet of Political Correctness is that language shapes/controls thought and thought shapes/controls actions. And if you control what you say you ultimately control what you think and how you act. And there’s a good way to do that and a very, very bad way to do it. And the left is destroying the first (the GOOD way to control yourself and improve yourself through religion and morality) while using mass-mind-control techniques by shaping the culture and political discourse to THEIR narrative via the tactic of PC.

And Christians in specific and white people in general were literally TRAINED to participate in their own racial and cultural destruction if the other side is utterly amoral and willing to exploit race as a political weapon.  Which the Democratic Party has done TO THE HILT OF THE SWORD.

And white people finally assembled something of a rally and followed the leadership of Donald Trump to finally fight back fire with fire.

Jesus prophesied this: He said that in the very last days before this present age ran its course as it prepared for the coming of the beast:

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8

The word translated as “nation” is the Greek word “ethnos” (Strongs # 1484).  It is the root word from which we get the English word “ethnic.”  Its primary sense is ETHNICITY or RACE.  In the last days, ETHNIC GROUP shall rise against ETHNIC GROUP as we have never seen.

And that day is coming and is already here.

What is interesting is that the Nazis weren’t merely “racist” in the sense of “white people.”  Not at ALL!  The intellectual Nazis had a VERY SPECIFIC group of white people in mind: ARYAN white people, and even more particularly the Nordic/Germanic peoples.  The Nazis held that the Nordic race was the most superior of the “Aryan race” and therefore properly constituted a “master race.”  They categorized people in a “Us Vs. Them” formula that rated races from “Aryan” at the top to “Non-Aryan” at the bottom and grades in-between where one was a little more or a little less “Aryan” to not Aryan at all.  They were determined to subjugate the French (who were Normans when the Nazis were proudly Anglo-Saxon) and they were even more viciously hellbound to subjugate the Russians who were Slavic white people.  Hitler thought he could reach out to Winston Churchill and Great Britain on the basis of common Aryan racial identity, but Churchill and the English didn’t want any part of Hitler’s racial theory, enraging the dictator.

It was a racial theory that Hitler himself (who actually almost certainly had Jewish blood in him) and most of the people at the top of the Nazi hierarchy failed to racially qualify for.  But abject moral and intellectual hypocrisy never stopped people like these.

In my first sentence I mentioned “Hitler, the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, that sort of thing.”  It is fascinating to understand that the Nazis were SOCIALISTS and therefore on the far leftist end of the spectrum.  You could call them the right wing of the extreme radical left, but unless you are talking about communists who are on the very farthest fringe of leftism, the Nazis were WAY over on the side of the left.  And the Ku Klux Klan without any question in its origin was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party that fought a vicious Civil War for the purpose of preserving human slavery.  The Democratic Party was still so completely and entirely indoctrinated with racism and the Ku Klux Klan that the 1924 Democratic National Convention was called “Klanbake.”  You can look this history up for yourself.

When you evaluate the racist history of the Democratic Party, you ought to truly be ashamed if you are a Democrat.  I’ve written about this many times before:

I mean, maybe you can go back to President Andrew Jackson and his vicious genocidal Trail of Tears.  But Andrew Jackson was a Democrat, too.  Or you could go back to President Woodrow Wilson who literally fired all the blacks in federal government and RE-segregated the military.  But you guessed it – Democrat.  We can go back to January 26, 1922, when Democrat Senators filibustered a Republican bill that had passed in the GOP-controlled House to make LYNCHING a federal crime.  Or we could mention the vile and evil political party that had a national convention in 1924 that was so dominated by the Ku Klux Klan that it is today known as “Klanbake.”  But, oops.  That was the 1924 DEMOCRAT PARTY CONVENTION.  Or we could consider that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a bigger racist for put American Japanese citizens in camps for nothing beyond racism.  Or for allowing the infamous Tuskegee experiment to begin under his presidency.  Or allowing his New Deal program to be used to help Democrat-supporting labor unions hurt black people and shut them out of economic success.  Or for the fact that far more REPUBLICANS than DEMOCRATS voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act and had to overcome a Democrat filibuster to do it.  And in the same way, the Republicans were instrumental in passing the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  But, well, you know…


We’ve got the racism of Bill Clinton who said of a black man named Barack Hussein Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”  And clearly wishing for those good old days, so that his wife could win the Democrat nomination.  More recently, Bill Clinton – the former leader of the Democrat Party – said of former Ku Klux Klan Kleagle and “pillar of the Senate” Robert Byrd, said:

“They mention that he once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, and what does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means,” Clinton said. “He was a country boy from the hills and hollows of West Virginia. He was trying to get elected. And maybe he did something he shouldn’t have done…”

Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was a “fleeting member” of the Ku Klux Klan the way Kobe Bryant was a “fleeting member” of the Los Angeles Lakers.  Former Exalted Cyclops and Kleagle Byrd wrote:

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

He wrote:

“The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.”

He personally filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act on behalf of the Klan when he was nearing fifty years old.

So why was it that Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was “MAYBE” wrong for being a member of the Klan? The answer is as simple as it is frightening: because it’s always been okay for the Democrat Party to use racism and race-baiting and racial segregation in order to drive their agenda home.  And that is just as true today when the Democrats buy off blacks through welfare so they will act as the human shields of the Democrat Party as it was when the Democrat-created Ku Klux Klan was riding around with torches.

The Democrat Party is the historic proponent of racism in this country (see also my comment here).  Oh, they changed their tactics from threats to bribes, but they never abandoned their racist “progressive” values.

And that’s the hook: the Democratic Party has ALWAYS been racist to its core.  They just found a different tactic to employ their doctrine of racism as vicious political weapon.  After the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act – which was a DEFEAT for the congressional and senatorial Democrats – they got together in conclave and sharpened their knives and devised a new tactic: to ostentatiously pull of the trick that hey, leopards really CAN change their spots.  And so they began to devise increasingly RIDICULOUS “Civil Rights” acts that flew in the face of the Republican values of individual liberty and individual moral responsibility that led them to fight to end slavery in the 1860s and led them to pass the Civil Rights Act of the 1960s.  With that century in-between being nothing short of hard-core Democratic Party RACISM.  Until they realized it wasn’t working any more and created the “plantation” tactic whereby they got blacks BACK on their plantation by being the NEW party of racism that continued to use race as a weapon, but this time in a different warped way.  Now, in the way that ignorant and helpless non-combatant Muslims are the human shields of the terrorists who live among them, blacks are the ignorant and helpless human shields of the Democrat Party that exploit them primarily in inner cities and yet somehow after a CENTURY of Democratic Party control have NEVER done anything to actually help these people whose vote they pimp and exploit to the machine agenda.

The Democratic Party created a HARD-CORE racist agenda based primarily upon pitting blacks and Hispanics against whites.  It worked great for them.  Because white people had been taught that it is WRONG to be racist, to organize for a racist purpose against another race.  Only the most wicked, vile people on earth would do such a thing.

Oh, only the most wicked, vile people on earth … and Democrats who played the damn race card every year of my entire life – and I’m in my fifties now.

And it worked for Democrats.  Because the Republican Party was terrified to actually do or be what the Democrat Party branded them and demonized them and slandered them as being every single election anyway whether the Republicans did it or not.  Republicans were terrified to degenerate into the vicious racial tactics that Democrats had turned into an art form.

Until Donald Trump saw the devastation that Obama’s racist policies had wreaked on working-class whites and he saw his opening.

And the rest is damn history.

Damn the Germans for initiating the concepts of total war by targeting civilian population centers, of weapons of mass destruction through gas warfare as military tactic, etc, and force the Allies to determine that what is good for the goose is good for the gander and RETALIATE in kind.  And DAMN the Democrats for initiating the concept of race as a political weapon and assembling groups of people on the basis of “identity politics” and creating the infamous “Us Vs. Them” tactic to win by division and increasingly angry and bitter and hateful division.

You live by the sword and eventually you will PERISH by the sword.

And there is now no factual question whatsoever that under the RACE PIMP-IN-CHIEF Barack Obama the Democrat Party has perished by its own race sword as white people finally rose up just as Democrats had taught them to do by inciting and flaming the hate of blacks and Hispanics against them.

Under Barack Obama, the House Democrats lost 68 seats since he won election in 2008.  They had a filibuster-proof majority when Obama came, and now the Senate is firmly in Republican hands.  Thanks to Obama and the arguably even more vile successor in Hillary Clinton, Democrats have lost the White House.  But its when you look more closely that the ugly truth of abject rejection of the Democrat Party is truly and stunningly seen: Democrats have lost NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN SEATS in State legislatures since Obama became president.  Consider:

Obama’s record for losses, at least through the 2014 midterms, is historically bad having overseen two horrible midterm elections for Democrats. Overall, Sabato wrote, Democrats during Obama’s presidency lost 11 governorships, 13 U.S. Senate seats, 69 House seats, and 913 state legislative seats and 30 state legislative chambers. (Our analysis of legislative seats is off from Sabato’s by three. The small discrepancy is likely due to run-offs and recounts.)

The shedding of U.S. House seats, state legislative seats and statehouse control is at least twice the average two-term losses from Truman through George W. Bush, Sabato said.

There are now only FOUR states in the entire NATION that have a Democrat governor and a Democrat legislature.

Look at the damn MAP, Democrat.  See the damn PICTURE!!!:


I see a Republican nation infected and scarred by ugly pimples of diseased blue puss, that is what I see.

When Donald Trump targeted that Hispanic judge Gonzalo Curiel – albeit in a rather unfortunate way – I asked this question:

How do you feel about members of the white race determining to advance fellow members of the white race in exclusion of all other races???

How many Democrats have cheered the prospect of a “Congressional White Caucus” the way they have done with the Congressional Black Caucus?  How many liberals find themselves celebrating the “diversity” of a “National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People” the way they have cheered the “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People” (a.k.a., the NAACP)???  Do white people get to have a WET channel – White Entertainment Television – and hand out awards exclusively to white entertainers and praising them for exalting the white race the way the other side does with BET???

For that matter, how many reporters are focusing on the racist angle of Hispanics waving Mexican flags, burning American flags, and then chasing down, surrounding, and beating white people at Donald Trump events???  How is it NOT racist when Mexican-flag-wielding Hispanic thugs beat down white people at political rallies they barged into to suppress???

Why is it okay to be a hard-core racist, providing that the race you are working to advance is a member of the Democrat Party race coalition???  Why does “racism” only work one way (i.e. the way that favors and ALWAYS favors the left)???

And the people and the electorate have spoken, and we now have our answer: white pride is back.

And if you are a Democrat and you think it’s terrible, get in your car, drive to the nearest field where a farmer is operating a combine, and throw yourself into its gears: BECAUSE YOU ARE ENTIRELY TO BLAME FOR IT AND YOU HAVE BEEN ENTIRELY TO BLAME FOR YOUR ENTIRE DAMN LIFE.

White people finally got fed up of the vicious, ugly, cynical racist double-standard hypocrisy that is at the VERY CORE of the Democratic Party.

And they rose up to protect their children and their grandchildren from Democratic Party HATE.

And you now face a damn choice, Democrat: you can stop being a divisive, Us-Vs.-Them-pimping, identify-politics racist hate-machine slave, or you can now choose to rise up as Democrats and end the race-pimp machine that is now at the cockroach soul of your party system.

As long as there is a Black Congressional Caucus, as long as there is a Black Lives Matter movement, as long as there is a La Raza, as long as there is a United Negro College Fund, as long as there are black colleges and universities – and there are more than ONE HUNDRED of them and tell me how liberals would react to a hundred damn WHITE colleges!?!? – then do not dare to even TRY to condemn us for our newfound “white pride.”

The Imperial Japanese admiral who masterminded the Pearl Harbor attack said in its aftermath when he realized the American carriers had not been hit:

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

The sleeping giant, once awakened, saw Pearl Harbor and saw the Rape of Naking and the Bataan Death March and was filled with the terrible resolve – a RIGHTEOUS resolve – to rip and shred chunks of the empire the Japanese won by viciousness until they could first firebomb Tokyo and ultimately drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And they were RIGHT to do it, just as white people are right to rise up against the Democratic Party hate machine now.

For my part, I would love the race war ignited and inflamed by the Democratic Party and their racial coalition began to finally end and we could get back to just being AMERICANS.  But I will NOT stand down while hate triumphs.  And we saw during the campaign as Democrats viciously physically attacked Republicans just for attending peaceful GOP rallies; we saw that that political violence was INTENTIONALLY ORGANIZED AND PLANNED by a career Democratic operative who served on the Clinton campaign and who visited the White House to coordinate with the Obama machine 342 times; and now we are seeing the party of naked fascism violently rioting as they refuse the results of democracy all over again now.  And I will stand up against the party of hate, the Democrat Party.

White Americans are beginning to have that same terrible resolve because of YOU, Democrat.  You have awakened a monster, Democrat, and now you have a choice to make that had you been moral and decent people you would not have ever had to make in the first place.  Because it sure looks like Republicans aren’t going to let you lecture them for doing what you’ve done for fifty damn years any more.

My guess is that you’re not going to listen to wisdom BECAUSE YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF WISDOM.  So you will fulfill the prophecy of Jesus and double-down on your racism as tactic even as you scream about the terrible resolve of the sleeping giant you woke up in 2016.


Racist Murderer Laments He Didn’t Kill More White People

August 14, 2010

We’ve got the New Black Panthers and their leaders urging a race war and the killing of white babies:

“I hate white people.  All of them!  Every last iota of a cracker, I hate him!  You want freedom? You’re going to have to kill some crackers! You’re going to have kill some of their babies.”

We’ve got the Obama Administration dismissing charges of voter intimidation against men who brought weapons and issued racist threats against voters.  We’ve got the Obama Administration demanding, “Never bring a lawsuit against a black.” We’ve got We’ve got the New York Slimes’ pathetic retraction admitting that there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever that black congressmen were racially insulted or spat upon (see also here, and then take a look at the retraction here).  Which of course begs the question why these congressmen lied and maliciously and despicably claimed that they were the victims of a racist incident that in fact never occurred.

And now we’ve got a racist black thief becoming a racist murderer.

One wonders when the NAACP and the surrounding liberal establishment will quit calling the Tea Party racist and actually deal with the actual racists.

Probably never, but one wonders.

From the AP:

By STEPHEN SINGER and MARK SCOLFORO, Associated Press Thu Aug 5, 7:58 pm ET

HARTFORD, Conn. – A black man who went on a shooting rampage at a beer distributor calmly told a 911 operator that it was “a racist place” and that he “handled the problem” but wished he had shot more people.

Omar Thornton called 911 after shooting 10 co-workers — eight fatally — on Tuesday morning at Hartford Distributors Inc. He introduced himself as “the shooter over in Manchester” and said he was hiding in the building, but he would not say where.

“You probably want to know the reason why I shot this place up,” he said, his voice steady. “This place is a racist place. They’re treating me bad over here. And treat all other black employees bad over here, too. So I took it to my own hands and handled the problem. I wish I could have got more of the people.”

Connecticut State Police released the audio of the four-minute 911 call on Thursday, the day company and union officials rebutted suggestions that the company had ignored Thornton’s complaints of racism.

Thornton, 34, went on his rampage moments after he was forced to resign when confronted with video evidence that he had been stealing and reselling beer.

The 911 call confirmed suggestions from his relatives and girlfriend that he believed he was avenging racist treatment in the workplace.

Hartford Distributors president Ross Hollander said there was no record to support claims of “racial insensitivity” made through the company’s anti-harassment policy, the union grievance process or state and federal agencies.

“Nonetheless, these ugly allegations have been raised and the company will cooperate with any investigation,” Hollander said.

The union said 14 of 69 dock workers, or 20 percent, were racial minorities — four black, nine Hispanic, one Asian.

The idea that Thornton’s motive may not have been retaliation for losing his job has not sat well with many of the people who knew the victims and have firsthand knowledge of the environment inside the enormous distribution center in Manchester.

“Everybody just thinks this race card is such a wrong thing,” said Michael Cirigliano, whose slain brother, Bryan, was Thornton’s union representative at the disciplinary meeting and the president of the local union.

Michael Cirigliano also spent three decades working at the warehouse before he retired two years ago.

“The Hispanics and the blacks were telling me they’ve never seen anything they’re accusing the company of in the bathrooms or anywhere else at HDI,” he said. “It’s never been separated white, black, Asian. It’s never been like that.”

He said the company had increased its hiring of minorities in recent years.

“They’ve been bringing in more and more minority people to fill the positions,” Cirigliano said. “You could almost go as far as that’s reverse discrimination. They were hiring the groups to balance the workplace, because that’s what we are in America, there’s a balance.”

Anthony Napolitano, the son-in-law of victim Victor James, 60, of Windsor, said James treated everyone equally, regardless of race or religion.

Truck driver David Zylberman, a 34-year employee of the company, said that the racism claims “pissed me off because they were good people.”

I suppose you could argue that the three lying Black Caucus congressmen were actually virtuous.  I mean, sure they lied and maliciously tried to manufacture a race incident.  But at least they didn’t follow up their lies with homicides.

Slimeball murderer Omar Thornton – who manufactured claims of racism to conceal the fact that he was a thief who was literally caught on video stealing – wasn’t so “virtuous.”

After his shooting spree, he said, “I killed the five racists.”

We have had a rash of mainstream media propagandists and Democrat politicians demonizing the Tea Party for inciting violence.  Even though all the actual violence has been committed by the left.

Barack Obama promised he would be the post-racial president who would heal the divide.  Instead he has fanned racist flames that this country hasn’t seen in fifty years.  Which shouldn’t surprise anyone who is aware of the racist church that he was a member of for more than twenty years.  Obama has played the race card against Bill Clinton.  He has played the race card against a white police officer.  He has played the race card against an entire state of the union (Arizona).

Who is actually inciting racist violence?  And which race is responding with violence?

“You’re going to have to kill some crackers!  You’re going to have to kill some of their babies!”

“I killed the five racists!”

And, of course, Hispanic violence is now pretty much a matter of routine.

And here’s a DIFFERENT violent protest:

A Hispanic protester threatened the murder of white Americans with axes and shovels.  Because apparently the out-of-control Arizona border is not out-of-control enough for her.

Meanwhile, at event after event, Tea Parties rally peacefully and then pick up their own garbage.

This is where our society had degenerated into: if we try to prevent illegal immigrants from taking root and taking over our country, we’re racist.  If we try to fire a black man caught red-handed on video tape stealing from us, we’re racist.  If we try to refute race-baiting black congressmen from falsely accusing us of spitting on them, we’re racist.

It’s long past time we exposed the actual racists for who and what they are.

If you want racists; if you want incitements to violence; if you want ACTUAL violence; you turn your head and look at the Democrat Party.