Posts Tagged ‘Neal Kedzie’

Democrats Continue To Prove That Theirs Is The Violent Ideology Of Fascism

October 24, 2012

Just to first document that the story that follows is no fluke, here are just a few of the articles I’ve written featuring Democrats proving over and over and over again that theirs is the ideology of hate and intolerance:

Tea Party Vs. Occupy Protests: The Winners Of The Out-Of-Control Violence Trophy – For The Millionth Consecutive Time – Is The LEFT

Another Example That Liberalism Is The Ideology Of Hate And Violence

Leftwing Violence And Media Propaganda/Coverup Continues Unabated

Kansas City Throat Slashing Liberal: Media Continues To Cover Up Leftist Violence

On The So-Called Link Between ‘Rightwing’ Political Rhetoric And Violence

Liberal Fascists In Wisconsin: Show Me Crap Like THIS Coming From Tea Party Protests

When It Comes To Charges Of Racism And Violence, Democrats Need To Do A Lot More Shutting The Hell Up

AFL-CIO President With Brutal History Of Inciting Violence Attacks Sarah Palin For Inciting Violence

When America Goes To Hell, Rest Assured It Will Be Leftists Resorting To Violence, Too

Demagogue Democrats Now Support Violence And Swastikas

Left Continues Violence; Media Continues To Demagogue Tea Parties

Labor Unions: A Century Of Genuine Evil

Actual Leftwing Violence Keeps Piling Up While Media Focuses On ‘Threat’ From Tea Parties

Left Continues To Be Source Of ACTUAL Acts of Violence

And so, again, true to form, Democrats document yet again that they are the violent fascist thugs out to intimidate and attack decent people:

State Legislator’s Son Beaten Defending Romney Sign From Thieves
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 10/22/12 7:21 PM

Vandalism is a normal part of the course of a political campaign — with signs stolen, cars with bumper stickers keyed or spray painted comments plastered on walls of offices used by candidates and their staff.

But the son of a Wisconsin state legislator paid the price for defending a Romney sign from two apparent Obama supporters, he was beaten for standing up for his property and the candidate his sign supports.

From Brietbart:

Early Friday morning, thugs presumably supporting President Obama beat up the son of Wisconsin State Senator Neal Kedzie outside of his apartment in Whitewater. Kedzie caught the two men removing a Romney sign outside of his apartment around two o’clock in the morning. After telling them to put the signs back, one of the thugs attacked Kedzie and then put him in a choke hold and continued to beat his head.

Mark Belling spoke to the Senator’s son Sean on the radio earlier today. Sean Kedzie told Belling he was rushed to the hospital by ambulance with possible skull and eye socket fractures.

Here is Sen. Kedzie’s statement:

Early on Friday morning, October 19th, my son Sean was awakened by noises outside his residence in Whitewater. As he went to see what the commotion was about, he noticed an individual removing a Romney/Ryan yard sign from his property. He yelled to the person that they were taking something not theirs and to return it immediately. The individual returned the sign, however, a second person confronted and attacked Sean without warning.

Sean was wrestled to the ground by both persons, held down by a constricting chokehold, and struck repeatedly about the face and head. He nearly passed out from the chokehold and suffered contusions to his face and eyes. Fortunately, an alert neighbor heard the commotion, scared the individuals away, and called the police. My wife and I were awakened by a telephone call from Sean’s roommate that Sean had been taken by ambulance to Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital.

Sean was treated for his injuries and released from the hospital the same day. As this was a private family matter, we chose not to remark publicly about it and allow law enforcement to do their job. But we understand these types of incidents will eventually become public and questions will arise, particularly in my position as a state legislator.

Sean is still recovering from the injuries he sustained as a result of this beating, and we are confident he will make a full recovery. But obviously, as parents, we are shaken by this event and very troubled it was apparently initiated and motivated for political reasons.

Soon – and particularly if Obama gets re-elected – we will be seeing unions and students violently rioting to get more of other people’s money.  It is who they are because liberals are evil and violent and hateful (55 million babies murdered by Democrats and liberals are crying out for God’s justice as we speak).  When violence comes to America, it will come from the left.  Just as it is coming from the left now all over Europe.