Posts Tagged ‘halo’

Obama’s Arab Spring: Al-Qaeda Flag Flies Above U.S. Embassies; Egypt Succumbs To Muslim Brotherhood; Iran Nears Nuclear Weapons; Syria Preparing Chemical Weapons

December 5, 2012

The reelection of Barack Obama was the single greatest guarantee that Antichrist would appear.

If you voted for Barack Obama, you voted for Antichrist to come.  And you will very likely worship him and take his mark when he arrives now that you have made his coming a certainty.

I remember when Democrats were demagoguing George W. Bush and saying that Bush set the Islamic world on fire.  No, he didn’t.  The al-Qaeda flag had never flown over a burned-out American embassy, let alone flown on American soil over FOUR U.S. embassies as it now has in Egypt, in Libya, in Tunisia and in Yemen.  Egypt – the heart of the Arab world – was a strong, stable ally of the United States and Israel prior to the Obama regime.  Iran was working on its nuclear weapons program, but only because Democrats were morally depraved fools who were blocking Bush’s efforts to deal with a crisis before it engulfed the world in Armageddon.  And Syria wasn’t mixing chemical weapons.

Oh, and a dictator over the heart of the Arab world wasn’t installing himself as entirely above the law while imposing a fascist sharia law Constitution on said “heart of the Arab world.”

Yes, now Syria IS mixing weapons and preparing the capability of launching chemical weapons (a lot of which they got from Saddam Hussein via Iraq, fwiw).  You’ve simply got to be beyond insane to believe that things were worse across the Arab world under Bush.  It is nothing more than a doctrine of your frankly bizarre religious liberal fanaticism.

In the Pax Obama, the state of affairs is defined by two things: growing chaos and the massively growing influence of Islamist radicalism and terrorism. You voted for those things, too, for what it’s worth.

I have repeatedly stated that Barack Obama is NOT the Antichrist; because the Antichrist will come from the people who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple (see Daniel 9:27) – and it was the ROMANS who did that back in 70 AD.  And the last time I checked, Barack Obama was not a Roman or in any way related to the Roman world.

Obama is not the Antichrist; he is merely one of the many false christs whom Jesus said would come in the last days:

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.  For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many (Matthew 24:4-5)

He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them (Luke 21:8)

Obama’s followers in the mainstream media have crowned him with the halo of righteousness and messiahship:

Obama with halo

Obama with halo2

This most wicked president who ever cursed America has – rather like al Qaeda – planted his OWN flag over America:

Who IS Obama?  He’s “black Jesus,” according to those who carried him to power.

And they say that in Obama, “prophecy is fulfilled.”

Because Barack Hussein Obama is the messiah of Democrat Party, and the ONLY messiah with whom they will have to do.  Barack Obama represented the moment when every single Democrat chose to side with the devil.

They have proclaimed him as their messiah and they will go up into heaven or – and here’s where they WILL go – down into hell with him.

At the core of every liberal beats the heart of a fascist.  It is in their soul to want to create a giant mega-state and then worship their Führer, or their Dear Leader, or their Chairman Mao, or their “Red GodJoseph Stalin.  They erect a government as God – and then they proceed to worship the dictator of their government as God.  Because to them he clearly IS God.

You have to wonder how a man who has presided over such astounding and staggering failure at every level and at every turn can be so worshiped.  Obama’s economy is a shambles.  What did he do the last four years?  He spent them blaming Bush.  And as he slams the Republicans who control the House of Representatives with absurd demands (such as: DOUBLING his demand of an $800 billion tax hike to a $1.6 trillion tax hike; demanding the ability to be able to hike the debt ceiling as his regime requires; changing the Senate rules to allow what previous Democrats came absolutely unglued over and crush the minority), you already see how he will explain his next four years of catastrophic economic failure: by blaming the Republicans.  Because if he doesn’t get all this the Republicans are to blame for rebelling against his fascist-dictator takeover of the government.  Meanwhile, the Middle East and the world are melting down all around America as we prepare for the war of Gog and Magog and finally Armageddon.  Directly because of what Obama has already done in just his first four years.

As we face the increasingly real prospect of going over the fiscal cliff and creating a new recession which may lead to the catastrophic depression I see coming, we do NOT have two parties realizing a national crisis and striving to come together for the good of the people; we see the lowest kind of political posturing and demagoguing.  And no one – NO ONE – is doing that more than Barack Obama.  Obama has successfully divided America more than it has ever been divided since the Civil War; and now he is trying to “break the Republican Party” even as he falsely campaigns himself as some messianic unifier.  And that level of deception is satanic in origin and demonic in result.

Just as Obama has wildly failed in everything but deceiving and demonizing, so also will the true Antichrist wildly fail – but still be worshiped by a people whose souls are owned by Satan.  You see that throughout the Book of Revelation; the worse things get, the more the people cling to their false messiah while shaking their fists in hate at the Real Messiah Jesus Christ.

And here’s the answer that is also the harbinger of the true Antichrist who is to come: it is the nature of antichrist to deceive with false words, just as Obama has so successfully done.  Only the unrighteous will believe these deceivers, but when a nation turns the corner of wickedness that will assure the antichrist leader of political domination.

The coming Antichrist will have the demonic wisdom to twist and distort words and tie the truth up in knots to the degree that no one will be able to know the truth after hearing his words.  He will be such a master of words that he will be able to deceive not merely millions but billions.  Where Jesus told us the Truth, the spirit of Antichrist is always to lie and tie the truth up in deceptive knots.

We have already received a picture of what is to come in the lies and slanders and deceptions of the false christ Obama; the true Antichrist to come will be able to lie and slander and twist truth on a completely different level, but ultimately it will be more of the same that we have already seen in the false christs whom liberals/socialists have already worshiped before.

Did Reuters Ever Capture John McCain With A Golden Halo?

February 17, 2010

World War II apparently wasn’t a complete waste.  It allowed American media liberals to learn how to do propaganda right from Joseph Goebbels’ example.

Another Subtle Obama Photo From Reuters That’s Not An Accident

Reuters has a habit of doing this..This photo was taken today at the IBEW in Maryland

photo via weaselzippers, Notice ‘attitude, skill, knowledge’ is perfectly in line with the edge

This is the IBEW seal that Obama was photographed in…

U.S. President Barack Obama tours a training center at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 26 Headquarters in Lanham, Maryland, February 16, 2010.REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

2 weeks ago, it was Reuters capturing Obama with a halo

Drudge Tonight

Posted by HotAirPundit at 10:19 PM

I don’t begrudge political campaigns from photographing their candidates in a favorable light (although the halo thing is kind of spooky – and, yes, Bush’s handlers gave him a halo on at least one occasion).  But when journalists who are supposed to be objective do it – and do it repeatedly – you cross a line into true propaganda.

This was something that was done repeatedly with Obama Messiah:

Mind you, John McCain benefitted from some visual propaganda, too.  Here’s a shot taken by photographer Jill Greenberg, who had been hired by The Atlantic:

Some might argue that Obama’s propaganda treatment was more favorable than McCain’s.  But that’s a judgment call.

Outright propaganda and the political left have always gone hand in hand.  From Stalin to Hitler to Mao to Castro and Che Guevara, we have always seen the media glorify their chosen leaders in pictures and print.

The media used propaganda to influence stupid peoples’ votes in so many ways.  Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of stupid people in this country.

Barack Obama Proclaimed As “The Messiah” – The Beast Is Coming

October 10, 2008

People who trust the Bible have known he was coming: the false Messiah, the Antichrist (1 John 2:18), the Beast of Revelation (Rev 13:1) and the little horn of Daniel (Dan 7:8).  And now we can know that he is coming soon, if he is not already among us even now.

The media have had a bizarre fascination with Barack Obama for some time.  We’ve had photographs of Barack Obama in Reuters and Associated Press stories with a deliberate halo over his head in a clear propaganda effort.  We’ve got columnists like Mark Morford calling Obama a “Lightworker” and using incredibly spiritual language to describe the Obama presence.

But Louis Farrakhan nailed it on the head: Barack Hussein Obama is The Messiah:

“You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”

We can add that to the glossy-eyed little brainwashed children singing praised to Obama. One little girl – in a big-liberal-money-assisted “community event” sang, “We’re gonna spread happiness! We’re gonna spread freeeeedom! Obama’s gonna change it, Obama’s gonna lead ‘em…”

John McCain hasn’t appeared in Reuters or the AP bearing a beatific halo.  Children haven’t sung praises to him.  He hasn’t been described as a messiah.  And he certainly hasn’t been proclaimed to be “the Messiah” by Louis Farrakhan.

The REAL Messiah won’t come until after the false one has appeared to deceive the world (Revelation 13:1 cf. 19:11).  And boy is the world ripe for the false one!  In the age of the internet and the explosion of information, we are seeing propaganda in amounts that boggle the mind from the mainstream media.

Antichrist won’t come during a time when everything is going well; he’ll come during a time of global crisis; he’ll appear to “solve all our problems” even as he sets up the world for persecution, disaster, and holocaust like the world has never seen.

Barack Obama has had a relationship with this false prophet (see Revelation 16:13) Louis Farrakhan for years.  He helped lead Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam-sponsored “Million Man March” (which Jeremiah Wright helped organize).  Obama was an active part of the radical Marxist “black theology” Trinity United Church for 23 years, which honored radical racist anti-Semite Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan with its Lifetime Achievement Trumpeteer Award.  He has been mentored for all those years by the radical Jeremiah Wright, who has frequently praised and honored Louis Farrakhan.

Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?  There sure are a lot of signs that he is in the media!  But I believe that he is just one of the false messiahs (Matthew 24:24).  Rather than being THE Antichrist, I believe that Obama is just one of the false messiahs who will so completely screw up the United States and the world that Antichrist will be able to emerge to “save the day.”

The United States isn’t mentioned in Bible prophecy.  Now we begin to see why: we wont’ matter because our economy will be in ruins.  And we certainly won’t be the kind of nation that will be willing to come to Israel’s aid against the Beast when they need us most.

Last days, here we come.  The race toward Armageddon (Revelation 16:16) begins.