Posts Tagged ‘protests’

‘I Can’t Take My Midterms, I Wanna Go Cry And Whine And Riot.’ The Dark Side Of The BUTTHURT Is Strong In These Liberal Padawan

November 11, 2016

It is Veterans Day, and decent Americans are honoring veterans who have protected their freedom.

But the problem is, too many liberals are NOT decent Americans and frankly aren’t even Americans at all.  So they are out rioting and burning the flag because they have no regard for democracy whatsoever and if these fascists don’t get their way, they riot.

We can put our reality into Star Wars-terms now: it’s the light side of the force against the dark side; the dark side being characterized by anger and hate and rage.  “The dark side of the force is strong in them.”  Only in this case the “force” is the toxic power of BUTTHURT.

We are vividly seeing which side is characterized by the dark side of the force today.

Take a look at two pictures which vividly display the pathologically hypocritical mutual self-contradiction that is liberalism:



The people who say, “We’re the loving, tolerant folks” are in actual point-of-fact the HATEFUL, INTOLERANT folks.  And we’ve seen this all along: from the first moments where Democrat mobs began physically attacking Trump supporters to the discovery that a man who worked for Hillary’s campaign and who had visited the Obama White House nearly 400 times was orchestrating violence as a political tactic, to the despicable vicious political-racist attack by two black men against a white Trump voter while a mocking crowd yelled “You voted for Trump?  You gonna pay for that sh*t!” to now as we watch butthut liberals embrace the violence that they’ve actually been embracing ALL ALONG.

There is no question whatsoever which side is ACTUALLY the dark side, the side of hate and anger and rabid racist anti-democratic values.

Hey, I remember the feeling: back when Obama was elected in 2008 – and Obama was EVERY FREAKING BIT as absolutely unacceptable to me and to those who believed like me as Trump is to Democrats now – how I and my fellow Republicans started violent riots across America and…

Oh, wait.  NO WE DIDN’T.

Because unlike liberals, we are not pathologically rabid, vile, butthurt fascists.

But not so the left.

Portland, Oregon is only one of the many cities across America in flames as thousands of Democrats burn and destroy in “protest” of the United States and its Constitution and its free elections.  Los Angeles, Oakland, New York, it’s all over the place this fascist disease otherwise known as liberal progressivism.  How in the world will they get their “boot stamping on a human face, forever” future if people won’t VOTE for it? they whine.  And so they riot.

So we’ve got liberal puke professors excusing liberal puke college students from taking the midterms because they’re too whiny after Trump popped the bubble of their shallow world.

Cornell University staged a “cry-in” for their students because being a liberal means being a mentally-fragile, unhinged, pathetic little puke.

Other universities brought in therapy dogs because Democrat students are broken by reality.

Do you realize how pathetic these people are?

Oh, and they call for people to DIE.  A Hillary supporter told CNN this as she joined her fellow rioters against our entire democratic system:

“There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world.”

Just take a moment and imagine if Hillary Clinton had been elected and you had statements galore coming out from Trump supporters like that.  We would have been depicted by the mainstream media as people who needed to be mowed down with tanks by the thousands and crushed and killed.  But how is the media framing this?  You can’t say it’s ALL Democrats!  And how DARE you try to lay the blame on Hillary or Obama and liberals the way we would have surely lain the blame on Trump and conservatives.

And the hypocrite formulation for “racism” is beyond amazing.

These horrible, awful Democrats who regularly and ROUTINELY encourage blacks and Hispanics to vote as a race from a racial perspective on behalf of their race are so hypocrite BUTTHURT that white people would do the SAME DAMN THING they’ve done for thirty years that it’s unreal.

It’s wonderful that black people vote like black people and Hispanic people vote like Hispanic people because they vote for the part that worships the State.  But for white people to vote like white people?  That is as close to absolute EVIL as you can get!  Because to be a liberal is to be THE worst species of hypocrite who ever existed.

Even Michael Moore understands this where – just like Chris Matthews in a MSNBC panel I reported election night – Michael Moore was actually the sole voice of reason on an insane network:

Filmmaker Michael Moore pushed back today against the notion that Americans who voted for Donald Trump did so based on racism.

Moore, who warned fellow liberals that Trump was going to win the election, said Trump voters were motivated by economic pain and lost jobs more than anything else.

“You have to accept that millions of people who voted for Barack Obama – some of them once, some of them twice – changed their minds this time. They’re not racists. They twice voted for a man whose middle name is Hussein. That’s the America we live in,” said Moore, explaining that younger white voters turned out in record numbers for Barack Obama.

“But if you put people through another eight years [where] there’s no middle-class jobs, they’re struggling to get by, the basic things like the price of a box of cereal doubles … these are the things that are important to people because they’re living from paycheck to paycheck,” he said on MSNBC this morning.

These liberal college pukes in particular get in other people’s faces and decry their “white privilege.”  To the extent that the polls weren’t so damn wrong because liberals administered the polls and liberals are pathologically dishonest vermin, the polls were wrong because these little Nazis had so intimidated voters that they were afraid to say who they were going to vote for.  And the amazing thing about it is NOBODY IS MORE PRIVILEGED ON EARTH THAN THESE PAMPERED LITTLE BUTTHURT FASCIST COLLEGE PUKES.

As the cry-ins and the therapy dogs and the cancelled- and take-home midterms over Trump’s win proves.

We’ve got massive riots where people are literally protesting because they can’t understand why anyone other than them should get to vote for who leads this country.  They are burning cars because the American people elected Donald Trump.  They are smashing the windows of small businesses because the American people elected Donald Trump.  They are throwing bricks at police because the American people elected Donald Trump.  They are burning the American flag because the American people elected Donald Trump.

They want our system destroyed.  They want our Constitution destroyed.  They want our way of life destroyed.

And they don’t give a flying DAMN about democracy or the will of the people.

These are Democrats.  Which is another way of saying that these are the very lowest form of slime this country has.

I pointed out before the election that there are only one group that is employing violence as a political tactic.  And guess what?  It’s the same damn Democrats who are employing violence as a political tactic now.

Just imagine the damn headlines if Hillary had won and there was ONE protest by Trump supporters that turned even a LITTLE violent!!!  The papers would have breathlessly characterized it as a white, racist, misogynist KKK Nazi movement.  Remember the Tea Party that got viciously slandered and demonized by the media that never was responsible for one single act of violence but it didn’t even MATTER to the “journalists” making up lies?  And so of course it’s the same Democrat media covering the violence of their fellow fascist Democrats, so nothing to see here, folks!


Democrat Party: Don’t You DARE Aggressively Question Mass-Murdering Terrorists Who Brutally Behead Americans And Slaughter Children

December 17, 2014

Don’t you DARE touch our precious terrorist friends, you Republican monsters.  We who rabidly despise America and we who rabidly despise any Christian influence over America and who have murdered more than 60 million babies in our abortion mills love and protect our friends who share our desire to impose our dictatorial tyranny via an all-powerful state.

THAT is what DEMOCRATS declared in their so-called “report” which cherry-picked documents and which refused to interview a single professional who was there in a viciously partisan witch hunt.

The experts UNANIMOUSLY declare that 1) waterboarding is NOT torture and 2) the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques WORKED.

ISIS/ISIL is no different from the Democrat Party.  After all, both of these moral monsters claim they are actually saving American lives:

The Islamic State’s bloody campaign of public beheadings is actually intended to save American lives, Britain’s most notorious Islamic cleric declared in a radio interview Sunday.

“One of the primary reasons why you see what you are seeing on your own television and Internet is to try to end the war quickly,” stated radical preacher Anjem Choudary when asked to justify the ISIS beheadings.

“This kind of terrorizing and horrifying the enemy is saying to them, ‘Look don’t engage with them. Stay away.’ This is supposed to be something which drives the enemy away and therefore saves many lives.”

Like the modern Democrat Party, ISIS/ISIL hates Jesus, the WORD, even as they rabidly hate THE WORD OF GOD as they continually prove by being a fire hose of pure evil that imposes wicked, demonic policy atop wicked, demonic policy.

And so Democrats will defend to the last life of the last American citizen terrorists’ right to do this without fear of interrogation:

Reverend Canon Andrew White, head of the only Anglican church in Iraq, described in a recent interview some of the atrocities committed against Iraqi Christians by the Islamic State, including the beheading of four children who refused to convert to Islam and told their killers, “We love Yeshua [Jesus], we have always loved Yeshua.”

THIS is what Democrats prefer to the enhanced interrogation methods that broke terrorists and led to intelligence breakthroughs that kept decent people safe:

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — The Taliban massacre that killed 148 people, mostly children, at a military-run school in northwestern Pakistan left a scene of heart-wrenching devastation, pools of blood and young lives snuffed out as the nation mourned and mass funerals for the victims got underway Wednesday.

The attack at the Army Public School and College in the city of Peshawar on Tuesday was the deadliest slaughter of innocents in the country and horrified a nation already weary of unending terrorist assaults.

Blood was still splattered on the floor and the stairs as media were allowed inside the school a day after the attack. Torn notebooks, pieces of clothing and children’s shoes were scattered about amid broken window glass, door frames and upturned chairs. A pair of child’s eyeglasses lay broken on the ground.

Prayer vigils were held across Pakistan and in other schools, students spoke of their shock at the brutal slayings in Peshawar, where children and teenagers were gunned down and some of the female teachers burned alive. Army commandos fought the Taliban in a day-long battle until the school was cleared and all the attackers were dead.

The attack began when seven Taliban gunmen, explosives strapped to their bodies, scaled a back wall using a ladder to get into the school on Tuesday morning. Once inside, they made their way into the main auditorium where many students had gathered for an event, military spokesman Maj. Gen. Asim Bajwa told reporters during the tour Wednesday.

The militants then made their way to the hall’s stage and started shooting at random. As students tried to flee for the doors, they were shot and killed. The military recovered about 100 bodies from the auditorium alone, Bajwa said.

Democrats demand that we bow down to the thugs who want to impose Government in place of God because that’s precisely what THEY want to do.

We all know the scenario from the movies: terrorists are just about to launch a monstrous attack that would slaughter hundreds, thousands or even millions of innocents.  But we catch one of the roaches just short of too late and somebody with a vestige of moral courage inflicts a tiny fraction of the misery the terrorist insect would inflict on as many innocents as possible.  And makes him TALK.

Democrats are officially on the record saying don’t you DARE, hero.  Let the millions of innocents perish to protect the sacred liberal value of the people forced to become passive, helpless sheep powerless to avoid a fate imposed on them by those who worship the power to control them.

Go ahead and choose death, America.  Choose death by the tens of millions in the Democrat Party’s abortion mills.  Choose death with Democrats as they bring on the wrath of God upon America for their worship of homosexuality according to the Word of God.  Choose death by demanding that those who are desperately trying to keep this nation safe are hamstrung so that they will not dare do what they need to do to fight monstrous evil.

The heart of the Democrat Party is the heart of darkness.  They are people who have proven again and again that they believe good is evil and evil is good.

Here is the counsel of the Word of GOD concerning this wicked Democrat Party:

The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. – Genesis 6:5

“Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, wrath has gone out against you from the LORD” – 2 Chronicles 19:2

A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left. — Ecclesiastes 10:2

You love evil more than good, Falsehood more than speaking what is right. — Psalm 52:3

But he who sins against Me injures himself; all those who hate Me love death — Proverbs 8:36

There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. — Proverbs 14:12

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! — Isaiah 5:20

You who hate good and love evil, Who tear off their skin from them And their flesh from their bones — Micah 3:2

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools – Romans 1:22

For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and wickedness of those who in their wickedness suppress the truth – Romans 1:18

In their case, the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe to keep them from seeing the light of the glorious gospel of the Messiah, who is the image of God. — 2 Corinthians 4:4

Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron — 1 Timothy 4:2

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come…  — 2 Timothy 3:1

For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. — 2 Tim 4:3-4

Now we have Obama the rabid fascist dictator once again urinating on the Constitution and defecating on the will of the American people as he vomits out yet another fascist executive order that unilaterally imposes Obama’s thug nature on America.

Obama acknowledged that he was single-handedly abrogating fifty-three years of U.S. policy regarding Cuba.  What he refused to admit is that Congress in 1996 STRENGTHENED the decades-old law.  It was called the Helms-Burton Act and it was passed by Congress – not that that matters to this anti-American Nazi – and signed into law by President Clinton.  You now, just like the Defense Of Marriage Act that Obama treasonously decided he was above as our Führer-in-Chief.

We have never seen a president or a political part that has been so contemptuous of the law in American history.  You have to go to Hitler and his godless, socialist Nazi Party or Stalin and his godless, socialist Communist Party for any historic parallel to what we’ve seen from Obama and his godless, socialist Democrat Party.

As you consider how evil Democrats are treating our intelligence professionals who desperately tried to do what they had to do to keep America safe after a massive attack in the midst of widespread fear that there was more to come, consider that wicked Democrats are treating our police the SAME EXACT WAY as they chant in the streets, “What do we want?”  “Dead cops!!!”  “When do we want it?”  “NOW!!!”

And the same damned Democrats who demand intelligence professionals be neutered in their mission to keep America safe from terrorist murderers demand that our police professionals be neutered in their ability to keep America safe from every other kind of murderer.  As it is now, our police can’t even keep THEMSELVES safe from these vile, violent Democrat Party fascists.

Amazingly, Democrat NYC Mayor de Blasio will meet with violent protesters… but NOT with cops.

Police are saying, “We don’t need you cockroach liberal fascists coming to our funerals now that you Democrats have sicced your mobs of vicious Democrat thugs on us.

I don’t doubt for one nanosecond that that is PRECISELY the view that our intelligence professionals have toward Obama and his Demoroaches.

There will soon come a moment when U.S. intelligence captures a terrorist who will have detailed knowledge of a massive attack against the citizens of the United States.  And because of Barack Hussein Obama and the wicked party of Barack Hussein Obama, our forces will either field-execute the rat bastard or they will look at him helplessly as he defiantly mocks them knowing that they do not dare touch him.  And Americans will die and they will deserve to die because they voted to cover themselves in the demon-possessed wickedness of Obama and his Democrat Party.  And all I can do is quote the exact words of Obama’s “reverend” for 23 years:

No, no, no!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America!”


Coming To America Soon: ‘Anti-Austerity’ (I.E., Pro-Reckless-Government-Spending Liberals) Protests Turning Violent In Greece

June 23, 2011

I just want to make sure you understand that the violence in Greece is coming from LEFTWING SOCIALISTS.  Which is the same that will happen HERE soon.

Don’t ever forget that liberals are dangerous, bad, violent people.

These people spend societies into bankruptcy, and then they riot because there’s no more “other people’s money” to spend.

Protesters fight with riot police during massive clashes at the central Athens Syntagma square on Wednesday. Thousands of protesters ringed the Greek Parliament building as the government tried to push through its emergency package inside and a general strike paralyzed the country.
Gouliamaki/AFP/Getty ImagesProtesters fight with riot police during massive clashes at the
 central Athens Syntagma square on Wednesday. Thousands of protesters ringed the
Greek Parliament building as the government tried to push through its emergency
package inside and a general strike paralyzed the country.
June 15, 2011

Hundreds of protesters clashed with riot police in central Athens Wednesday as a major anti-austerity rally degenerated into violence outside Parliament, where the struggling government was to seek support for new cutbacks to avoid a disastrous default.

Tear gas blanketed the capital’s main Syntagma Square, where more than 25,000 people had gathered to protest a new package of tax hikes and spending cuts through 2015.

A few hundred youths smashed the windows of a luxury hotel on the square, ripped up paving stones to throw at police and hurled firebombs at cordons of riot police. Demonstrators said at least 10 people were injured, and they appealed to fellow protesters to stay calm and allow ambulances through.

The protests are the epicenter of a crisis that could end in a disastrous default that would threaten the future of the eurozone and shake financial markets just as the global economy struggles to recover.

Wednesday’s violence adds public pressure on the government at a time when Prime Minister George Papandreou also faces a party rebellion from within his governing Socialists over the new austerity. One of his deputies defected Tuesday, reducing Papandreou’s parliamentary majority to five. Another Socialist lawmaker said he will vote against the bill, which is set for final approval by early next month.

But the new bill, worth euro28 billion ($40.5 billion) must be passed this month if Greece is to continue tapping its rescue loans.

The stakes are high and the results uncertain — if Greece is cut off from its rescue funding, it will default on its debts, likely setting off a financial chain reaction that experts have described as catastrophic.

In Athens, sporadic clashes on the fringes of the rally gradually spread, scattering those in the previously peaceful rally. Cafe tables and chairs lay overturned as trash bins burned. Heavy clouds of tear gas hung over Syntagma Square and side streets. The choking chemicals wafted as far as the presidential mansion behind Parliament, where Papandreou met with the country’s president, Karolos Papoulias, to brief him on the severity of the situation.

Papandreou later spoke by telephone with the heads of opposition parties to seek support for the austerity package. The EU has been pressing for cross-party support, but main opposition Conservative party leader Antonis Samaras has insisted the bailout agreement must be re-negotiated instead.

Police had set up a massive security operation to ensure protesters could not carry out a pledge to prevent lawmakers from accessing Parliament. Some 5,000 officers, including hundreds of riot and motorcycle police, used parked buses and crowd barriers to prevent protesters from encircling the building, while a large part of central Athens was closed to all traffic.

The protests in Athens and in the northern city of Thessaloniki, where another 20,000 people rallied peacefully, were part of a 24-hour general strike, the result of months of growing frustration over the country’s slide.

“A national effort is required. Because we are at a historically crucial moment and a time of crucial decisions,” Papandreou told Papoulias, according to a transcript of their conversation released by the prime minister’s office.

“But on the other hand, everyone has to assume their responsibilities,” he said. “In any case, we will move forward with this sense of responsibility and the necessary decisions” to pull Greece out of the crisis.

In Syntagma Square, however, the mood was defiant.

“Resign, resign,” the crowd chanted outside Parliament before the clashes. The protesters included both young and old, and many brought their children, hoisting them onto their shoulders to shield them from the crush.

The latest austerity drive has brought many people onto the streets for the first time.

“What can we do? We have to fight, for our children and for us,” said Dimitra Nteli, a nurse at a state hospital who was at the protest with her daughter.  “After 25 years of work I earn 1,100 euros a month. Now that will drop to 900.  How can we live on that?”

Her 26-year-old daughter, Christina, said the situation in Greece had led her to leave for Britain to study conflict resolution.

“I have no job here. There are no prospects,” she said.

Police spokesman Athanassios Kokalakis said about 20 protesters were briefly detained.

The general strike crippled public services across the country, leaving state hospitals running on emergency staff, disrupting port traffic and public transport.

The Socialists’ popularity plummeted in recent weeks over the new austerity plan. A weekend opinion poll gave the main opposition conservatives a four-point lead over their Socialist rivals, the first time the party has been ahead in surveys since 2009. The next general election is scheduled for October 2013.

With its credit rating deep in junk status, Greece is being kept afloat by the EU and IMF bailout, but will need additional support to cover financing gaps next year as high interest rates keep it out of the bond market, contrary to what the original bailout agreement had predicted.

On Monday, Standard & Poor’s slashed Greece’s rating from B to CCC, dropping it to the very bottom of the 131 states that have a sovereign debt rating. That suggests Greece’s creditors are less likely to get their money back than those of Pakistan, Ecuador or Jamaica. On Tuesday, the agency also cut its rating for four Greek banks to CCC from B.

We’ve already started seeing the violence that the American left is more than capable of.  We saw it build and unleash in Wisconsin and other states whose governors and state senates and assemblies were forced to deal with massive public pension boondoggles.

California alone has a $500 billion unfunded liability in public pension debt.  But of course California elected Jerry Brown and that black hole of debt will be papered over until it utterly explodes the way we’re seeing it explode in Greece.  Elsewhere, even Democrats are beginning to stare into the black holes the unionized left have created and gotten scared enough to start trying to do way too little, way too late.

Barack Obama often talks the language of a “fiscally responsible” president.  Of course, his brand of fertilizer doesn’t walk.  When Obama submitted his budget, it contained SO MUCH RIDICULOUS OUT-OF-CONTROL SPENDING THAT THE DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED SENATE VOTED IT DOWN 97-0.

This is beyond insane, and Democrats are making it even MORE insane.  First, Democrats didn’t even BOTHER to pass a budget last year when they had the White House, The Senate AND the House of Representatives.  That was a shocking dereliction of their most fundamental duty as officeholders.  And they haven’t improved since; even as Democrats CONTINUE to demonize Republicans for trying to lead, they STILL have not bothered to pass any kind of a budget for this year (unlike House Republicans, who HAVE).

Barack Obama sold the stimulus – which will ultimately cost American taxpayers $3.27 TRILLION – with what we now know to have been a massive lie.  He claimed over and over again that it would fund “shovel-ready jobs” that would get Americans back to work and get the economy rolling again:

Now Obama is “joking” that “Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.”  Oops.  Sorry for that three and a quarter trillion dollars I pissed away and the three years of misery I caused.

Even Obama’s own chief-of-staff acknowledges that Obama’s policies are “indefensible.”

But Democrat crazy is the most corrosive kind of KoolAid of all.  Even as we now know for a DOCUMENTED FACT OF HISTORY that the stimulus utterly failed, we’ve got Harry Reid and the Democrats demanding MORE massive stimulus spending even as the CBO warns us of an economic meltdown if we don’t stop spending ourselves into collapse.

Allow me to explain a couple of rather important facts to you.  Number one, Democrats are responsible for virtually ALL of the unsustainable and reckless spending and policies that have led to our teetering on the edge of ruin and suffering unlike anything this nation has ever even had nightmares about, let alone experienced.  We are facing – and this according to a peer-reviewed IMF publication – $200 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities.  That should scare you into the fetal position if you have any intelligence whatsoever.  But it gets even worse than that; because liberal policies have contaminated the states, too.  Take California, which alone has $500 BILLION in unfunded public pension liabilities.

And yet here we are.  Republicans are trying desperately to cut spending before we collapse, and Democrats demonizing and fearmongering Republicans for pursuing sanity and demanding spending that will cause us to collapse all the faster.

I can’t say it any more plainly than this: if you vote Democrat, you are a truly EVIL human being.  Aside from your direct responsibility for the murder of 53 MILLION innocent human beings in America alone (and hundreds of millions more around the world), you are also going to be responsible for the unparalleled suffering of more than 300 million Americans when the crisis you first created and then refused to stop perpetuating comes crashing down all around us.

I know you are probably reacting like Cain and refusing to accept any responsibility for the horror you have done and continue to do, but one day you will find yourselves writhing in hell for the hell you helped bring about.  You can take that as a warning and get your priorities right before it’s too late or you can just take it as a prediction of where you’ll be spending the rest of eternity.

Need Proof Democrats Are Un-American? Just Look At Wisconsin And Count The Ways

February 18, 2011

You should be calling them “fascists”; but you probably always hear them described as “Democrats.”

These Democrats and the big unions that dwarf any other special interests (most definitely including the “evil” Republican special interests you always hear about in the news) are as un-American as Marxist pie.  But you won’t ever hear how or why unless you go outside the mainstream media propaganda.

Let’s count the ways.  Just in Wisconsin, and just over the last few days:

1) Even liberal FDR said that the public-sector labor unions that now dominate the Democrat Party are essentially un-American.  Why?  Because – and this according to FDR – the very actions that unionized public employees are right now performing in Wisconsin are “unthinkable and intolerable.”

Government unions should not exist.  It is immoral and un-American.  When someone takes government employment, they have – and this again according to FDR – “the obligation to serve the whole people, whose interests and welfare require orderliness and continuity in the conduct of Government activities.”  What are these liberal Democrat public sector union employees doing instead?  Again, allow me to quote FDR:  they seek ” to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government until their demands are satisfied.”  Which FDR said, again, was “unthinkable and intolerable.”

The employer of the government employee, again according to FDR, is “the whole people.”

But liberals don’t give a damn about the whole people.  They have split America apart one racial group at another’s throats, one income level at another’s throats, and privileged union employees at the throats of fed-up taxpayers.  Unions have been feeding off taxpayers – who get a fraction of the wages and benefits the privileged union pigs get – for decades.  Government employees earn TWICE the wages and benefits of their counterparts in the private sector.  But Democrats don’t care: they view the private sector and everyone who works in it as evil cash cows who are to be exploited and impoverished.

The eyeball-deep-in-red-ink state of Wisconsin is trying to get public union pigs to accept a benefit system that is still TWICE as good as virtually any privat sector employee.  And at the same time begin to brind under control the out-of-control collective bargaining agreement to bring it more in line with other state government and federal government workers’ bargaining powers.

Labor unions are an inherently socialist project.  Consider the words of the Marxist author who makes the one identical to the other:

“The object of the labor movement is to increase the strength of the proletariat to the point at which it can conquer the organized force of the bourgeoisie and thus establish its own supremacy.”

And, of course, that is EXACTLY the object of the labor movement.  Which is EXACTLY un-American.

Obama has come out and made a statement about how wonderful government unionized workers are.  But he’s a liberal ideologue and an evil man.  If you asked Democrats like FDR or John F. Kennedy – who famously said the opposite of what these rabid government unions are doing: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” – and you learn the truth.

The Democrat Party of today is a depraved and un-American entity.  And if you support it and/or vote for it, you are un-American.

2) Consider the people who are out on the streets rioting against the representatives of the people instead of at their jobs serving the people:

February 17, 2011
Thousands of Union Protesters Storm WI State Capitol; Target Homes of GOP Lawmakers

As four game wardens awkwardly stood guard, protesters, scores deep, crushed into a corridor leading to the governor’s office here on Wednesday, their screams echoing through the Capitol: “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Behind closed doors, Scott Walker, the Republican who has been governor for about six weeks, calmly described his intent to forge ahead with the plans that had set off the uprising: He wants to require public workers to pay more for their health insurance and pensions, effectively cutting the take-home pay of many by around 7 percent.

“Target homes”???  How would you like it if me and a few thousand of my thuggish rightwing friends “targeted” your home?  You know, while the people who were supposed to protect you stood by and did nothing because they happened to be rightwingers too?

This kind of vile crap happens more often than you’d think, and it is nearly always vile leftwing slime doing it.  Here’s the story of 14 busloads of “AstroTurf” SEIU mobsters screaming around the home of a bank officer while his terrorized son locks himself in a bathroom and calls his helpless father in tears of terror.  Good old unions.

Don’t forget this fact for a nanosecond: there is a century of genuine evil in the labor union movement.  These are truly bad people with a truly bad agenda.

I’m looking at the screaming mobs of liberal Democrats in Wisconsin and it is impossible to tell them apart from the screaming mobs in Egypt and Yemen and Tunisia.  You know, the “peaceful,” “democracy-loving” Muslims who have repeatedly beaten reporters and in fact gang-raped a CBS correspondent while shouting “Jew!  Jew!”

Oh, are you a liberal who wants to argue with me that there’s no connection between this gang rape and liberals?  Think again.  And don’t tell me that nothing would make you happier than hearing that Sarah Palin got the same treatment.  Because that’s just the kind of moral filth you people are.

3) Consider the activities of elected Democrats.  Suffice it to say by way of introduction that Democrats are fine with the Amerian political process, as long as they can win by any means possible:

Wis. lawmakers flee state to block anti-union bill
By SCOTT BAUER Associated Press © 2011 The Associated Press
Feb. 17, 2011, 9:48PM

MADISON, Wis. — Faced with a near-certain Republican victory that would end a half-century of collective bargaining for public workers, Wisconsin Democrats retaliated with the only weapon they had left: They fled.

Fourteen Democratic lawmakers disappeared from the Capitol on Thursday, just as the Senate was about to begin debating the measure aimed at easing the state’s budget crunch.

By refusing to show up for a vote, the group brought the debate to a swift halt and hoped to pressure Republicans to the negotiating table.

“The plan is to try and slow this down because it’s an extreme piece of legislation that’s tearing this state apart,” Sen. Jon Erpenbach said.


With 19 seats, Republicans hold a majority in the 33-member Senate, but they are one vote short of the number necessary to conduct business. So the GOP needs at least one Democrat to be present before any voting can take place. Once the measure is brought to the floor, it needs 17 votes to pass.


The sergeant-at-arms immediately began looking for the missing lawmakers. If authorized, he can seek help from police.

Senate rules and the state constitution say absent members can be compelled to appear, but it does not say how.

“Today they checked out, and I’m not sure where they’re at,” Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said. “This is the ultimate shutdown, what we’re seeing today.”

And, yes, the police are looking for these criminals – which is an excellent way to describe “Democrats.”  But these un-American cowards who want to warp the democratic process are likely in another state.  Because they don’t give a damn about the state they were foolishly elected to serve.

There may have been a time when one could have been an honorable Democrat.  But those days are just long gone.

There was an election in November.  The citizens of Wisconsin voted for a Republican governor and a Republican legislature precisely to protect them against vile union pigs.  Unions have despicably taken advantage of their “collective bargaining” to give themselves wages and benefits that are bankrupting most of the states in the union.  There is a democratic process; it involves showing up, saying your piece and voting.  Democrats – like the Nazi fascists of the past and the Islamofascists of today – love democracy as long as they win.  Islamists who want to impose a big-government sharia state say of democracy, “You ride it to your destination, and then you step off.”  And that’s exactly what Democrats have done here.  There’s no place in American democracy for elected officials to flee the state so that the state can’t pass legislation that the people elected them to at least vote on.  There’s no place in American democracy for employees of the government, the public teachers and the state prison guards as just a couple of examples, to refuse to show up for work.  Democrats have jumped off the democracy bus and now they are riding on the fascist train.

If you are a Democrat, you are on the wrong side.  It’s a failure of moral reasoning that you can reverse at any time.

Dare I say it?  Please start thinking right.

Meet The People Who’ve Been Lecturing Tea Party On Protest Etiquette

May 26, 2010

We’ve heard a constant slough of condemnations against the tea parties for being hateful.

But did the tea party ever go to a liberal’s home and terrorize a child?  I don’t think so:

SEIU members: Are you proud your brethren terrorized a teenager?
May 24, 2010 By Steve McGough

I’m serious. Are you OK with the tactics the SEIU leadership – and 500 members – took when they headed into a residential area to “protest” at the home of Greg Baer, deputy general council for corporate law at Bank of America? They did not just protest. They surrounded the house, got on the porch, used bullhorns and started screaming. Pure intimidation.

Unfortunately, the teen son of Baer was home alone at the time. He had to lock himself inside the bathroom and wait for help that would not be provided by the police.

The media and talking head liberals have remained quiet about this mob surrounding the home of a bank executive and terrorizing a teenager eight days ago, but they continue to express concern about TEA Party protests around the country and suggest they set a bad tone.

Are they friggin’ kidding me?

These SEUI members are the mob of our time. That’s right, I said members. Sure, leadership gurus like former SEUI president Andy Stern – who by the way now sits on the president’s Fiscal Responsibility Commission – may be egging the members on, but this intimidation purely falls on the membership who did this.

You terrorized a teenage kid in his home. Feel big and powerful? Proud of yourselves? Thugs … all of you.

Nina Easton, Washington bureau chief for Fortune, Fox Contributor and neighbor of Baer, recalls the mob scene and provides us with the image. Click to enlarge.

Waving signs denouncing bank “greed,” hordes of invaders poured out of 14 school buses, up Baer’s steps, and onto his front porch. As bullhorns rattled with stories of debtor calls and foreclosed homes, Baer’s teenage son Jack — alone in the house — locked himself in the bathroom. “When are they going to leave?” Jack pleaded when I called to check on him.

Baer, on his way home from a Little League game, parked his car around the corner, called the police, and made a quick calculation to leave his younger son behind while he tried to rescue his increasingly distressed teen. He made his way through a din of barked demands and insults from the activists who proudly “outed” him, and slipped through his front door.

“Excuse me,” Baer told his accusers, “I need to get into the house. I have a child who is alone in there and frightened.”

Easton sums up…

In the 1990s, the Baers’ former bosses, Bill and Hillary Clinton, denounced the “politics of personal destruction.” Today politicians and their voters of all stripes grieve the ugly bitterness that permeates our policy debates. Now, with populist rage providing a useful cover, it appears we’ve crossed into a new era: The politics of personal intimidation.

Big Government writes about this story here, here, here and here. Scott Johnson at Power Line Blog also writes. Main stream media outlets? President Obama? Democrat leadership? Crickets.

Easton – because she simply took a picture and wrote about what happened – has become a secondary target for the SEIU. Disgusting intimidation.

Related posts

Here’s another story on the same story from Investors.  Few other media outlets have bothered to cover it.

“The politics of personal intimidation.”  When have the tea party protesters done anything like this?  How does “never” sound to you liberals?  They never done anything like this.  They’ve NEVER terrorized a man’s children.  That’s something that only Democrats are loathsome enough to do.

When Greg Baer’s terrified 14-year old son called him, Greg called the police.  Do you know what they told him?  They said that they feared the protest would turn into a violent riot if they showed up, so they wouldn’t show up.  And Greg Baer was left with the difficult decision of whether to leave his younger son alone in his car so he could go through the screaming mob gantlet to go into his home to save his older son.

The police didn’t never had a hard time showing up to tea party events.  Here’s Special Weapons And Tactics officers who literally marched into a tea party event in lock step to prevent dangerous old ladies from setting the community on fire with their hate and rage:

Our society is breaking down into a fuzzy mess of political correctness.  We are making ourselves more and more stupid.  We seem to dare not deal with dangerous people – such as terrorists, illegal immigrants, and SEIU thugs terrorizing children – while increasing attention is paid to little old ladies who might get so angry they’ll go to the extremes of calling their congressman.

And when the political left and their media representatives demonize the tea parties for their peaceful demonstrations and falsely depict them as “hateful,” we should give them ANY respect whatsoever WHY, exactly?

The mainstream media falsely reported a story of tea party protesters spitting on a black politician, when the event never occurred, and of using hateful racial slurs against black politicians when there is absolutely no record of any such thing happening in spite of the instant in question being widely documented.

But they haven’t mentioned the numerous documented recent instances of unhinged leftwing protests.  The same media that publishes fictitious demagogic innuendo never seems to care when the left commits actual violence and “hate.”

When pro-illegal immigration Latinos used refried beans to paint swastikas on the Arizona capital, the mainstream media largely ignored it.  When hundreds of violent pro-illegal immigration protesters attacked a man and then threw rocks and water bottles at retreating police, the mainstream media largely ignored it.  When the American political left demonstrated that it was even less tolerant and more violent than Nazis, the mainstream media largely ignored it.  When a liberal mob chased down and physically attacked a pair of Republicans, the mainstream media largely ignored it.  And when instance after instance of actual violence has occurred perpetrated by the left, the mainstream media has basically ignored it.

The next time the left and the leftist media criticize conservatives for their protest style, just realize that they are very full of something that is very brown and very stinky.

In Hindsight Of Massachusetts, Who Presented The Truth: Obama, Or Fox News?

January 22, 2010

A lot of things will change because of the election – mostly by Independents and even Democrats – of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

A lot of things that Democrats and the lamestream media believed were irrefutably true have been shockingly and conclusively demonstrated to have been totally false.

Did the voters in even the bluest of blue states like the Obama agenda?  No.  Did they like his health care boondoggle?  No.  Did they like the Democrats’ massive spending?  No.  Did they like the huge tax increases they see coming?  No.  Did they like the way Obama was handling terrorism?  No.

And that is now a carved-in-stone fact.  It follows the reality demonstrated by the previous statewide elections in Virginia and New Jersey.  Three states that voted for Obama in large numbers have now turned against him and ignored his personal appeals to vote for Democrats.

Pretty much exactly what Fox News was accurately reporting all along.

The mainstream media, the Democrat establishment, and the Obama White House have been lying to you.  They have been spreading propaganda.  They have advanced demagoguery.  They have broadcast their agenda rather than reality.  Fox News, virtually alone, has been reporting the facts all along.

Barack Obama promised that he would change the poisonous political dynamic and create a new era of bipartisanship.  Back in March of 2008, the New York Times correctly identified this as the CORE of Barack Obama’s promise to the American people.  But he lied.

Did Obama even attempt to live up to his core promise?  Not even close.

“Don’t come to the table with the same tired arguments and worn ideas that helped to create this crisis,” he admonished in a speech.

That speech – with that hard core partisan attack – was delivered within less than THREE WEEKS of his taking office.  Obama was claiming that Republicans didn’t even have a right to present their ideas, much less have any of their ideas or contributions considered.  Some attempt at “bipartisanship.”

And it wasn’t long before he expanded his demagoguery to include ordinary Americans and the Fox News network.  Obama attacked Tea Party demonstrators who were already unhappy with the direction Obama was leading the country, and he attacked the only news network that was reporting the actual truth:

At first it was reported that President Barack Obama wasn’t even aware of the nationwide Tea Party protests that occurred on April 15. But now he’s out criticizing them and the Fox News Channel.

In a town hall meeting in St. Louis on April 29, Obama was asked about fiscal discipline and entitlement reform. In his response, he took a shot at the Fox News Channel and the tea party movement, insisting he’s “happy to have a serious conversation” with them.

So, when you see – those of you who are watching certain news channels that on which I’m not very popular and you see folks waving tea bags around, let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, how we are going to stabilize Social Security,” Obama said.

As has now been conclusively demonstrated in three separate statewide races in states that Obama had easily carried, the Tea Party protesters represent the will of the people, and Obama represents what the people don’t want.

Obama said, “we need a leader who can finally move beyond the divisive politics of Washington and bring Democrats, independents and Republicans together to get things done.”  And then he launched one attack after another against the American people and the press that was accurately reporting the facts.

Obama was like a pathological narcissist who couldn’t emotionally handle even the most legitimate criticism from Fox News.

Interviewed on CNBC Tuesday, President Obama vented his displeasure with FOX News, the cable network whose own senior vice president of programming has called it “the voice of the opposition” to the Obama administration. Here’s Obama:

“First of all, I’ve got one television station entirely devoted to attacking my administration.”

Clearly referring to FOX, the president continued:

“Well, that’s a pretty big megaphone,” he said. “And you’d be hard-pressed, if you watched the entire day, to find a positive story about me on that front.

“We welcome people who are asking us some, you know, tough questions,” he continued. “And I think that I’ve been probably as accessible as any president in the first six months — press conferences, taking questions from reporters, being held accountable, being transparent about what it is that we’re trying to do. I think that, actually, the reason that people have been generally positive about what we’ve tried to do is they feel as if I’m available and willing to answer questions, and we haven’t been trying to hide them all.”

But Obama was lying then, too.

This is the guy who is on video promising on at least eight separate occasions that he would put the health care debate on C-SPAN.  He didn’t.

The Obama-led Democrat “negotiations” (read ‘bribe sessions’) have been so closed and so secretive that even senior Democrats confess that they have been “in the dark.”

In fact, his lack of transparency and openness is literally comical.  This is the administration that literally had this: “a workshop on government openness is closed to the public.”

A separate laughable incident of Obama’s total lack of transparency comes via the LA Times blogs:

After a recent public sighting, fears had mounted that the one-time, long-term senator might rebel against traditional White House strictures and start acting on all the administration’s oft-promised promises of government transparency and official openness running back into 2008.

But the VP’s public schedule today puts all those fears to rest. […]


In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing and the Economic Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. These briefings are closed press.

At 11:30 AM, the Vice President will meet with Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to discuss the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This meeting is closed press.

Afterwards, the President and the Vice President will have lunch in the Private Dining Room. This lunch is closed press.

At 1:00 PM, the Vice President will meet with Iraqi Vice President Adil Abd al-Mahdi in the Roosevelt Room. There will be a pool spray at the bottom of this meeting; gather time is 1:45 PM in the Brady Briefing Room.  [But note: the LA Times defines “pool spray” asa coded message to media that a few select members will be allowed in to take pictures briefly — possibly for only a few seconds — as Biden and his guest pretend to continue their previously private conversation as if the meeting was open.”]

(UPDATE 2:20 p.m.: The White House issued its own report on this closed meeting. Both paragraphs are added below at the end of the VP’s schedule.)

Then, at 2:15 PM, the Vice President will meet with Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board. This meeting is closed press.    ###

In October, Democrats hypocritically touted their transparency immediately ahead of a closed-door meeting in which they secretly hammered out details of their ObamaCare boondoggle.

There have been a LOT of secretive closed-door meetings from this most transparent of all administrations.

CBS eventually and correctly concluded that “Obama Reneges On Health Care Transparency.”

Fox News was so far ahead of CBS on that story that it was like a cheetah racing a goldfish at a dog track.

Obama dramatically escalated his demagoguery in October:

Updated October 19, 2009
White House Urges Other Networks to Disregard Fox News

Senior Obama administration officials took to the airwaves Sunday to accuse Fox News of pushing a particular point of view and not being a real news network.

The White House is calling on other news organizations to isolate and alienate Fox News as it sends out top advisers to rail against the cable channel as a Republican Party mouthpiece.

Top political strategists question the decision by the Obama administration to escalate its offensive against Fox News. And as of Monday, the four other major television networks had not given any indication that they intend to sever their ties with Fox News.

But several top White House officials have taken aim at Fox News since communications director Anita Dunn branded Fox “opinion journalism masquerading as news” in an interview last Sunday.

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel told CNN on Sunday that President Obama does not want “the CNNs and the others in the world [to] basically be led in following Fox.”

Obama senior adviser David Axelrod went further by calling on media outlets to join the administration in declaring that Fox is “not a news organization.”

“Other news organizations like yours ought not to treat them that way,” Axelrod counseled ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “We’re not going to treat them that way.”

Asked Monday about another Axelrod claim that Fox News is just trying to make money, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that while all media companies fall under that description, “I would say sometimes programming can be tilted toward accentuating those profits.”

But by urging other news outlets to side with the administration, Obama officials dramatically upped the ante in the war of words that began earlier this month with Dunn’s comments.

So Obama official after Obama official, and then Obama himself, denounce Fox News as “pushing a particular point of view.”

For Fox News, that “particular point of view” has been the truth – something the Obama administration utterly fails to comprehend.

What Obama wants is for Fox News to advance the same pro-liberal propaganda that so much of the rest of the media has dumped onto the airwaves like cafeteria slime.

Again, the proven, documented results of elections in Virginia, New Jersey, and now the incredible result of Massachusetts, prove that Fox News was telling the truth about what was going on all along.

The replacement for White House communications director Anita Dunn – who attacked the credibility of Fox News even as she declared that mass-murdering communist tyrant Mao Tse Tung was one of her two favorite philosophersis right back to playing the demagogue for Barack Obama.

Based on their reaction, it is readily apparent that Obama cannot see through his ideological propaganda, and will therefore continue to sink in power and popularity.  Meanwhile, Fox News, as the dominant reporter of the truth, will continue to grow in both power and profitability.