Posts Tagged ‘teachers’

If Democrats Weren’t Dishonest Hypocrites, They Would Spread The Orwellian Body Camera Wealth To All THEIR Sacred Cow Jobs

April 6, 2016

I came across this article and the sheer, common-sense logic and the gigantic hypocrisy of the left flabbergasted me:

Body cameras have become the solution of the day for stomping out discriminatory behavior against minorities by police officers. Cameras provide a neutral record of events, so we have a better idea what happened during an encounter. Some research even suggests that the presence of body cameras steeply reduce the use of force by officers and the number of citizens’ complaints.

But that raises a question: what’s to limit this type of solution only to police officers? It’s a slippery slope to an Orwellian future, where Big Brother could be watching all of us — for our own good, of course.

Consider health care, another interaction which produces potentially life-or-death outcomes. In general, African Americans and other people of color receive inferior medical treatment, leading to higher death rates. David R. Williams, a professor of public health at Harvard, who has researched this issue writes that blacks and other minorities receive fewer diagnostic tests, fewer treatments, and overall poorer-quality care — even after adjusting for variations in insurance, facilities, and seriousness of illness.

Leaving aside patient outcomes, there are also highly credible accusations that medical staff have groped and sexually abused sedated patients. Body cameras on doctors and nurses might well prevent such incidents, or provide evidence if they did occur.

If the doctor’s office is off-limits, what about the classroom?

U.S. Department of Education data shows that black students are suspended or expelled at rates three times higher than whites, even though no studies examining the relationship between race, behavior and suspension have proven that black students misbehave more often. Currently, parents who insist their children are innocent or are being excessively punished for minor offenses have no evidence.

Make teachers wear body cameras, and parents would see and hear exactly what the teacher heard and saw. An overreaction? Keep in mind, a growing body of evidence shows that school punishments do long-term damage Students who are expelled or suspended are less likely to graduate, and more likely to end up involved with the criminal justice system.

Perhaps even our politicians should be required, by law, to wear body cameras at all campaign and fundraising events while they’re in, or running for, office. If that sounds unnecessary, recall that it was only because of a surreptitious recording that voters found out that 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney thinks there are 47% of Americans who “are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”

But this isn’t partisan. Personally, I’d welcome video or audio of what Hillary Clinton has to say to the people paying $353,000 to sit next to her and George Clooney at an upcoming fundraising dinner.

Sure, the officials, professionals or politicians could simply turn off their cameras — but that break in the recording log will be interpreted as evidence that the person was hiding something, and probably up to no good.

A recent article in an American Bar Association magazine summed up the legal landscape: “The battle for workplace privacy is over; privacy lost.” Employers have a right to monitor employees (provided the employees are aware of it) to measure productivity, prevent theft, promote workplace safety and so on. Advances in digital technology that vastly reduced the cost of cameras just accelerated this trend. Mass monitoring has begun where the need is critical (e.g., police stops) but also where the workers are least able to resist (sanitation workers, truck drivers, Amazon warehouse employees, and so on).

Higher-paid professionals mistakenly assume increased workplace surveillance will be confined to the hoi polloi. In reality, given the technology is available (and improving) all it may take is a high-profile incident or two. Imagine something analogous to the police shooting an unarmed person happening in a school or hospital, and how quickly that could trigger for demands for wider personal surveillance like body cameras. Already the ubiquity of smartphones has made ad hoc recording by employers, customers or colleagues almost effortless.

I simply state this as a categorical fact: IF you are a Democrat, YOU PERSONALLY are a pathologically dishonest hypocrite liar, because you support Hillary Clinton who is the FIRST government official to do all her “business” on a secret private server and then PURGED thousands of emails so that no one could see what she was up to.  But because you are just flat-out hypocrite depraved, it’s “Body cameras for thee, but never for me.”

You want cops to wear body cameras?  I want to know what Hillary Clinton is up to such that this hyper-secretive, paranoid fascist witch resorted to a secret server: I don’t just want her to wear a camera that reveals everything she’s typing, everything she’s hearing and everything she’s saying, I want a body camera shoved right up her A$$ so I can know her proctologic status 24/7.  I want to know what is going on inside “the vast, criminal conspiracy” otherwise known as the Clinton Foundation.

So since you Democrats love Orwellian fascism so damn much, let’s go for it.  Just be honest and consistent for ONCE in your miserable, loathsome lives and apply the same damn “logic” to everyone that you apply to your enemies.

Which is why we have Donald Damn Trump right now.  Donald Trump’s core support comes from liberal and moderate factions.  His strongest supporters are REGISTERED DEMOCRATS.  In fact, the primary indicator of whether or not you support Donald Trump is whether you love the AUTHORITARIAN approach of people who believe that government ought to become more powerful and be used in a more activist manner.  Because Democrat crap is going to ultimately coat absolutely everything.

So wear your cameras, Democrats.  So we can start seeing how utterly evil and vile you are.

Chicago Teachers Striking Against Students As A Metaphor For Obama Democrats Striking Against America

September 11, 2012

Teachers are striking and preventing some 400,000 students from having a chance of an education.  In their own words they say their chief gripe is that somebody would have the unmitigated gall to rate or evaluate their performance; as if they don’t rate their STUDENTS’ performance every single day.  They are also demanding that if teachers get laid off, they must be rehired not on the basis of MERIT but on the basis of union seniority.

Some facts you ought to know:

The smartest parents in Chicago right now are those whose kids attend charter schools, private schools, or parochial schools. Those institutions don’t employ Chicago’s unionized public-school teachers, who went out on strike this morning for the first time in 25 years.

The coverage of the strike has obscured some basic facts. The money has continued to pour into Chicago’s failing public schools in recent years. Chicago teachers have the highest average salary of any city at $76,000 a year before benefits. The average family in the city only earns $47,000 a year. Yet the teachers rejected a 16 percent salary increase over four years at a time when most families are not getting any raises or are looking for work.


Are Chicago teachers bothering to do their damn jobs?

( – In the Chicago Public Schools, where the teacher’s union is now seeking a 30 percent raise over the next two years, only 21 percent of 8th graders tested at grade-level proficient or better in reading in 2011 and only 20 percent tested at grade-level proficient or better in mathematics, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests administered by the U.S. Department of Education.

The reading and math scores of Chicago public-school 8th graders not only ranked below the national average and the Illinois average, they also ranked below the average for 8th graders attending public schools in other large cities around the country.

It gets even WORSE if your kid is a 4th grader:

Small wonder. Just 15 percent of fourth graders are proficient in reading and only 56 percent of students who enter their freshman year of high school wind up graduating.

In spite of earning 62% more in salary than the parents of the kids who trust their children to these “teachers,” we find that:

The city is being bled dry by the exorbitant benefits packages negotiated by previous elected officials. Teachers pay only 3 percent of their health-care costs and out of every new dollar set aside for public education in Illinois in the last five years, a full 71 cents has gone to teacher retirement costs.

Did you hear that?  There’s no room in the education budget for stuff like BOOKS because 71 cents out of every single dollar that goes to education in Chicago ends up in the bloated Chicago teacher pension system.

Do you know what Illinois’ unfunded pension liability is?  Well, that wasn’t a fair question, given that NOBODY does.  But it was estimated at $210 BILLION going on a year and a half ago.

Fellow überliberal California’s unfunded pension anvil that is queued over our collectivists heads is estimated at $500 billion.  And we can’t even figure out how to pay 1/20th of that!

When these blue states implode they will take the rest of America down the toilet drain and into the sewer right along with them.

Your child CAN’T have any educational resources.  Because we’ve got vile liberals running the system in so many of these big cesspool-cities and they take care of themselves at the peoples’ expense year after year even as they demonize Republicans whose “crime” is wanting to break these damn unions.

Where are public school teachers putting their own kids?

In Philadelphia, 44 percent of the teachers put their children in private schools; in Cincinnati, 41 percent; Chicago, 39 percent; Rochester, N.Y., 38 percent. The same trends showed up in the San Francisco-Oakland area, where 34 percent of public school teachers chose private schools for their children; 33 percent in New York City and New Jersey suburbs; and 29 percent in Milwaukee and New Orleans.

Michael Pons, spokesman for the National Education Association, the 2.7-million-member public school union, declined a request for comment on the study’s findings. The American Federation of Teachers also declined to comment.

Public school teachers told the Fordham Institute’s surveyors that private and religious schools impose greater discipline, achieve higher academic achievement and offer overall a better atmosphere.

Across the states, 12.2 percent of all families — urban, rural and suburban — send their children to private schools,” says the report, based on 2000 census data.

In Chicago, 39% of public school teachers get their kids the HELL out of public school hell, which is 220% higher than the rate of non-public teachers.  If that doesn’t scream how bad the public school system is and scream that public school teachers recognize it more than anybody, you are too deaf to hear ANYTHING.

These Chicago teachers are simply godawful.  You could literally argue that by striking and refusing to teach the children, they might actually be doing the kids a service.  Because they’re just that bad at their jobs.

But damn it, they are liberals, they are Democrats, they are bureaucrats.  And that means they are bloated leeches sucking taxpayer money like the parasites that liberals are.

They actually had the balls to turn down their noses at a SIXTEEN PERCENT PAY INCREASE.  When non-union-government-school-teacher families are count themselves lucky to get ZERO raises if they just HAVE a job.  So these pathetic failing teachers who frankly should have their asses fired so they can finally understand reality are demanding that they get MORE pay and benefits while demanding that they NEVER be held accountable for their failure to teach our children.  Which is another way of saying they are PERFECT DEMOCRATS.

And, of course, their “official position” is just a meaningless posture of lies.  This is what they REALLY demand:

In public, the Chicago Teachers Union uses generalities to describe its demands, with the union president, Karen Lewis, saying the teachers want a “fair contract.” But according to one senior Chicago official with direct knowledge of the negotiations with the union reps, “Their public rhetoric has almost nothing to do with what’s happening at the table.” Media accounts indicate that the city’s latest offer was to raise teacher pay 16% over the next four years, but the senior city official and other sources with knowledge of the negotiations say the union demanded raises that would amount to at least a 35% salary increase over three years as well as guaranteed jobs for any teachers who get laid off as Chicago’s schools downsize. The city does not have that kind of money, and other changes the union is demanding would essentially render meaningless a new law in Illinois that mandates improved teacher evaluations there.

Rahm Emanuel has already caved.  He’s already offered them the keys to the business.  Only union teachers don’t just want the keys to the business; they’re demanding the entire damn BUSINESS DISTRICT.  It’s ALL or bust.

To be a Democrat is to be an entitlement pig.  It is to demand a society in which they get more at somebody else’s expense.

Illinois is already the worst deadbeat state in the country.  Ordinary residents (i.e., that’s people who DON’T belong to a government union) are getting I.O.U.s from the state to the tune of millions of dollars being stiffed while the teachers unions fight for the entire farm.  Watch this 60 Minutes video if you don’t believe what I’m saying.

It’s just like what Obama just did to welfare (as the Government Accounting Office has stated for the record): these people don’t want to be held accountable; they don’t want to work.  They want to be able to keep collecting more and more and more because they were able to force somebody else to pay for it.

Under Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s leadership, overall crime in New York City fell 57%, murder was reduced by 65%, shootings dropped 72% and New York was recognized by the F.B.I. as the safest large city in America for five consecutive years.  Under Democrat Obama thug Rahm Emanuel, the exact opposite has happened.  The murder rate is skyrocketing so fast under liberalism that it is beyond crazy.  Just don’t let those kids work in a Chick-Fil-A; better that they embrace gangbanging instead.

The only thing that Chicago public school teachers seem to be able to teach is that if you tilt your gun sideways, it looks cooler when you’re shooting bullets into a crowd.  And they think they should get a raise for that success.

When you vote Democrat, you vote for more stupid and more evil.  And you’re going to get plenty of both if you get four more years of Obama.

Update, 9/11: Obama promised that he would walk the picket line of any union that went on strike in 2007 “as president of the United States of America”:

I hope Obama finds those shoes and actually fulfills JUST ONE promise he made and walks that picket line. So the American people can see once for all that Obama stands with the rabid union agenda and against America’s children.

Get out there and WALK for your fellow Marxists like you cynically promised, Obama.  Let us see you for the radical and rabid community organizer you truly ARE.

Ten Stories Showing Why Government Unions Are Just Really, Really Bad For America

December 1, 2011

The Democrat Party has become profoundly un-American.  But hey, don’t believe me – believe Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who presumably understood the Democrat Party as it used to be.

Government unions are the worm-ridden heart and cockroach soul of the modern Democrat Party.

And Jarrett Skorup  provided ten examples showing how and why that’s a seriously bad thing for America:

10 Stories Showing Why Mandatory Government Collective Bargaining Is Counterproductive
By Jarrett Skorup | Nov. 29, 2011

“All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations.”

– Franklin Delano Roosevelt

In an email conversation leaked this past week by the left-leaning advocacy group Progress Michigan, Mackinac Center senior legislative analyst and CapCon commentator Jack McHugh wrote, “Our goal is (to) outlaw government collective bargaining in Michigan, which in practical terms means no more MEA.” Despite wariness of public-sector unionization by progressives like President Franklin D. Roosevelt and former AFL-CIO union leader George Meany, the statement kicked up a storm, generating at least two press releases from groups that favor forcibly unionizing workers.

Regular readers of CapCon know that we have provided extensive coverage of government employee unions and the results of the policies they have put into place. The following is a list of the top 10 stories we have covered in the past year directly relating to the unionization of government employees or the results of policies advocated by public sector unions.

  • Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Health Care Money”: Robert and Patricia Haynes take care of their two adult children, who are stricken with cerebral palsy. The children receive Medicaid money from the government in which the state takes out hundreds of dollars per year to send to the Service Employees International Union, which is a government employee union. Robert says the union does “nothing” for them. “We take care of our kids at home,” Haynes continued. “There aren’t any working condition issues. There are no raises to negotiate. There aren’t any union issues involved. But the money keeps being taken out of our checks anyway.”
  • Occupy … Government Union Offices?”: In Michigan, public employee salaries have risen 23 percent over the past few decades while private-sector wages have decreased by 20 percent.
  • Taxpayers’ K-12 Money Diverted to Union Business”: Statewide, 39 school districts pay out several million dollars per year to teachers who spend at least half of their time on union business.
  • 31 Gym Teachers Earn More Than Town Police Chief”: In Utica, the fire chief earns $73,440 and the police chief earns $79,000, but they are trumped by 31 physical education teachers from the local school district. The district closed four elementary schools while facing a $33 million deficit, but the vast majority of its gym teachers earn more than $80,000 per year in salary alone.
  • Troy Gym Teacher Pay Trumps Nationally Recognized Science Teacher”: Since most public school district union contracts act as a one-size-fits-all, teachers are paid based on longevity and degree level, not on how well they do their job. In Troy, this means that seven gym teachers make more money than Rebecca Brewer, an AP biology teacher honored as the ING national Innovative Teacher of the Year.
  • Royal Oak Schools: Buses Or Cadillac Health Care?”: The district eliminated bus services for students, saving $593,162 per year, but could have saved $894,707 by simply ensuring that employees pay 20 percent of their own health care costs. Taxpayers continue to pay 100 percent of the premiums for teachers’ health care.
  • Ten Total Fires and $30K in Average Overtime”: Superior Township firefighters were all paid more than their supervisor thanks to hefty overtime pay.
  • Average Lansing Teacher Missed 3.5 Weeks of School Last Year”: In the Lansing School District, the average teacher was absent 17.6 days during the 2010-11 school year. By comparison, LSD students can face legal action by the district if they accumulate more than 10.
  • Less Than 0.001 Percent of Tenured Teachers Fired Over Past Five Years”: Allegations of kissing students, head-locking children, sexual misconduct, drug use and distributing alcohol to minors was not enough to keep Michigan school districts from paying out millions to get rid of problem teachers in the past five years because of strict union-backed tenure rules.
  • Four School Districts Spend $525K in Attorney Fees Trying to Remove Four Tenured Teachers”: L’Anse Creuse Public Schools spent $158,522 from 2008-2010 to remove one tenured teacher. Swartz Creek Community Schools has spent $140,525 so far in an ongoing case to remove a teacher. Farmington Public Schools spent $116,830 to discharge a teacher in 2009. Mt. Morris Consolidated Schools has spent $109,000 removing one teacher.

In a Weekly Standard piece by professors Fred Siegel and Dan DiSalvo titled “The New Tammany Hall,” the problem of public employee unions is described:

Unlike private sector unions, the sheer number of workers represented is not the linchpin of [the public sector unions] influence. Private sector unions have a natural adversary in the owners of the companies with whom they negotiate. But public sector unions have no such natural counterweight. They are a classic case of “client politics,” where an interest group’s concentrated efforts to secure rewards impose diffused costs on the mass of unorganized taxpayers.

Michigan Capitol Confidential stories from this past year contain many examples of why government employee unionization is inherently corrupting and can result in a quid pro quo between the employees (the union) and the employer (the government). If government unions want to know why we feel their organizations can be a problem for Michigan taxpayers, they don’t need leaked emails: They should just read CapCon.

You show me a unionized industry today, and I will show you an industry that has either vanished like the Dodo bird or gone bankrupt.

Which is to say that a unionized America is a bankrupt America.  Oh, and a socialist and Marxist un-American America, while we’re at it.

Company Takes On SEIU Anti-Business, Anti-Job Extortion

March 22, 2011

the Largest Food Service Company in the United States is suing SEIU for extortion under RICO (Racketerr Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act).

I have to admit, I prefer the Redstate article title to my own: “Sodexo Slaps SEIU Cockroaches With RICO Suit.”

Services Leader Seeks to End SEIU’s Campaign of Extortion

GAITHERSBURG, Md., March 17, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ – Sodexo USA today filed a civil lawsuit against the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and other defendants under the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, to stop the illegal campaign of extortion that the SEIU has been waging in the U.S. for over a year.

“This is about protecting the Company’s business and the rights of our employees to vote freely about union representation,” said Robert Stern, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Sodexo USA.  “We work constructively with unions every day but the SEIU has crossed the line by breaking the law. We will not tolerate the SEIU’s tactics any longer. Their campaign jeopardizes our Company and our employees’ jobs, and ultimately would rob our employees of their right to vote.”

Sodexo USA has filed the lawsuit seeking to halt the SEIU’s extortionate threats and barrage of unlawful tactics. The complaint alleges acts of SEIU blackmail, vandalism, trespass, harassment, and lobbying law violations designed to steer business away from Sodexo USA and harm the company.

Sodexo USA recognizes the value of union activity and has built positive relationships with more than 30 different unions.  Over 15 percent of Sodexo USA’s workforce is unionized, which is more than twice the national average for the private sector, and the Company has more than 300 collective bargaining agreements.  Despite this positive record, the SEIU has engaged in a vicious campaign to force the Company into broadly recognizing the SEIU to the exclusion of other unions without allowing its employees in the U.S. to exercise their right to vote for or against the SEIU in a federally supervised secret ballot election.

The complaint alleges that the SEIU, in face to face meetings, threatened Sodexo USA’s executives that it would harm Sodexo USA’s business unless they gave in to the union, and then carried out its threats through egregious behavior, including:

  • throwing plastic roaches onto food being served by Sodexo USA at a high profile event;
  • scaring hospital patients by insinuating that Sodexo USA food contained bugs, rat droppings, mold and flies;
  • lying to interfere with Sodexo USA business and sneaking into elementary schools to avoid security;
  • violating lobbying laws to steer business away from Sodexo USA, even at the risk of costing Sodexo USA employees their jobs; and
  • harassing Sodexo USA employees by threatening to accuse them of wrongdoing.

The complaint, filed in federal court in the Eastern District of Virginia, seeks an injunction against the SEIU and its locals and executives, as well as monetary damages to be determined by the court.Sodexo, Inc. (, leading Quality of Daily Life Solutions company in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, delivers On Site Service Solutions in Corporate, Education, Health Care, Government, and Remote Site segments, as well as Motivation Solutions such as Esteem Pass. Sodexo, Inc., headquartered in Gaithersburg, Md., funds all administrative costs for the Sodexo Foundation (, an independent charitable organization that, since its founding in 1999, has made more than $15 million in grants to fight hunger in America. Visit the corporate blog at

Unions invariably talk about standing up for the “little guy.”  But nobody tears down the little guy like unions today:

But workers at the Dana Corporation Auto Parts plant in Albion, Ind., say the card check process has nearly torn the 50-person plant apart after harassment and intimidation from the United Auto Workers union forced them to a secret-ballot vote.

A union organizer came to the plant two years ago to ask employees to join the UAW because the company had signed a neutrality agreement with the union.

The meeting, however, did not go well, according to plant employee Larry Guest.

“He was using real rough language — cursing. It didn’t go over well with the women at all. There were a couple that just got up and left,” Guest told FOX News.

Employees said union representatives approached them in the break room, at the plant doors and even followed them to their cars.

“He was just like an itch that you couldn’t scratch. He just wouldn’t go away,” said employee Rita Murphy.

“After a while we realized he was going to be here morning, noon and night until he got his numbers that he needed,” said Betty Pop.

Dana employee Jamie Oliver told FOX News that she was approached at her home.

“We’re here in a little town and we’re a plant of 50 some people — you know the last thing you need is to have the union coming to your door saying I want your name,” Oliver said.

The union’s relentless approach, she said, eventually wore her down.

“When they approach you every day — every day, every day,” she said, “after a while it’s like ‘Okay. Fine. I’ll sign the card.’”

Unions have become genuinely evil.  And in point of fact, they have been evil for a very long time.  And we have just witnessed this vile behavior in Wisconsin, as the same people who constantly demonized the Tea Parties are showing that THEY are the true demons – even as the Tea Parties try to clean up the massive damage the union rioters left behind.

Right now, public school teachers (i.e., government unionized schools) are threatening an illegal strike in Michigan.  Their claim is that what the state is doing to avoid financial catastrophe will hurt children, so these union thugs want to REALLY hurt children and families by violating the law to shut down the schools so they can force their agenda.

Detroit – where much of this battle is going on – is in ruins.  Some of it looks like a war-zone; other parts have been abandoned for decades.  And these labor unions that destroyed a thriving industrial city and the life that depended on the jobs created by those industries will not stop until they have sucked the life out of every city in America.  That is the legacy of unions today.

All I can say is that if you think the SEIU’s tactics of destroying a business so they can force their union in is good for jobs, you are a serious, serious fool.

While Unions Have Manufactured Hissy Fit In Wisconsin, Scott Walker Doing EXACTLY What He Promised Voters

February 21, 2011

One thing needs to be stated from the outset: Democrats lie; they are deceitful, duplicitous people who love their propaganda and their demagoguing.

The Obama-manufactured liberal public union hissy fit going on in Wisconsin is no exception.

Two quick cases in point: teachers and union workers by the thousands are getting “sick notes” from liberal doctors.  The liberal doctors are violating their medical ethics and should have their licenses to practice medicine revoked.  These doctors are claiming in writing that they have examined these patients and found them to be ill when in fact they not only did they not.  One doctor was on video saying, “You’re sick; you’re sick of Governor Walker.”  Which is ideology, not medicine, for the record.  When doctors swear to put medicine above any other consideration such as politics.  Frankly, when the death panels come thanks to ObamaCare, it’s going to be doctors just like this putting politics ahead of their oaths.  And the teachers who are getting notes they know to be false are participating in criminal fraud.  They are abusing a crucial system – just like they have abused the collective bargaining system they’re screaming about – to take advantage of the people and literally win by cheating.  Why should any employer ever believe a doctor’s note in the future???

Second is the oft-repeated liberal lie that Scott Walker called in the National Guard to break union heads as if he’s trying to create a police state because the truth doesn’t matter to them.  Then there’s the actual facts that liberals and unions could care less about:

Gov. Scott Walker has been in communication with the Wisconsin National Guard to help run the state’s prisons should correction officers stay home in protest over proposed changes to collective bargaining rules for public employees.

But since the governor announced the news last week, his political opponents — and some media outlets — have raised the alarm over the prospect that the Guard would be used to keep protestors in line.

“No Wisconsin Governor has deployed the military against public employees as far back as the 1930s, showing just how radical the steps are that Gov. Walker is taking to consolidate his power,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now.

On Monday, Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie reiterated that the governor has asked the guard to be prepared only to help out with running the prison system. 

There is precedent for such a move. In 2003, after hundreds of prison guards called in sick to protest stalled contracts, then-Employment Relations Secretary Karen Timberlake said Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle might have to activate the Guard to staff the prisons. The measure was ultimately not taken.

You do understand that liberals are literally complaining that the Republican governor is trying to protect the people from the murderers and the rapists that unions left unguarded, don’t you?

But for all of the rabid dishonesty that characterizes the left and the unions who fund the left, Governor Scott Brown is doing exactly what he claimed he was going to do.  For example, did he say he was going to limit collective bargaining for public employees?  Scott Brown can point to their own words to affirm that he did:

“As proof that unions knew they would be targeted, Walker points to a flier circulated during last fall’s campaign by union AFT-Wisconsin that warned that Walker wanted to curb the unions’ power to negotiate.”

Now, Mr. Liberal, you’re welcome to tell me, “The unions were lying.  Governor Walker didn’t promise that.”  And I’ll just nod my head and smile and point to my opening remark you just proved for me about liberals being pathologically dishonest people.

Scott Walker ran and was elected by the people as a fiscal conservative Republican, and he is governing as a fiscally conservative Republican.  He is doing exactly what he promised he would do.

In 2010, in angry reaction to the despicable and immoral governing of Democrats at all levels, Republicans won the largest landslide victory of any party in any election since 1928.  Wisconsin threw out Democrats and embraced Republicans and Republican policies.

There is a group of people who don’t care about that.  Given the deceit and fraud and abuse of democratic institutions (such as the 14 Democrats who literally fled the state rather than show up and simply VOTE), there are people who don’t care about the will of the people or about democracy.  You tell me, which sounds more “democratic” to you: trying to hold a vote by the representatives of the people, or trying to prevent the representatives of the people from being able to hold a vote by refusing to participate in a vote which your duties as a representative of the people require you to participate in???  And yet Democrats are literally saying that undermining the clear will of the people and undermining the democratic process of voting is their idea of “democracy.”  It is disgusting and despicable, and Democrats are disgusting and despicable for tolerating this un-American behavior.

 Liberal public sector union workers want their taxpayer-funded feeding troughs and they want their taxpayer-funded benefits that are far in excess of any private sector counterparts.  Even though its the private sector that pays the taxes to fund the public sector.

Public sector unions get TWICE the wages and benefits of any private sector counterpart – you know, the folks whose taxes pay for all the useless public union bureaucrats in the first place.  And then those public sector unions turn around and feed the Democrat Party machine to keep the “spend America into bankruptcy” system going.  The crisis that is going to bankrupt America is the massive unfunded union pensions that are now bankrupting one city after another, one county after another, one state after another.

Unless the people are smart enough and care enough about their children to stop them.

Need Proof Democrats Are Un-American? Just Look At Wisconsin And Count The Ways

February 18, 2011

You should be calling them “fascists”; but you probably always hear them described as “Democrats.”

These Democrats and the big unions that dwarf any other special interests (most definitely including the “evil” Republican special interests you always hear about in the news) are as un-American as Marxist pie.  But you won’t ever hear how or why unless you go outside the mainstream media propaganda.

Let’s count the ways.  Just in Wisconsin, and just over the last few days:

1) Even liberal FDR said that the public-sector labor unions that now dominate the Democrat Party are essentially un-American.  Why?  Because – and this according to FDR – the very actions that unionized public employees are right now performing in Wisconsin are “unthinkable and intolerable.”

Government unions should not exist.  It is immoral and un-American.  When someone takes government employment, they have – and this again according to FDR – “the obligation to serve the whole people, whose interests and welfare require orderliness and continuity in the conduct of Government activities.”  What are these liberal Democrat public sector union employees doing instead?  Again, allow me to quote FDR:  they seek ” to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government until their demands are satisfied.”  Which FDR said, again, was “unthinkable and intolerable.”

The employer of the government employee, again according to FDR, is “the whole people.”

But liberals don’t give a damn about the whole people.  They have split America apart one racial group at another’s throats, one income level at another’s throats, and privileged union employees at the throats of fed-up taxpayers.  Unions have been feeding off taxpayers – who get a fraction of the wages and benefits the privileged union pigs get – for decades.  Government employees earn TWICE the wages and benefits of their counterparts in the private sector.  But Democrats don’t care: they view the private sector and everyone who works in it as evil cash cows who are to be exploited and impoverished.

The eyeball-deep-in-red-ink state of Wisconsin is trying to get public union pigs to accept a benefit system that is still TWICE as good as virtually any privat sector employee.  And at the same time begin to brind under control the out-of-control collective bargaining agreement to bring it more in line with other state government and federal government workers’ bargaining powers.

Labor unions are an inherently socialist project.  Consider the words of the Marxist author who makes the one identical to the other:

“The object of the labor movement is to increase the strength of the proletariat to the point at which it can conquer the organized force of the bourgeoisie and thus establish its own supremacy.”

And, of course, that is EXACTLY the object of the labor movement.  Which is EXACTLY un-American.

Obama has come out and made a statement about how wonderful government unionized workers are.  But he’s a liberal ideologue and an evil man.  If you asked Democrats like FDR or John F. Kennedy – who famously said the opposite of what these rabid government unions are doing: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” – and you learn the truth.

The Democrat Party of today is a depraved and un-American entity.  And if you support it and/or vote for it, you are un-American.

2) Consider the people who are out on the streets rioting against the representatives of the people instead of at their jobs serving the people:

February 17, 2011
Thousands of Union Protesters Storm WI State Capitol; Target Homes of GOP Lawmakers

As four game wardens awkwardly stood guard, protesters, scores deep, crushed into a corridor leading to the governor’s office here on Wednesday, their screams echoing through the Capitol: “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Behind closed doors, Scott Walker, the Republican who has been governor for about six weeks, calmly described his intent to forge ahead with the plans that had set off the uprising: He wants to require public workers to pay more for their health insurance and pensions, effectively cutting the take-home pay of many by around 7 percent.

“Target homes”???  How would you like it if me and a few thousand of my thuggish rightwing friends “targeted” your home?  You know, while the people who were supposed to protect you stood by and did nothing because they happened to be rightwingers too?

This kind of vile crap happens more often than you’d think, and it is nearly always vile leftwing slime doing it.  Here’s the story of 14 busloads of “AstroTurf” SEIU mobsters screaming around the home of a bank officer while his terrorized son locks himself in a bathroom and calls his helpless father in tears of terror.  Good old unions.

Don’t forget this fact for a nanosecond: there is a century of genuine evil in the labor union movement.  These are truly bad people with a truly bad agenda.

I’m looking at the screaming mobs of liberal Democrats in Wisconsin and it is impossible to tell them apart from the screaming mobs in Egypt and Yemen and Tunisia.  You know, the “peaceful,” “democracy-loving” Muslims who have repeatedly beaten reporters and in fact gang-raped a CBS correspondent while shouting “Jew!  Jew!”

Oh, are you a liberal who wants to argue with me that there’s no connection between this gang rape and liberals?  Think again.  And don’t tell me that nothing would make you happier than hearing that Sarah Palin got the same treatment.  Because that’s just the kind of moral filth you people are.

3) Consider the activities of elected Democrats.  Suffice it to say by way of introduction that Democrats are fine with the Amerian political process, as long as they can win by any means possible:

Wis. lawmakers flee state to block anti-union bill
By SCOTT BAUER Associated Press © 2011 The Associated Press
Feb. 17, 2011, 9:48PM

MADISON, Wis. — Faced with a near-certain Republican victory that would end a half-century of collective bargaining for public workers, Wisconsin Democrats retaliated with the only weapon they had left: They fled.

Fourteen Democratic lawmakers disappeared from the Capitol on Thursday, just as the Senate was about to begin debating the measure aimed at easing the state’s budget crunch.

By refusing to show up for a vote, the group brought the debate to a swift halt and hoped to pressure Republicans to the negotiating table.

“The plan is to try and slow this down because it’s an extreme piece of legislation that’s tearing this state apart,” Sen. Jon Erpenbach said.


With 19 seats, Republicans hold a majority in the 33-member Senate, but they are one vote short of the number necessary to conduct business. So the GOP needs at least one Democrat to be present before any voting can take place. Once the measure is brought to the floor, it needs 17 votes to pass.


The sergeant-at-arms immediately began looking for the missing lawmakers. If authorized, he can seek help from police.

Senate rules and the state constitution say absent members can be compelled to appear, but it does not say how.

“Today they checked out, and I’m not sure where they’re at,” Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said. “This is the ultimate shutdown, what we’re seeing today.”

And, yes, the police are looking for these criminals – which is an excellent way to describe “Democrats.”  But these un-American cowards who want to warp the democratic process are likely in another state.  Because they don’t give a damn about the state they were foolishly elected to serve.

There may have been a time when one could have been an honorable Democrat.  But those days are just long gone.

There was an election in November.  The citizens of Wisconsin voted for a Republican governor and a Republican legislature precisely to protect them against vile union pigs.  Unions have despicably taken advantage of their “collective bargaining” to give themselves wages and benefits that are bankrupting most of the states in the union.  There is a democratic process; it involves showing up, saying your piece and voting.  Democrats – like the Nazi fascists of the past and the Islamofascists of today – love democracy as long as they win.  Islamists who want to impose a big-government sharia state say of democracy, “You ride it to your destination, and then you step off.”  And that’s exactly what Democrats have done here.  There’s no place in American democracy for elected officials to flee the state so that the state can’t pass legislation that the people elected them to at least vote on.  There’s no place in American democracy for employees of the government, the public teachers and the state prison guards as just a couple of examples, to refuse to show up for work.  Democrats have jumped off the democracy bus and now they are riding on the fascist train.

If you are a Democrat, you are on the wrong side.  It’s a failure of moral reasoning that you can reverse at any time.

Dare I say it?  Please start thinking right.

Liberal Unions Are Profoundly UnAmerican. Just Ask FDR.

February 18, 2011

Public sector unions love putting themselves first and the people they are supposed to serve dead last.

And yes, I DO mean “dead” last.  Unions have an interesting history of violence and murder.

Here’s the latest example of public sector unions acting like swine:

The state’s largest teachers union Wednesday night called on all 98,000 of its members to attend rallies in Madison on Thursday and Friday, which led school districts — including Madison — to cancel classes for Thursday.

“This is not about protecting our pay and our benefits,” Wisconsin Education Association Council President Mary Bell said at a press conference on the Capitol Square. “It is about protecting our right to collectively bargain.”

In an interview, Bell said her message stopped short of endorsing the kind of coordinated action that closed Madison schools Wednesday. She asked teachers who “could” come to the rally to come.

And, of course, it’s not about their bennies and their perks.  Because these dear government teachers would walk neck deep in snow uphill both ways to teach your darling children.  It’s about a sacred principle.

Yeah, right.  Just how stupid are we supposed to be?

Those wonderful public school teachers.  They don’t care if the children they’ve been misteaching for thirty years can’t read.  What’s important is their swollen pensions that are bankrupting America one city, one county, one state and one country at a time.

If they actually give a fig about the children they constantly claim they give the slightest damn about, maybe they could, oh I don’t know, TEACH THEM.

But I’m afraid that the right to collective bargaining is far more important than your little dears, good people of Wisconsin.

Among the rioting government-sector union emloyees are prison guards.  Newly elected Republican Governor Scott Walker was forced to call in the National Guard because these dedicated prison guards cared so much about the sacred right to collective bargaining for even MORE cushy government benefits that DOUBLE workers in the private sector that they abandoned their posts and put the people at risk of inmates escaping.  And, of course, being dishonest demonizers right down to the pits of their tiny shriveled little cockroach souls, the left accused Governor Walker of creating a Nazi police state for calling in the Guard.  Because, apparently, keeping murderers and rapists from escaping prison is a “Nazi” thing to do.  And letting murderers and rapists go is the virtuous thing to do, according to this despicable mindset.

Public unions and the Democrats who support them are profoundly unAmerican.

But don’t believe me.  Just ask former Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

February 10, 2010
Even FDR Was Wary of Public Employee Unions
Marc Comtois

This article by Rich Lowry and this piece in the Wall Street Journal both alluded to Franklin Roosevelt’s wariness towards public employee unions. I was surprised. So I dug around and found one source that supports this claim. In a letter to a public employee union, Roosevelt explains that, yes, they do have a right to organize, but there are some restrictions:

All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations. The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives in Congress. Accordingly, administrative officials and employees alike are governed and guided, and in many instances restricted, by laws which establish policies, procedures, or rules in personnel matters.

Well, that hasn’t really come to pass now, has it?

Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of Government employees. Upon employees in the Federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people, whose interests and welfare require orderliness and continuity in the conduct of Government activities. This obligation is paramount. Since their own services have to do with the functioning of the Government, a strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government until their demands are satisfied. Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government by those who have sworn to support it, is unthinkable and intolerable. It is, therefore, with a feeling of gratification that I have noted in the constitution of the National Federation of Federal Employees the provision that “under no circumstances shall this Federation engage in or support strikes against the United States Government.”

Interesting that he viewed strikes by Federal employees in such a way.

Public unions bargain and organize against the American people, and against their country.   Who employs them?  Who do they “collectively bargain” against?  The people, and the well-being of the people.  They seek to undermine the efforts of the government to serve the people, and instead of serving the people advance their own interests ahead of the people’s.  They make a mockery of John F. Kennedy’s famous words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

And public school unions are even worse; because not only do they bargain against the American people and against their country as they strive to screw taxpayers for still more totally unsustainable benefits while doing a truly suck job at their jobs, but they stab our children right in their minds.

Election Fraud: If You Vote Democrat, You Are A Corrupt Dishonest Cheat By Proxy

October 29, 2010

Everyone could see it right in front of them on live television.  Florida Democrat gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink was caught red-handed cheating in a debate.  Her excuse?  She blamed her Republican opponent (i.e., “blame Bush!).

Corrupt Democrat voter machine ACORN never truly dies.  It just changes its name.

In previous elections, any race that was close would be stolen from Republicans by Democrat cheating.  As Al Franken being elected on the illegally-cast votes of incarcerated convicts serves to demonstrate.

But that is no longer the case.  Now, Democrats are behind by larger margins due to their incredibly failed and incredibly fascist policies.  So they have to cheat bigger than ever before to steal elections.

There are all kinds of other examples to show that the Democrat Party is the party of cheating and corruption.

There are the strange goings-ons inside the voting machines in Nevada, which have a mysterious tendency to prompt voters to select Harry Reid.

Add to that the SEIU pro-Democrat voter-stuffing shenanigans, with clear evidence of massive fraud.

Add to that the 250 absentee ballots the Republican candidate tracked to a vacant lot.

Add to that an Ohio public high school that bussed students during school hours to vote after being given a ballot that ONLY had Democrats on it.  After which they were treated to ice cream.

Add to that the evidence in Bucks County, Pennsylvania that the Democrat candidate is flooding the voter registration office with fraudulent applications for absentee ballots.

Add to that voting machines in North Carolina which are “voting” for Democrats even when that is the exact opposite of what voters intend.  Which is simply the icing on the cake of all kinds of other fraud going on there.

Add to that Chicago, where Republicans are being disenfranchised of their right to vote by corrupt Democrat organizations.

Add to that still more corrupt Democrats in Pennsylvania who created a fictitious “Pennsylvania Voter Assistance Office” to commit voter fraud.

Add to that a public state university in Wisconsin that illegally urged students and faculty to get out and help the Democrat cause.

Add to that a woman who is literally under criminal indictment for past voter fraud with liberal A.C.O.R.N. now heading up yet another corrupt liberal voter fraud group.

Add to that Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer both illegally and immorally requesting public high school teachers to send public school kids to volunteer for her campaign.

Add to that a Democrat organization in Virginia “shocked” that their free beer in exchange for votes was actually criminal.

Add to that the woman named Gabby Mercer with the Republican “Jan Brewer for Governor” sign painted on the rear window of her car getting a big rock thrown through that window in a clear act of political intimidation.

Add to that Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee committing voter fraud at a polling place.

Add to that First Lady Michelle Obama, who had committed voter fraud in the same way.

Add to that forged ballots and illegals registering to vote for Democrats via groups such as Mi Familia Vota, Border Action, and Faith.Hope.Vote!  Which all have ties to the SEIU.

Add to that a staffer for a long-time Arizona Democrat who was caught stealing the yard signs featuring his Republican opponent (see also here for the KGUN 9 story, at least until they delete it).

Add to that illegal immigrants who are actively working to undermine the vote in Washington State for Democrats.  Even as liberal Democrat bastions such as San Fransisco are currently seeking to undermine the sanctity of citizens and the vote altogether.

Add to that Democrat states such as New York and Illinois disenfranchising military service members – who vote heavily Republican – of the right to vote in violation of the law.

Add to that campaign ads by Democrat candidates such as Rep. Alan Grayson which so shockingly and deliberately misrepresent the truth that even MSNBC are taking them to the woodshed for their gross lies.

Add to that Democrat Rep. Barney Frank, accepting campaign contributions in clear violation of his own promise from banks that his committee regulates.

Add to that the incredibly vicious and misogynist attack against Republican Christine O’Donnell, as a man was paid to smear her with allegations of a one-night stand (i.e., “feminists” despise successful conservative women).

Add to that the earlier clear election corruption by the Obama administration in offering Democrats Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff jobs not to run against candidates preferred by the regime in clear violation of the law.

Nancy Pelosi falsely promised to “drain the swamp.”  Instead, her party is swimming in it.

But it’s not just in campaigning that Democrats are pathologically dishonest frauds; it is in governing.

There was the Generational Fraud Act otherwise known as the stimulus that was sold as preventing unemployment from rising above 8%.  What is it now?

There was the “sales pitch” that promised all sorts of “shovel-ready jobs.”  The problem is that there NEVER WERE any such jobs.  And now we have the admission that there never WERE any “shovel-ready jobs” coming right out of the lying mouth of the liar-in-chief himself.

There was the “sales pitch” that ObamaCare would bend the cost-curve down; that if you liked your health plan you could keep it; that the mandates weren’t a tax; etcetera.  And every single one of those promises was just an obscene lie.

Lately we see the Obama administration playing all kinds of monkey games with the TARP program finances, according to the TARP inspector general.

That’s just the way the party behind fifty-two million dead babies rolls.  I suppose you just shouldn’t expect baby killers to be decent people.

To be a Democrat today is to support institutional cheating, fraud and lies.  If you are a Democrat, you are a despicable cheating liar by proxy.  Just embrace it.  It is what you vote for.  It is what you support.  It is who and what you are.  And shame on you.

New Jersey Teachers’ Unions Show They Like Communism More Than Common Sense

May 30, 2010

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is showing he is even more fearless and determined to fulfill his promises than he is rotund.

Liberals – the demagogues and haters in this country – are relying on a vicious ad hominem campaign of hate over Christie’s weight because mean-spirited hate and ad hominem demagogic rhetoric is all they’ve got.

Big blunder cost New Jersey teachers years of goodwill
By Kevin Manahan
May 27, 2010, 5:05AM

My father spent nearly his entire career in public relations at AT&T, so he was always dispensing advice on how to handle personal crises, big and small. And when I would come home from my high school job of stocking shelves at King’s Supermarket, complaining about some ungracious customer, he would remind me:

“AT&T spends millions of dollars trying to shape the public’s opinion of us, but it takes only one rude telephone operator to flush all that money and ruin all of my hard work. The same thing could happen at King’s.”

His lesson was clear: One bad decision, one stupid miscalculation, can wreck years of good will.

Which brings us to the New Jersey Education Association.

In an astonishing fall from grace that has taken only months, teachers have gone from respected and beloved members of the community to some of the most reviled. In a blink, they have trashed years of good will.

Once the patient darlings who nurtured our kids, teachers now look like insensitive, out-of-touch, can’t-think-for-themselves union robots who, when forced to face economic realities, clung to an insulting sense of entitlement, heartlessly sacrificed the jobs of colleagues, called the governor naughty names and used students as political pawns.

All while blaming everyone else.

At Saturday’s rally in Trenton, teachers wondered when the Earth started spinning in the other direction.

“It’s like we woke up one morning and the world had changed,” said Linda Mirabelli, a music teacher in Livingston. “We were liked and respected, and now, overnight, people have turned against us.”

How did it happen? That’s easy: One bad decision, one stupid miscalculation: An overwhelming majority of teachers refused to accept a pay freeze. They could have won taxpayers’ eternal gratitude, but instead demanded their negotiated raises and fought against contributing a dime toward budget-breaking health insurance benefits. Teachers could have pitched in, but they dug in.

They thumbed their noses at taxpayers, who have lost their jobs, had their pay cut, gone bankrupt and fallen into foreclosure. As taxpayers made less, teachers demanded more. You do that, you become a villain. Fast. It doesn’t matter how many stars Junior gets on his book report.

Teachers listened to their overpaid brain trust, the architects of this disastrous public relations strategy. Together, NJEA president Barbara Keshishian, executive director Vincent Giordano and spokesman Steve Wollmer earn more than a million dollars. Keshishian, who has been outmaneuvered by the governor at every turn, earns $256,450 annually. Giordano, with salary and deferred compensation, earned $550,203 in 2009, and Wollmer makes $300,000.

Who says you get what you pay for? Union members are shelling out a lot of money for lousy representation. They should stage a coup. Instead they joined hands at Saturday’s You-And-Me-Against-The-World rally and tried to convince each other they’re doing the right thing.

To compound the troubles, the NJEA does something stupid almost every day. They insult the governor; teachers (and administrators) let kids walk out of class to protest cuts in aid; union members refuse to give up their seats to private-school students at a hearing in Trenton.

And now the NJEA is now running TV commercials, attacking Christie (again), this time using cops and firemen for cover, hoping the public still likes those guys. The firefighters union, realizing the teachers union is now toxic, says it never would have approved the commercial, but the NJEA never asked.

NJEA leadership should have seen the backlash coming. Tenure, raises, pensions, health care benefits and an aversion toward merit pay have irked taxpayers for years. The recession ignited that anger, and no last-gasp advertising blitz will change the perception of insensitive teachers who told taxpayers to eat chalk.

So, the question is: Was it worth it?

The average public school teacher makes $63,000, and the average raise this year was roughly 4 percent, so teachers traded $2,520 for these scars, which never will heal. And because Christie and taxpayers asked only for a one-year pay freeze, it’s money teachers could have recovered next year.

Imagine how differently teachers would be perceived today if they had agreed to a pay freeze and willingly offered a few bucks toward their health policies. They’d be heroes.

Heck, we would have staged a rally for them.

Kevin Manahan is a member of the Star-Ledger editorial board.

Want to hear how the public school teachers are responding to being asked to show some responsibility to a massive financial crisis that is threatening their state with bankruptcy?  Want to see how mature and tolerant they are?

Teachers Call Christie ‘Fat F**k,’ ‘A**hole’ On Facebook
GEOFF MULVIHILL | 04/19/10 09:43 PM

HADDONFIELD, N.J. — They’re the kind of obscenity-laced schoolyard taunts that could get a student suspended.

But the target of this tirade is New Jersey’s Gov. Chris Christie – and the perpetrators are the state’s teachers, irate over his calls for salary freezes and funding cuts for schools.

In Facebook messages visible to the world – not to mention their students – the teachers have called Christie fat, compared him to a genocidal dictator and wished he was dead. The postings are often riddled with bad grammar and misspellings.

“Never trust a fat f…,” read one profane post on the Facebook page, “New Jersey Teachers United Against Governor Chris Christie’s Pay Freeze,” which has some 69,000 fans, many of them teachers.

“How do you spell A– hole? C-H-R-I-S C-H-R-I-S-T-I-E,” read another.

The rhetoric has become ever more heated as residents of most of the state’s school districts get ready to vote Tuesday on property tax levies that support district budgets. And while many of the postings are emotional, most aren’t personal attacks.

Christie, a first-year Republican governor who inherited a state in dire financial straits, wants voters to reject the proposals in districts where educators won’t agree to salary freezes for the coming school year.

The acrimony intensified last month when Christie proposed cutting state and federal aid to districts by 11 percent, calling it a way to share sacrifice as the state tries to rein in spending.

That’s when the Facebook attacks really took off. […]

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: these are the loathsome, dishonest hypocrites who have repeatedly attacked the tea party people as being hateful bigots.  When THEY’RE the hateful bigots.

How about praying for Governor Christie to die?

TRENTON, N.J. — A teacher union’s memo hinting that New Jersey’s governor should die has escalated a war of words in a state already squabbling about public schools and how much they cost.

The memo from the Bergen County Education Association to its locals reads in part: “Dear Lord this year you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite actress, Farrah Fawcett, my favorite singer, Michael Jackson, and my favorite salesman, Billy Mays. I just wanted to let you know that Chris Christie is my favorite governor.”

Christie doesn’t care.  He knows these people are vile, loathsome, and hateful, and that they are selfish, greedy, little Marxist commissars who demand that the system keep paying them top benefits in their cushy 180-day-a-year jobs even as the people reel from high taxes and unemployment.

Here’s Christie on video confronting a teacher.  It’s edited for mainline media news consumption, but Christie still manages to shine through:

I love that exchange.  Teacher: “Bitch bitch bitch, whine whine whine.”  Christie: “Then quit.”

Politico has a brief write-up of the encounter:

New Jersey GOP Gov. Chris Christie told a disgruntled teacher that if she doesn’t like the pay, she doesn’t “have to do it.”

Christie was speaking to a small crowd in a church gymnasium in Rutherford on Tuesday when the Bergen County Record caught the exchange between Kearny teacher Rita Wilson and the governor.

Wilson claimed that if she were getting paid only three dollars an hour for the 30 students she teaches, her salary would be $83,000 a year, a much higher sum than her current take.

“You’re getting more than that if you include the cost of your benefits,” Christie pointed out.

The teacher responded by saying that she has a master’s degree and that her current salary isn’t compensating her for the value of her higher education as well as her experience.

To that, the governor responded: “Well, you know then that you don’t have to do it.

What doesn’t come out of this exchange is something that Chris Christie couldn’t have known: that Rutherford teacher Rita O’Neil Wilson actually makes $86,389 a year for her 180-day-a-year job, according to the records.  Like all liberals, she lied.  Like all liberals, she couldn’t even come up with an example that actually worked to attack the already-way-too-generous system.

Stop and think about this teacher’s demented, pathologically entitlement-minded demand for $3 an hour per student.  Where in the world does this “$3 an hour per child” mentality come from???  Say that she were teaching 15 students, and then started teaching thirty: did she actually double her work load?  Does she now spend twice the time preparing her lessons?  Of course not.  This woman is making $86,000 a year for a 180-day-a-year job.  And she thinks she should collect more because of some $3 an hour per kid figure some liberal loon pulled out of her butt?  I don’t think so.

But I’d take her up on her offer and have her teach just ONE kid at $3 an hour.  Because if you should get $3 an hour for thirty kids, you should get $4 an hour for one kid.  And that way she’d only get to destroy only one kid’s life through her socialist indoctrination.  Maybe after she left New Jersey could hire a less whiny and less self-centered teacher in her place, who would actually be delighted to teach children 180 days a year for over $86 grand.

Whether America crashes and burns into a failed socialist hellhole, or whether we’re able to pull ourselves up out of a mountain of debt, is up to whether people like union teachers or Chris Christie win the day.

Sarah Palin A Pragmatist, Not The Conservative Boogeywoman

September 16, 2008

Sarah Palin, that religious nutjob who bans books, who demands that creationism be taught in place of evolution, who is determined to impose her pro-life views on society, and who is just an all around bad person who compares unfavorably to the Taliban.  That’s the Democrat’s characterization of her.

Well, as usual, liberals are revealed to be liars who viciously engage in the politics of personal destruction.

Fred Barnes has an article that is worth reading for anyone who would like to see the real Sarah Palin:

Palin the Pragmatic
Doctrinaire conservatives beware.
by Fred Barnes
09/22/2008, Volume 014, Issue 02

Conservatives are rushing to crown Alaska governor Sarah Palin as the new Ronald Reagan. And indeed there are similarities. Like Reagan, Palin has a dazzling star quality and an appeal to voters outside the conservative orbit. But there’s another likeness to Reagan that conservatives may find a bit off-putting. She governs as a pragmatic conservative–with heavy emphasis on the pragmatic.

Palin, John McCain’s vice presidential running mate, is a strong social and religious conservative. She opposes abortion and gay rights and, as an evangelical Christian, believes in a God-centered universe. But these matters are neither her top priorities as governor nor even her second-tier concerns. Her social conservatism has been muted.

Instead, her agenda since being elected governor in 2006 consists of oil and gas, taxes, and ethics reform. “Just look at the bills she put her name on,” says John Bitney, her policy director during her first year as governor. “They speak for themselves.” The bills involved a new arrangement for building a natural gas pipeline, higher taxes on oil companies, and new ethics rules covering the governor’s administration and the legislature.

Those were her major initiatives. Next on Palin’s list of priorities were maintaining the solvency of the pension program for teachers, cutting spending in the state’s capital budget, and assuring that parents who home school their children aren’t discriminated against by state regulations.

Palin has frequently voiced her support for anti-abortion bills requiring parental consent for girls under 17 and outlawing partial-birth abortions. “Alaskans know I am pro-life and have never wavered
in my belief in the sanctity of every human life,” she declared in April.

But she refused to introduce the pro-life measures in a special legislative session last spring devoted to the gas pipeline. “These issues are so important they shouldn’t be diluted with oil and gas deliberations,” she said.

Later, she declined to call a separate special session to take up the abortion bills. Her reasoning: Pro-lifers had failed to persuade her the bills could pass the state senate. Nor would she intervene to pressure two Republican senators who opposed the legislation to change their minds. Palin isn’t willing “to jump out in front of the bus on things that aren’t moveable” in the legislature, says state Republican chairman Randy Ruedrich.

Palin’s conservatism, like Reagan’s, has never been in doubt. When I talked to her last year, she described herself as “pro-business and pro-development.” The Anchorage Daily News said the spending cuts she imposed in 2007 “may be the biggest single-year line-item veto total in state history.” Of course, Palin is also pro-gun.

When she attended a governor’s conference in Washington last February and was interviewed on C-SPAN by Steve Scully, she endorsed “across the board” tax cuts because Americans “know best” how to spend their own money. Palin said she’s “committed” to making Alaska “more of a contributing state .  .  . and less reliant on the federal government.”

Her biggest task as governor has been to start construction of the gas pipeline to the lower 48 states. She tossed out the sweetheart contract her predecessor, Republican Frank Murkowski, had reached with three oil companies and negotiated a new deal with a Canadian company. The goal, she said, is “to feed hungry markets in our state, reduce energy costs, help secure the nation, [and] flow that energy into hungry markets across the nation. That’s my mission.”

Her record as governor hardly qualifies her as a doctrinaire conservative. She proposed a graduated tax on oil as the price soared, then signed a bill passed by the legislature that set the new tax rate even higher. Reagan, by the way, cut taxes in 1981 and raised them the next year.

Why did Palin push a pipeline and favor a tax hike? Bitney says the answer is simple: Alaska needs more energy as older oil fields become depleted, and the pipeline will generate jobs and revenue. As for raising taxes, Palin follows the command of the state constitution to get the maximum benefit from the state’s natural resources.

Bitney says Palin never instructed her gubernatorial staff to “go after abortion” or any other issues of concern to social conservatives. In a campaign debate in 2006, she said that both evolution and creationism should be taught in public schools. “You know, don’t be afraid of education,” she said. “Healthy debate is so important and so valuable in our schools.”

The next day she thought better of her comment. “I would not push the state board of education to add creation-based alternatives to the state’s required curriculum,” she said. But there shouldn’t be “a prohibition against debate if [creationism] comes up in class.”

As governor, Palin has appointed a commissioner of education and nine members of the state board–without applying a litmus test on creationism or evolution. And there’s been no effort, either by Palin or her appointees, to add creationism to the curriculum.

Palin’s most celebrated act of practical conservatism was killing the notorious Bridge to Nowhere in Ketchikan. She had endorsed it in a gubernatorial campaign debate, but changed her mind after being elected. By then, the project had become a symbol of wasteful spending, and the congressional earmark with money for it had been rescinded.

But the three members of Alaska’s congressional delegation–Ted Stevens, Lisa Murkowski, and Don Young–still favored the project. Their expectation was that Palin would keep it alive with federal highway funds and state money. She refused.

The anointing of Palin as the new Reagan is surely premature. Let’s say she’s a potential Reagan. Like him, Palin has focused on a few big issues, while allowing others popular with conservatives to fall by the wayside. This brand of pragmatic conservatism worked for Reagan. It’s worked for Palin too.

Sarah Palin is an incredible woman with an incredible story.  Star basketball player, hunter, fisher, beauty queen, mother of five, and top-notch politician, who is married to a rock-steady Steelworker and five time world champion snowmobiler.

And a down-to-earth pragmatist.